I tried to encode my movies into MP4 and using 2-pass encoding but it wasn't working. The resulting file could not be played back in Windows Media player and Quicktime (windows and mac).
I'm publishing my solution while an official fix make it through the product.
Use this if you're currently experiencing the issue and your desperate to get it working. I don't notice any side effects and won't harm the application in any way.
2 Ways to make it work:
First method
In your DVDFab directory (located under Program Files), create a new file under the DVDFab\profiles2 directory and name it : mp4.h264-luc.aac.xml
paste this
just restart DVDFab, and after selecting MP4, you should see this new profile coming up in the list. Edit it and select 2-pass and it will work.
Method #2
Do a bluray rip of your movie with the MKV.remux profile, it will create a perfect copy. Once you're done, select DVDFab Video converter menu and select your .MKV file as the source. Choose MP4 as the target but use the generic.mp4.h264.aac profile. Edit it and choose 2-pass.
this method is longer but doesn't involve the creation of the file in the method #1.
Both methods were tested un with software and cuda enabled.
I'm publishing my solution while an official fix make it through the product.
Use this if you're currently experiencing the issue and your desperate to get it working. I don't notice any side effects and won't harm the application in any way.
2 Ways to make it work:
First method
In your DVDFab directory (located under Program Files), create a new file under the DVDFab\profiles2 directory and name it : mp4.h264-luc.aac.xml
paste this
<profile name="mp4.h264.luc.aac" type="5" version="300" device="mp4" tag="dvdfab,default" description="The profile is used to create mp4(h264 + aac) file, which can be played on PC or supported device."> <common> <file format="mp4"/> <device channel_ability="2" /> <audio copy="0" codec="aac" channel="2" > <freq value="48000" list="8000,12000,24000,32000,44100,48000" /> <bitrate value="96000" list="48000,64000,96000,128000,160000,192000,256000,320000,448000,512000" muti_value="/1:96000/2:96000/6:448000/"/> <volume percent="100" /> </audio> <video> <size list=""/> <encode codec="h264" fourcc="H264" bitrate_kbps="1000" maxbitrate_kbps="15000" > <mode value="real_time" list="real_time, high_quality" /> <x264 preset="x264_MP4.preset" /> </encode> </video> </common> <acodec name="faac"> <common profile="1" quality="100" /> </acodec> <vcodec name="h264" /> </profile>
Method #2
Do a bluray rip of your movie with the MKV.remux profile, it will create a perfect copy. Once you're done, select DVDFab Video converter menu and select your .MKV file as the source. Choose MP4 as the target but use the generic.mp4.h264.aac profile. Edit it and choose 2-pass.
this method is longer but doesn't involve the creation of the file in the method #1.
Both methods were tested un with software and cuda enabled.