Hi. Just wondering, is there any way to delete a chapter in an .iso that i've made?
what I'm trying to do is make .iso's of all my TV shows and put them onto an external hard drive. I want delete the opening and ending credits of the shows because they play every time a new episode starts. Basically I'm trying to make a duplicate of my dvd's as small as possible without losing any quality.
One more Question Why is there not the same amount of options for "Bluray copy" as there is "DVD copy"?
what I'm trying to do is make .iso's of all my TV shows and put them onto an external hard drive. I want delete the opening and ending credits of the shows because they play every time a new episode starts. Basically I'm trying to make a duplicate of my dvd's as small as possible without losing any quality.
One more Question Why is there not the same amount of options for "Bluray copy" as there is "DVD copy"?