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Bug in ripper 1054 32 and 64 bit versions

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    Bug in ripper 1054 32 and 64 bit versions

    There's a bug in both 1054 32 and 64 bit versions in retaining settings in 2 areas.If you set fab for no subtitles or anything else when done with Fab closing then opening Fab again Fab reverts to 1st english soundtrack it won't remember the setting you used last time also in advanced settings it reverts to direct render to video no matter your settings the last time.After you open Fab again it reverts to direct render to video.I used the mkv h265 profile custom if that makes any difference.

    The movie I tested with from store brought disk was Guardians of the galaxy vol 2 if left as Fab defaults to direct render to video with the 1st english sound track selected as fab defaults to then you get the the subtitles for the hearing impaired playing all the time even if subtitles are off in Fab player or any other software player.You must set this to direct render to video and the 1st english or no subtitles to get nothing playing on screen for sub titles.Tested with another movie on the hard drive same thing as far as fab not remembering your last settings for the 2 areas you can adjust for subtitles.This doesn't happen with a older fab version of version 10 I have on the hard drive.

    I also reported earlier that cuda and other codex info. was also lost in both versions of fab last version but after opening and closing Fab 2 times the info.on cuda and other codecs came back so seems to be some bugs that need looking into.

    Just to clarify, did you create a new profile for the extracted subs? I extract subs to idx/sub file and saved the profile as MKV.H265.10bit.Sub, and when selected (or referenced from command line) it successfully maintains the setting in advanced. I'm not sure how previous versions worked since I just started doing it this way. Did it used to remember whatever your last setting was on the preset you were on regardless of whether you saved it to a new name or not?


      No I don't use the command line nor change any file names just select normal fab settings in the pull downs for regular and advanced settings and Fab remembers the last settings used on another older version of 10 10022 I have on the hard drive.


        What are your settings for subtitles under Common Settings>Streams>Subtitles? Click image for larger version

Name:	DVDFab_2017-08-26_22-06-00.png
Views:	267
Size:	21.0 KB
ID:	340808
        The default is to select the English subtitles track. If you set this to "Do not pre-select any subtitle track", does this fix the issue for you?


          It should remember the remux/direct render choice, always did in the past.
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            No I have it set for default english and that only changes whats picked for the subtitles and does nothing for the remembering what you had set in advanced settings for direct render to video it forgets every time you set it then close and reopen Fab.
            By the way it made it worse trying what you said as I put it back to default english and now it picks none for subtitles and only remembers that now.
            This smells like a bug looks like a bug so it must be a bug besides that other versions of 10 on my hard drive don't do this they remember the last used settings with no making adjustments to ANY Fab controls so maybe moderator 90312 can have a test as his rig closely matches mine both I-7s both windows 10 both have power cuda cards.

            Signals have a test.


              Ah, I thought you wanted no subtitles, not remuxed/extracted. I only recently switched to extracted subs when I realized that it was direct rendering to the file by default. I saved a custom profile to do this though, and that definitely works. (Load a file, go to advanced settings, change it to what you want, then click Save Profile at the top and give it a name like "MKV.H265.10bit.Sub" and use that profile from then on and it'll remember your setting, or at least, it does for me.) That should work at least until they fix the bug.


                I am using a saved profile and it's not remembering my saved setting for sub titles set for remux into file it defaults to direct render to video after opening and closing Fab. I even reset a new profile and it still won't remember my setting for subs.I did get the normal settings back to pick english subs not none after resetting them maybe 6 times something wrong here.


                  Huh, that's weird. In x64, my profiles are working fine to save that setting, both when called from command line and when selected in the interface.

                  Actually, it may be x86, but it installed to the non Program Files (x86) folder for some reason. My other system still says is the latest for x64... I'll have to reinstall to figure that out though since the interface still doesn't say which version it is.
                  Last edited by Johnathon; 08-27-2017, 04:52 AM.


                    Well I remembered a trick October262 taught me when you tried everything else try a reset a button thats in advanced settings well i hit that button and all is back to normal now.It doesn't explain how this happened to the 32 and 64bit versions but it worked.Thanks to Octobers262's cure for that makes me the 5th person you helped with this trick that no one else on Fab discovered and talked about on the forum good trick october262 even my teacher here didn't teach me this setting.

