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DVD to DVD ok, DVD to Folder not

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    DVD to DVD ok, DVD to Folder not

    So I've used this program for years now to make the occasional dvd backup. I've now purchased a media player so I can actually put my dvds onto an external HD and watch them from there instead of searching stacks of dvds for the one I want to watch.
    Anyway, I tried to send my dvd to a folder and though it seems successful, when I go to watch the file there are occasional skips and stutters. Now, oddly enough, if I simply copy a dvd to a blank and tell the program not to delete the temp files, those temp files are just fine. It happens both with dvd to dvd5 and dvd to dvd9.
    So, I could just pop in a rwdvd and let it go through the motions and keep the temp file that's created but it would be nice just to send the dvd to a folder and be done with it. If it matters, I'm just doing the main movie as I rarely care about menus and extras anyway.
    I just wondered if anyone would have any suggestions as to why I've got problems sending my movie to a folder. As I said, it's odd that the result is imperfect but if doing a burn from a dvd, the temp files are just fine.

    Are the temp files and output files written to the same drive? This is unusual, I write everything to a folder on an external drive and have never had this problem. To determine if the folders written as a Target are actually corrupt, burn them to disc using ImgBurn and see if the disc has the same hiccups.
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      This is very weird.

      Can you try playing both folders with VLC player? Free download !!!
      "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


        Geesh, I was about to say this is pretty bizarre and I'm already in 3rd place...
        Agree with my comrades...please select your temporary directory as Target (the file location for your rip) and use VLC for playback.
        Let us know what happens
        If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

        You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


          Forgive me, but I wasn't ready for such quick responses (though I'm grateful) and it's very late for me so I'll go through various suggestions in the morning.

          What I did try quickly (as it only takes 8 minutes) was to rip to the DVDFab default temp folder) rather than designating a new folder for the target, with the same result...skipping. I haven't tried vlc yet but that's in the plans for the morning too. I did forget to mention that I had tried to play previous attempts through my WD TV HD media player and the skips were present. And again, if I go the "normal" route of ripping DVD to a blank DVD and don't delete the temp files that are created, those temp files are usable and play just fine on the WD player and even in plain old wmp on the computer. There's the other thing too, as the whole point is that I'm trying to get all movies now onto some HDs and bypass burning and if they won't play through the WD media player, the fact that it may play in vlc or burn to a disc doesn't help (though that may help you to help me figure out the why's of what's going on so I WILL follow suggestions and try).

          Just so you have the whole story...
          My computer has three internal drives, one with the OS and programs, one has my files, documents, photos and so on and the third is a scratch disc (I use photoshop a lot and the scratch disc helps). DVDFab's temp files write to the second drive (where docs and so on are stored) and that is also where I had chosen as my target for a straight DVD to Folder route as well.

          Again thanks for the replies and I'm sorry I wasn't prepared for the quickness of them but I'll get on these as soon as possible and will report back.


            Honestly, I would be using MKV files for the WD player.
            "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


              OK it is probably the WD TV that is causing these skips and such. Are you able to tell the WD TV box what file to open that is located in the folder? The first ifo file in the Video TS folder is what controls all the vobs during playback. Have you tried saving as iso as I do believe the WD TV can play iso as well and this may just fix the problem for you


                I appreciate everyone helping here and let me bring it up to date and hopefully I'll address all responses.

                Again I tried saving the movie to folder (used drop down to choose dvdfab-temp as target) with the same results. I viewed this with wmp and vlc (very nice) with the same results (occasional skips in sound and video). I tried burning it to disc and played it back and skips are still there. I had previously tried saving as iso but WD (maybe others but I have WD HD tv) doesn't play them.

                I appreciate everyone not thinking I'm making this up as it's odd and truly doesn't make any sense. As I said before, if I were to do a normal rip and burn, the temp files created are pristine and play fine with wmp, vlc, and the WD player (sees folders and files just fine and plays without a hitch). In the end, so I have to pop in a rw and wait till it burns and I keep the temp files...not a big tragedy. It's not as if I haven't the ability to save the movie at all.


                  Yup, nobody thinks you're making this up just because it doesn't make any sense.
                  (I swear this stuff is like voodoo sometimes).

                  How long has this playback stuttering/skipping been happening?
                  Again, I can't quite connect the dots as to how/why, but has this been occurring with multiple versions of Fab 7?...Fab 6?

                  Once you have intact files, I'd seriously consider GregiBoy's suggestion and look at converting these files using DVD to Mobile.
                  You'll be amazed at the quality and gain in hdd space.
                  He sure made a believer out of me.

                  Here are 2 excellent profiles...courtesy of GregiBoy.
                  (You can find these and others in the Mobile subforum).


                  GadgetKings.E8HD.H264.Audiocopy.xml .txt
                  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                  You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                    Dang little gremlins
                    Anyway, this stutter problem is something I haven't noticed as when I go from DVD to a burn, the burn plays fine. The temp files are automatically deleted.
                    I've only noticed the stutter now (ver.7 never tried in ver.6) because I've tried doing a DVD to folder instead as I now only need the _ts folders in order to play through my media player as opposed to always doing a burn till now.

                    Funny you mention the DVD to Mobile as I've tried those and again I've gotten stutters. Unfortunately I tried them going from DVD and not from a file and I can't try now as my trial has ended. I would expect from the "good" files it probably would have worked.

                    I do have a Roxio program that will let me convert to other formats and it does so just fine.

                    There's just something about going from DVD to a folder that it doesn't seem to like. As I said, at least I have a workaround and I'll cross my fingers that the next update will make something click in my computer that's not quite "clicking" right now.


                      I want to really clarify something here.

                      How are you attempting to play this folder? If you are just playing the VOB files, you will always get a stutter between VOB files.

                      Please try this.

                      Instead of ripping to a folder structure, rip to a Main Movie only ISO file. This will create one file which contains the DVD structure and the WDTV supports playback of these.

                      Play it with the WDTV and with VLC media player and report back the results.
                      "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790

