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Problem with Batch Processing

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    DVD Ripper Problem with Batch Processing

    I have been sending in the automatic repair message to Fengtao for this problem, but I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem as I am.

    Every since I have started to use the new DVDfab 8.0 QT...I have been having problems with batch processing files to the AVI format.

    I have only tried the DVD option...I just got the Blu Ray and dread the same problem when I start to convert my 50+ blu Rays...

    I will attempt to select a bunch of movie/file/show and when I put more than two movies in my qeue, (besides the fact that the qeue screen keeps popping up and I have to physically shut it down) DVDFab completely crashes.

    Nothing else is being done. Nothing started, nothing else changed...just as I select more than two movies, the entire program crashes.

    I get that darn "dvdfab has crashed and please send the logs to fengtao...yada yada" msg...

    This only happens in the new Dvdfab 8.0. When I use the DVDfab 7.0 it seems to work just fine.

    Am I the only one that gets this shutdown?

    I'm seeing something similar (), though not a crash, when using the file converter option to convert an entire series e.g. to downconvert it to a mobile device, after the first 2 episodes I have to sit and repeatedly close the mobile task queue as it processes the folder.

    I don't get a crash of DVDFab, but the actual crash is probably caused by some inconsistency between DVDFab and your OS, but the trigger is that since QT the mobile task queue has become a MODAL window which means it holds control until you close it.

    The problems started for me when they first went QT, so version still works OK without the mobile task queue window butting in all the time.


      Originally posted by YoboRippr View Post
      I have been sending in the automatic repair message to Fengtao for this problem, but I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem as I am.

      Every since I have started to use the new DVDfab 8.0 QT...I have been having problems with batch processing files to the AVI format.

      I will attempt to select a bunch of movie/file/show and when I put more than two movies in my qeue, (besides the fact that the qeue screen keeps popping up and I have to physically shut it down) DVDFab completely crashes.
      Yes I get exactly the same problem, I have to have 2 versions installed, which is not ideal as they don't sit well together on the same machine. The version of QT I use which doesn't have this bug is The problem started in the versions after this one.

      I raised it in this thread, but as you can see, they don't seem to have the problem themselves. There is also nothing in the logs to indicate why it is happening. Presumably a coding problem within the product itself and they need to check the code for what they changed after



        Yeah too!..load more then one title into the q and the fab program crashes


's not just me then.
          Dave any luck with the DVDFab crew???
          FYI..I just built a new rig with Windows 7 64 bit installed. But I am having the same problems that I did when I had DVDFAB installed on my 8 year old Windows Xp 32 bit system.
          Gotta be something wrong with the program.
          This sucks, because I just bought the Blu Ray ripper as well (lifetime) and if I can't do batch, I'm gonna be irritated.
          I'm hoping that the crew fixes this problem because I love this program.
          I've already sent in the crash logs twice, but getting tired of continually having to send the reports with no response.


            Because they don't have a problem, it works fine, I suppose it won't ever get fixed!, they asked me to post logs, but to be honest there's nothing in the logs to help them. I did ask whether they used audiocopy/could they try using .mp3 for the rip, or were doing .mp3 audio. This is because a LOT of people use audiocopy (much quicker rip), but less compatibility and certainly no use for my Archos devices. I never got a reply. I have been using DVDFab for years and this problem just suddenly appeared with the release after absolutely nothing on my system had changed, it simply worked before the update, then didn't (I also always do batch rips of DVDs, so noticed it straight away). Reinstalling, cleaning registry etc.. does not fix it.

            What type of audio are all of us with the problem using?


              Audio Types

              For the record I have been trying audiocopy while attempting to batch in both xvid and h264 ...either way I can only do one at a time ...try to load two and the program crashes. Both my systems are 32 bit XP one an older single core the other is a quad cuda set up for faster encoding. Like you I too just bought the lifetime package and will be extremely annoyed if this issue is not fixed. I did have some success on my older unit by uninstalling the latest and greatest and installing an older is still recognized as never expire and seems to work.I realize it is not the correct fix but it is what i am doing to work around this annoying bug...which is hopefully fixed soon.


                I suggest you let the developers decide if there is anything significant in the log files and post or attach them. Keep sending the crash reports, the squeaky wheel gets the grease and they may find something in one of them.
                Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                  Problem appears to be fixed in On my system the batch queue no longer crashes when multiple titles are batch processed. No mention of a fix in the release notes, but it no longer crashes the queue. Might be an idea to try updating.

                  The only thing I had to do was a system restart after updating the software, but that's probably a good idea anyway.


                    Microsoft error now

                    just installed the latest and greatest...along with the create dvd freebies and now my computer errors out and needs to report to Microsoft before I can even encode a flick! Wish I had encountered this before I bought the lifetime plan!!


                      Hey, good to hear...I just updated my DVDFAB last night b4 reading your post.
                      Just started to convert all of my Blu Rays and noticed some problems, but hoping that it's because of my inexperience with the product.
                      I'm glad to hear that they fixed the problem with the batch processing. I sent in like 4 or more logs but never a response, but I hope that it helped to get them to fix it.
                      FYI...i always used audio copy with both AVI and MKV and had the crashes. Gonna try and put it through it's paces when I try and convert some of my t.v. shows that I have on dvd later on...glad that they listened to their customers...I still love this product!


                        It is working correctly now for me too with v8.1.5.8.

                        If you are having a problem installing/running the product, please start a new thread about it; that is not what this thread is about.
                        Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                        Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                          Oh boy...v8.1.5.6
                          Just installed it yesterday...will get past the choosing numerous files screens, but when I press start it crashes again..just noticed an update from DVDfab...v8.1.5.8 hope that works...
                          Crossing my fingers Signals!


                            Okay, having major issues with DVDfab...both 8.0 and the new

                            I am only doing single rips right see if it even works.
                            It starts out strong and then slows to a crawl. Went from encoding at 500+ fps to now, less than 150 fps...
                            What is going on? This just started today...anyone else having issues with the ripper??? Worked fine this morning.

                            If it doesn't get any better, I'll try and post a log (after figuring out how to do it!)


                              I'm running Vista and is working fine, have not tried the latest .9 version yet.

