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Read Error Copying "The Maxx" Disc 2

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    Read Error Copying "The Maxx" Disc 2

    I recently picked up "The Maxx" from Amazon, a two-disc set. I had no problem in backing up the first disc, but the second disc either causes HD Decrypter to hang (UI becomes unresponsive and stops refreshing) or, if I can get past that, tons of read errors pop up.

    I tried both enabling and disabling PathPlayer. When PathPlayer was enabled, the UI would hang during the initial analysis phase, before I could even start the copy process. When PathPlayer was disabled, I could get past the initial analysis but about 30% into the copy read errors would pop up and eventually I got "Task_1 failed! Error=102()"

    On the Amazon page it says "This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media... This disc is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives." I don't know if HD Decrypter can get around those sorts of issues or not, but I think that's the majority of my problem.

    I've tried in two different computers, both with the same result.


    2010-10-15 08:54:43	----        	******************** Log session stop  15-Oct 08:54:43.304 PID 1852********************
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	Current Drive selected : 2:1:0 - Optiarc DVD RW AD-7581S 4H03 [D] (Ide)
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	Using Advanced SPTI interface
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	System default language : English (United States)
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	User default language   : English (United States)
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	DLL Version :
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	DLL : C:\Program Files\DVDFab 8\vso_hwe.dll
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	Version : 8, 0, 2, 4
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	ExeName : C:\Program Files\DVDFab 8\DVDFab.exe
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	Info        	OS : Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Build 2600: Service Pack 3)
    2010-10-15 08:54:26	----        	******************** Log session start 15-Oct 08:54:26.402 PID 1852********************
    08:56:22: Analyzing of DVD started
    08:56:24: Analyzing of DVD completed successfully
    08:56:24: Copy process started
    09:09:59: Task_1 failed! Error=102()
    DVDFab (2010/10/15  08:54:46)
     0m 00.21s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
     0m 32.84s: detected dvd
     0m 32.90s: drive D
     0m 32.90s: dvd type 1
     0m 32.90s: volume label DVDVIDEO
     0m 38.48s: got copyright 1 40
     0m 40.17s: got udf/iso
     0m 41.78s: got discinfo
     0m 41.78s: pathplayer disabled 0
     0m 42.60s: got dvdinfo

    Your getting a read error for the DVD. That means it a bad disc and not able to copy. Does it play with no problems? I ask because the amount of errors you say that pop up would mean the disc is defictive and will not play properly if watched on DVD Player.

    You also said theya re made on Demand using DVD-r discs. That means that they keep one original DVD and make copies to sell so check the playing side of your DVD and see if it is purple. If it purple then it a copy and not original pressed DVD as originals are silver on the playing side


      It plays fine in a standard, non-computer DVD player, so the disc isn't defective. Works great in my PS3 too.

      You are right in that the disc is purple, and, thus, a copy. Can HD Decrypter not handle those sorts of discs? I haven't ever encountered them before so I've never run into this issue.


        If this is one of the studio "classic" releases, they are on DVDRs. Lots of people have had playability problems with them. The volume name ("DVDVIDEO") is unusual.

        //EDIT// This is from the amazon page:

        This disc is expected to play back in DVD Video "play only" devices, and may not play in other DVD devices, including recorders and PC drives.

        I think they will need to see an actual copy of this to fix it, but you should let it analyze and then click on the Send Info files button on the info page. Include a link to this thread in the comments area at the bottom.
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