When I ran it through ripper it is showing en on the screen but is loading Spanish, never seen this before, any ideas. I ran a couple of other movies through ripper with no audio issue
Could be a authoring error the soundtracks for this dvd is Dolby digital 5.1 English and 5.1 Spanish.Check your settings in Fab settings for audio tracks if english is checked then english should be selected.Play the movie in the previewer once loaded into Fab does it play in english if not check mark Spanish and try it if you get english then it could be a authoring mistake by the disk company.You can then precede with the rip after finding correct soundtrack.
i actually checked the audio to be sure english was checked and it was and showed english but if i hovered over the box it showed spanish, tried clicking and unclicking every option in the audio to no avail
There is a remaining little bug in all versions of Fab 10.
When any movie title loaded in Fab that has more than just one english soundtracks or other soundtracks the english track shows up as it should if english soundtracks are set in Fab settings but if you just put the mouse over the soundtrack area in ripper or copy with a movie loaded in it but don't pull the pull down down that lists all soundtracks the soundtrack will change to a different soundtrack like Spanish even though you didn't select Spanish sound.
If you were to click on the soundtrack button you will see only the english soundtracks are checked marked.The conversion will not be effected your english soundtrack will be ripped to disk just that putting the mouse over the soundtrack box makes it show the wrong soundtrack.Even if all english soundtracks say the movie has 3 english soundtracks when you put the mouse over the soundtracks it will turn into the last soundtrack in the selection box even if not checked in the audio box pull down.Again it will not effect the rip the check marked soundtrack will rip.
Example say english 5.1 shows before the mouse is over the soundtrack area putting the mouse over the soundtrack area the pull down box with out clicking on it to see the other other soundtracks the 5.1 english will turn into what ever is the last soundtrack in the pull down it could be ac-3 english or Spanish, french what ever is last in that pull down box.This happens in any version 10 copy or ripper with any movie with more than one soundtrack.
I reported this bug before but it didn't get fixed so this may be what you are seeing if you place the mouse over the audio pull down without clicking on the pull down to see the other soundtracks.If you use the previewer you will see what plays before you do the rip.
I have tried all suggestions, I should have stated that last night I was checking it in preview, any way never got anything but Spanish tried it in 9 and it is in English so not sure if it is a disk production problem with ten but as always the support and info on this board is the best
If english is checked in the audio box go ahead and do the conversion in version 10 output to hard drive so you don't waste a disk then play it with a software player on the computer should play in english
let us know.If no post the internal log file see how in my link below.Theirs only English or Spanish soundtracks on the disk it has to be one or the other being it works in version 9 I think its the little hover bug you are seeing it doesn't happen in version 9.