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Crash while attempting to read BD

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) Crash while attempting to read BD

    No Strings Attached BD

    DVDFab (2015/05/28 12:16:39)

    0m 00.01s: Init Public log : enabled.
    0m 00.01s: Init Private log : finish.
    0m 00.01s: App info: 2015-5-20
    0m 00.01s: App info: 9201 Official
    0m 00.02s: Init CrashReportSettings : enabled.
    0m 00.02s: Init DVDInfo_Log : enabled.
    0m 00.02s: Init Qt_Log : disabled.
    0m 00.07s: Profile Manager :: Begin Load Profile
    0m 00.07s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 00.07s: App info: client type 2.
    0m 00.09s: MobilePlay load: preload successful.
    0m 00.13s: MobilePlay load: Load successful.
    0m 00.14s: Init process: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.14s: info: check logpath= C:/Users/xxxx xxxxxxx/Documents/DVDFab9/Log/
    0m 00.15s: info: _check_gpu is running ...
    0m 00.27s: info: check_gpu run successful
    0m 00.27s: info: recommand= 8248, Shrink support= 1, enable= 1, cuda_cap= 1 , cpu_count= 8
    0m 00.27s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate-12351
    0m 00.28s: GPU check: GPUAccelerate setting-8248, 8248
    0m 00.28s: GPU check: CUDA cap-1
    0m 00.28s: GPU check: Support coreavc decode-0
    0m 00.28s: GPU check: Lighting shrink status-1, 1
    0m 00.28s: GPU check: Graphics info 1: NVIDIA Quadro K2100M : : 3.0
    0m 00.29s: Init process: Load config successful.
    0m 00.29s: Init process: Windows os type is 64bit System Windows 7.
    0m 00.29s: Init process: command line in is
    0m 00.33s: Reg check: Parse string: ( 2:8260762964 )( 11:8260762964 )( 20:8260762964 )( 21:8260762964 )( 22:8260762964 )( 200:1373761788 )( 1:10 )( OV:9201 )( BV:9197 )( S:f2eca5b49c1b7384ab9058c76aa5b0bd )
    0m 00.34s: Reg check: Option check status-Local
    0m 00.34s: Reg check: ( HD Decrypter:1:0 )-( DVD to DVD (Gold):1:0 )-( DVD to DVD:1:1 )-( DVD to Mobile:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Blu-ray:1:1 )-( Blu-ray to Mobile:1:1 )-( File to Mobile:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to DVD:1:0 )-( DVD to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File to DVD:1:0 )-( File to Blu-ray:1:0 )-( File Mover:1:0 )-( Blu-ray to 3D:1:1 )-( 2D to 3D:1:0 )-( Blu-ray Decrypt:1:0 )-( DVD Decrypt:1:0 )-
    0m 00.34s: App info: language type ENU.
    0m 00.34s: App info: Install path C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/
    0m 00.34s: Reg check: Start get sys number.
    0m 00.34s: Export Blu-ray source information report : enabled
    0m 00.35s: Reg check: Serial number is: 00-1a-6b-0e-56-c0:32-1a-6b-0e-56-bf:22-1a-6b-0e-56-bf:00-1a-6b-0e-56-bf:f0-1f-af-4e-56-0e
    0m 00.35s: Reg check: Connect type is: 0
    0m 00.35s: Init process: Init GPU settings successful.
    0m 00.35s: connect plugin info : start.
    0m 00.59s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 01.23s: connect plugin info : 1:1
    0m 01.40s: Reg check: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 01.40s: Reg check: Parse string: ( S:20749a895f7fea8e8fc2f890016c0797
    0m 01.41s: Reg check: Option check status-NewWork
    0m 01.52s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 01.52s: Init preview: Begin init preview play engine(Internal).
    0m 02.05s: Init preview: Init internal engine successful.
    0m 02.39s: Burn engine: start init.
    0m 02.40s: Burn engine: set log folder.
    0m 02.40s: DVD: init read settings.
    0m 02.40s: DVD: init write settings.
    0m 02.40s: DVD: DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks size = 2201600
    0m 02.40s: DVD: after DVDInfo_SetDvdrBlocks
    0m 02.43s: DVD: after SetBurnEngine, Burn Type = 2
    0m 02.43s: DVD: after init write settings.
    0m 02.43s: DVD: finish init write settings.
    0m 02.44s: BD: init read settings.
    0m 02.44s: BD: init write settings.
    0m 02.44s: bd set region A
    0m 02.44s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 begin.
    0m 02.45s: Burn engine: config engine type-2 end.
    0m 02.45s: Burn engine: writer count 1.
    0m 02.46s: Burn engine: 0- D:\ [MATSHITA BD-RE UJ262 1.01 (Scsi)].
    0m 02.47s: Burn engine: end init.
    0m 02.77s: Init process: Init setting page successful.
    0m 02.78s: QtLog Mode = false
    0m 02.78s: Show UI Step 2
    0m 02.99s: Show UI Step 3
    0m 02.99s: Start show MainUI.
    0m 03.00s: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
    0m 03.50s: Init process: init main ui successful.
    0m 03.72s: Plugin Info : 1 exits flag = false plugin path = C:/Program Files (x86)/DVDFab 9/Plugins\VideoDownload.xml
    0m 03.74s: Init process: show main ui successful.
    0m 03.75s: DriveX msg: Init driveX D with I/O mode: 0
    0m 09.04s: opening drive D
    0m 09.05s: opened i/o
    0m 09.07s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    0m 09.07s: Source managerpen source flag:1,1,1,1,1
    Better a witty fool than a foolish wit


    Please post the full log file.

    Do you get the crash issue when opening all Blu-ray sources or only one?

    Please post your logs the default location is:
    For DVDFab 13: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\DVDFab13\Log
    For StreamFab: C:\Users\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\StreamFab\log
    Please use attachment button and attach your most recent, Internal log and post right here.
    If it's the burning issue, please also attach burn log.



      Are you asking for the entire contents of the dvdfab_internal.log file? The first entry is from 2013.
      Better a witty fool than a foolish wit


        That is not necessary or desirable. Use the tips linked in my sig to supply the log that Wilson requested. The log you posted looks incomplete unless it crashed after about 9 seconds.
        Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
        Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


          Originally posted by signals View Post
          That is not necessary or desirable. Use the tips linked in my sig to supply the log that Wilson requested. The log you posted looks incomplete unless it crashed after about 9 seconds.
          That's exactly what happened. I tried the BD in three machines. 1st try my Dell T7600 tower wouldn't read it. 2nd try DVDFab crashed on my Dell M4800 Laptop. Last try was on my Dell 410 HTC which wouldn't read it either. The disc was uber clean; no scratches at all. Since the two machines wouldn't read the disc there's no log for those attempts. Chalk it up to a funky disc I suppose.

          Since then I've used DVDFab with other discs without issue. Thanks for looking at the posts.
          Better a witty fool than a foolish wit


            Forgot to add...

            New file naming convention for the updates? DVDFab9200US.exe vs DVDFab9201.exe?

            Do we need to use Woookao anymore? Uninstall it?
            Better a witty fool than a foolish wit


              Correct, Fab is now supplied to all in the international version.
              Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
              Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....



                Originally posted by signals View Post
                Correct, Fab is now supplied to all in the international version.
                Does that mean that the limitations for US users have gone away and I can give up my VPN ;-)

