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Ripped Track is cut in the beginning

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    DVD Ripper Ripped Track is cut in the beginning


    My DVD Ripper normally works fine. I have one DVD where the software has problems with one of the movie tracks on the DVD. 3 out of the four tracks are correctly converted. One is missing over one minute at the beginning.
    The track should be 23:15 long but the end product is only 22:03.
    When trying to merge the subtitles into the MKV using mkvmerge I get a warning that there is a time difference between the subtitles and the video.
    Also strange is that each of the 4 movie tracks of the DVD is shown twice in the DVD Ripper gui, meaning that track 3 is shown as track 5 and track 6 both exactly the same length and options. I makes no difference if I convert one or the other the result is always the same.
    I'm using version of DVDFab (but the problem is the same in all versions) and use the mkv.passthrough profile
    I attach the extract of the internal log.
    Hope someone can help me.

    Attached Files


    Is this a TV episode disc?
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      Hello Signals,

      yes it is.


        Hi jerryxp
        Open Fab click the cog wheel top right, click DVD, Path Player and make sure it is set to Always Enable Path Player.
        Hope this helps
        Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

        Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

        Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


          Hi CBR929!

          Thanks for the effort! I tried multiple combinations with and without path player and also diferent BOV an VOBU settings. The result is always the same.

          signals why were you asking id this is a TV series?
          Is there anything special about?




            Just a hunch based on the log. PathPlayer sometimes has problems with discs that have multiple short titles, which are often TV episodes, cartoon compilations or lesson discs ("How to Play Guitar" etc.).

            Try using v8 instead of v9 and post the data from the Info page. It also might work with PathPlayer completely disabled in v9.
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              The same with version 8 and pathplayer disabled.
              internal log is attached the info says (in German):
              Konvertierung ein Durchlauf (conversion one cycle)
              Vorgang erfolgreich abgeschlossen (process ended successfully)

              Attached Files

