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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) doesn't support

    I was using BD-ripper on an old Blu-ray movie, Disney "RATATOUILLE", It ripped to HDD with no problem!

    Then I tryed to use BD-ripper to change to MKV format, as soon as I click on start it would give me-Process Failed, I went back and tryed again, but this time I un-checked one of the Audio tracks!

    It only had 2 Audio tracks, PCM and AC3, it would work with only the AC3 Audio track! I wanted both Audio tracks, Media player supported both tracks, but I just setteled on the one track!

    Was this because the movie was old enough that PCM isn't used any more or that BD-ripper doesn't support it? Just curious!

    Post the DVDFab internal log entry for this title.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
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      BD-ripper doesn't support

      Did alot of Blu-ray copys last nite and BD-ripper to MKV, checked this morining and "RATATOUILLE" didn't even make it through Blu-ray copy!

      Tryed watching the movie before from HDD(F) and movie played, but it played chapters one after another, not all together!

      Then went to HDD(C) and tryed to watch the MKV movie from HDD and it only had 6min's of the movie!

      Both Blu-ray copy and BD-ripper said they were completed sucessfully!

      All the logs run together from each movie! I'm going to run "RATATOUILLE" through Blu-ray Copy again and will post the Log for that movie!

      Find out what went wrong with that first, why it ripped it like it did!

      Will report back with Log!


        BD-ripper doesn't support

        Here is the Internal log for Blu-ray Copy of "RATATOUILLE", tryed to play with VLC and only one chapter will play at a time!

        DVDFab (2012/05/19 15:01:08)

        0m 02.85s: GPUAccelerate: 28735
        0m 02.85s: CUDA cap: 1
        0m 02.85s: Support coreavc decode: 1
        0m 02.85s: Graphics info: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 : 4.20 : 2.1
        0m 02.85s: Qt Translator file load success
        0m 02.88s: Load config successful.
        0m 02.96s: Init profile data driver sucessful.
        0m 04.31s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
        0m 04.31s: option dvd2dvd 0 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1 filemover 1
        0m 04.31s: dvd2dvd:dvd2mobile:blu-ray2blu-ray:blu-ray2mobile:blu-ray23d:blu-ray2dvd:file2mobile:file2dvd:file2bluray:
        0m 04.47s: Config ExBar successful.
        0m 04.47s: dvd2dvd have 7 elements.
        0m 04.52s: dvd2mobile have 28 elements.
        0m 05.05s: blu-ray2blu-ray have 4 elements.
        0m 05.07s: blu-ray2mobile have 18 elements.
        0m 05.41s: blu-ray23d have 7 elements.
        0m 05.53s: blu-ray2dvd have 1 elements.
        0m 05.55s: file2mobile have 28 elements.
        0m 06.08s: file2dvd have 1 elements.
        0m 06.10s: file2bluray have 1 elements.
        0m 06.31s: Config work ui controls successful.
        0m 09.72s: Init burn engine successful.
        0m 09.77s: StartNotify successful.
        0m 20.02s: got media type 15
        0m 20.36s: got max lba 23598527
        0m 21.54s: drive D
        0m 21.54s: type Blu-ray BDMV
        0m 21.54s: volume label RATATOUILLE
        0m 22.90s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
        0m 23.68s: Java protection is removed by StealthyClone anti-protection.
        0m 23.80s: got discinfo
        0m 24.10s: got bdmv
        0m 24.12s: Vendor: PIONEER
        0m 24.12s: Product: BD-RW BDR-206D
        0m 24.12s: Revision: 1.06
        0m 24.12s: Vendor specific: 11/04/18 PIONEER
        0m 24.13s: AACS version: 1
        0m 24.13s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 1
        0m 24.13s: Supports bus encryption: NO
        0m 24.13s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
        0m 24.13s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
        0m 24.14s: got agid 0
        0m 24.22s: sent host cert chal
        0m 24.24s: got drive cert chal
        0m 24.24s: BEC 0
        0m 24.24s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0103
        0m 24.30s: got drive key
        0m 24.68s: got host key signature
        0m 24.68s: verified drive signature
        0m 24.68s: verified host signature
        0m 24.74s: sent host signature and key point
        0m 24.74s: got bus key
        0m 24.77s: got agid 0
        0m 24.84s: sent host cert chal
        0m 24.86s: got drive cert chal
        0m 24.86s: BEC 0
        0m 24.86s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0103
        0m 24.91s: got drive key
        0m 24.91s: got host key signature
        0m 24.92s: verified drive signature
        0m 24.92s: verified host signature
        0m 24.98s: sent host signature and key point
        0m 24.98s: got bus key
        0m 25.31s: got volume id
        0m 25.31s: got volume id mac
        0m 25.31s: volume id is correct
        0m 25.32s: got vid
        0m 25.49s: blu-ray 10DCDAE0623D3B75DE1072A8E337AD07AE98CD33
        0m 25.94s: cert BEE=0x00 same
        0m 26.75s: D B74AC39C
        0m 26.76s: got vuk
        0m 26.95s: got unit key 1
        0m 21.65s: got extended bdinfo
        0m 21.66s: opened blu-ray
        0m 06.77s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
        0m 06.77s: Source: D:/BDMV/
        0m 06.77s: Playlist: 1
        0m 06.77s: Chapters: 1 -> 32
        0m 06.77s: Angle: 1
        0m 06.77s: TotalSize: 27281 MB
        0m 06.77s: SourceSize: 27281 MB
        0m 06.77s: RemoveHDAudio: 0
        0m 06.77s: CompressToAC3: 0
        0m 06.77s: OutputDisc: BDMV
        0m 06.77s: OutputTarget: BD50
        0m 06.77s: OutputVideo: 1080p/i
        0m 06.77s: info: enable bd copy(mode=0)
        0m 06.78s: info: streams()
        0m 06.78s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00027.m2ts],atomic[00028.m2ts],atomic[00000.m2ts],atomic[00001.m2ts],atomic[00002.m2ts],atomic[00005.m2ts],atomic[00008.m2ts],atomic[00009.m2ts],atomic[00012.m2ts],atomic[00013.m2ts],atomic[00016.m2ts],atomic[00018.m2ts],atomic[00021.m2ts],atomic[00017.m2ts],atomic[00033.m2ts],atomic[00034.m2ts],atomic[00049.m2ts],atomic[00037.m2ts],atomic[00050.m2ts],atomic[00040.m2ts],atomic[00051.m2ts],atomic[00043.m2ts],atomic[00052.m2ts],atomic[00046.m2ts],atomic[00053.m2ts],atomic[00056.m2ts],atomic[00054.m2ts],atomic[00059.m2ts],atomic[00055.m2ts],atomic[00062.m2ts],atomic[00065.m2ts]]])
        0m 06.78s: info: processing source(00027.m2ts)
        0m 42.31s: info: processing source(00028.m2ts)
        0m 56.72s: info: processing source(00000.m2ts)
        0m 30.41s: info: processing source(00001.m2ts)
        0m 42.79s: info: processing source(00002.m2ts)
        0m 02.06s: info: processing source(00005.m2ts)
        0m 08.63s: info: processing source(00008.m2ts)
        0m 14.16s: info: processing source(00009.m2ts)
        0m 20.76s: info: processing source(00012.m2ts)
        0m 25.58s: info: processing source(00013.m2ts)
        0m 30.33s: info: processing source(00016.m2ts)
        0m 50.85s: info: processing source(00018.m2ts)
        0m 02.64s: info: processing source(00021.m2ts)
        0m 12.84s: info: processing source(00017.m2ts)
        0m 16.56s: info: processing source(00033.m2ts)
        0m 33.75s: info: processing source(00034.m2ts)
        0m 39.38s: info: processing source(00049.m2ts)
        0m 21.33s: info: processing source(00037.m2ts)
        0m 38.90s: info: processing source(00050.m2ts)
        0m 09.04s: info: processing source(00040.m2ts)
        0m 15.85s: info: processing source(00051.m2ts)
        0m 20.66s: info: processing source(00043.m2ts)
        0m 24.18s: info: processing source(00052.m2ts)
        0m 45.05s: info: processing source(00046.m2ts)
        0m 48.91s: info: processing source(00053.m2ts)
        0m 00.83s: info: processing source(00056.m2ts)
        0m 07.30s: info: processing source(00054.m2ts)
        0m 17.09s: info: processing source(00059.m2ts)
        0m 27.46s: info: processing source(00055.m2ts)
        0m 12.88s: info: processing source(00062.m2ts)
        0m 26.07s: info: processing source(00065.m2ts)

        Now when I use BD-ripper to convert to MKV, If I don't remove the PCM Audio track, it will fail automatically!, but it will convert to MKV with AC3 audio track, but only 6min's of the movie!


          As far as the PCM snafu, I can tell you that BD Ripper cannot handle PCM at all.
          It looks like you've already figured it out, but you can't use mkv.h264.audiocopy with PCM.
          You'll have to use the mkv.h264.ac3 profile instead.

          I don't have Ratatouille, but I recall there were some issues.
          Recommend you do a search on the forum.
          You might have better luck with an older version...
          If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

          You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


            BD-ripper doesn't support

            Hey MAINEMAN,
            Yes, I found that out on the PCM audio track, and went to the AC3 track! Now I'm going to "WHATS NEW" and run back to find version that worked on "RATATOUILLE", I've done it in the past and has always worked!

            I have all the offical Versions, since I started with fab, learned that from all you Great MODs back in the day! I've burned this movie before so I know one of the versions works on it, just got to find it!

            Thanks "MAINEMAN", BTW the AIOS is a great little machine!


              BD-ripper doesn't support

              Found the version for "RATATOUILLE", it was version if you go back in "Whats New", but I didn't start with FAB until V5!

              Duzz anybody know any version that can processs "RATATOUILLE", have tryed alot of older versions, but haven't worked yet! They will copy and finish, but when you try to play them it plays 1 chapter at a time!(VLC)

              Should I try another Media player? I have PowerDVD-10, but I removed it cause it kepted opening up when I used DVDFAB, and I tryed everything to stop it, auto-play ect., ect. I still have the oringal Disc!

              But if DVDFAB can't put all the mt2s together, I would think it wouldn't play with any media player!, or would it?

              Thanks for any help! Wish you could put this on the supported list! I guess its just to old of a Blu-ray!


                No problem 88, I'll send it along to you.
                I have v.4120 installed on my rig, it's one of my favorites...
                If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                  Here is the Internal log for Blu-ray Copy of "RATATOUILLE", tryed to play with VLC and only one chapter will play at a time!
                  I've tried copy main movie of "RATATOUILLE", VLC could play the whole movie well.
                  You should play the "RATATOUILLE" folder in VLC, not the "Stream" folder.

                  Then went to HDD(C) and tryed to watch the MKV movie from HDD and it only had 6min's of the movie!
                  Please post the log file which you ripper to MKV.

                  Please post your logs the default location is:
                  For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
                  For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
                  Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
                  If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



                    I meant to add...
                    I don't believe there ever was a version 4012
                    I also have 4102, but I think 4120 will work.
                    Last edited by maineman; 05-21-2012, 04:28 AM.
                    If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                    You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                      BD-ripper doesn't support

                      Well, this morning I tryed again and processed "RATATOUILLE" through Blu-Ray Copy again for the 3RD time and for some reason it copyed just fine this time!

                      Movie played all the way through without any problems, on VLC and W/doz media player! Then I ran it through BD-Ripper and it came out Great and plays all the way through!

                      Both with V8.1.8.2, no problem! Go Figure!!!!!!!

                      I'm just really confused how it couldn't do it the frist 2 times, but did it perfect this time!, but anyway I'm happy now! I think it was persidence and just pure luck!

                      Never give up! Thanks DVDFAB for your "Little Magic"

