This is a condensed version. The full version is too verbose and would
probably get noticed by the moderator police
Anyway - my format of choice is mkv. However, I now have enough toys
that I need one format to rule them all. The tipping point was the iPad and
being able to use AirVideo with the apple HDMI dongle. And yep - the largest
display is 1080 and hasn't been networked (yet). When it is, I don't even
know if I'll use my wdtvlive on it.
Part of my problem stems from the fact that I WANT eye-candy, and I can
usually tell when something has been transcoded. Granted, the canned
profiles are great, but I want to tweak to get the results that will please me.
The other issue is that I need to support playback on the wide variety of
platforms in the house. And no, I don't want to make separate transcodes for
the apple side only (although I do like mkv).
I have been doing head-to-head comparisons with profiles of another product
and have noted differences. So much so that I want to use the known
settings (from the other product) and create a new profile and some new
presets. But I am completely and utterly lost with the new format.
Does anyone have any guides, tips, tricks, best practices or anything else
that might point me down the path of enlightenment?
Or am I going where I shouldn't go?
Thanks for any and ALL help!
probably get noticed by the moderator police

Anyway - my format of choice is mkv. However, I now have enough toys
that I need one format to rule them all. The tipping point was the iPad and
being able to use AirVideo with the apple HDMI dongle. And yep - the largest
display is 1080 and hasn't been networked (yet). When it is, I don't even
know if I'll use my wdtvlive on it.
Part of my problem stems from the fact that I WANT eye-candy, and I can
usually tell when something has been transcoded. Granted, the canned
profiles are great, but I want to tweak to get the results that will please me.
The other issue is that I need to support playback on the wide variety of
platforms in the house. And no, I don't want to make separate transcodes for
the apple side only (although I do like mkv).
I have been doing head-to-head comparisons with profiles of another product
and have noted differences. So much so that I want to use the known
settings (from the other product) and create a new profile and some new
presets. But I am completely and utterly lost with the new format.
Does anyone have any guides, tips, tricks, best practices or anything else
that might point me down the path of enlightenment?
Or am I going where I shouldn't go?
Thanks for any and ALL help!