Hi, I was ripping the above titled DVD and suddenly it showed completed at successful at 23% and the DVD ejected.
Here is the text from the log:
2020.09.27-09:32:24: Guide: SetGuideMode E_GuideType_Ripper
2020.09.27-09:32:24: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
2020.09.27-09:32:26: Guide: SetGuideMode E_GuideType_Copy
2020.09.27-09:32:26: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
2020.09.27-09:32:29: Guide: SetGuideMode E_GuideType_Ripper
2020.09.27-09:32:29: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
2020.09.27-09:32:46: opened i/o type 2
2020.09.27-09:32:46: opening drive D
2020.09.27-09:32:46: opened i/o
2020.09.27-09:32:46: currentProfile: 16
2020.09.27-09:32:46: got media type 4
2020.09.27-09:32:47: got max lba 2212671
2020.09.27-09:32:47: got disc type 10
2020.09.27-09:32:47: type DVD-VIDEO
2020.09.27-09:32:47: volume label UNDEFINED
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Is Encryption 1
2020.09.27-09:32:47: DriveX msg: media open(false) success in driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: DriveX msg: add media success in driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source manager: add source id 1.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status
VD Yes, 2231-10-11, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status:UHD Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status: BD Recorder Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status: 4K Recorder Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: source_info: IsDVDDisc: D:/VIDEO_TS/
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Begin to open drivex: D
2020.09.27-09:32:47: opened i/o type 2
2020.09.27-09:32:47: opening drive D
2020.09.27-09:32:47: opened i/o
2020.09.27-09:32:47: currentProfile: 16
2020.09.27-09:32:47: got max lba 2212671
2020.09.27-09:32:48: got disc type 10
2020.09.27-09:32:48: Is Encryption 0
2020.09.27-09:32:48: internal path D:/VIDEO_TS/
2020.09.27-09:32:48: got copyright 1 c0
2020.09.27-09:32:48: key method 0
2020.09.27-09:32:49: got udf/iso
2020.09.27-09:32:49: dvd discid 2D31313938323235323433353835333934323630
2020.09.27-09:32:49: dvd disable cloud decryption
2020.09.27-09:32:49: init disc file system: 281 - 352
2020.09.27-09:32:49: server id 0
2020.09.27-09:32:50: got discinfo
2020.09.27-09:32:50: pathplayer enabled
2020.09.27-09:32:51: pathplayer tlist 0 .
2020.09.27-09:32:51: no main title, turn off pathplayer
2020.09.27-09:32:51: full disc copy/play is supported
2020.09.27-09:32:51: server id 0
2020.09.27-09:32:52: du {"R":"5","S":"0"} 5
2020.09.27-09:32:52: server id 0
2020.09.27-09:32:53: du {"R":"5","S":"0"} 5
2020.09.27-09:32:53: got dvdinfo
2020.09.27-09:32:53: opened dvd
2020.09.27-09:32:53: End open drivex: D
2020.09.27-09:32:53: Source manager: open 1 successful.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: StartSyncMetaInfoThread begin, 1
2020.09.27-09:32:53: Meta: the ownership is E_Meta_No_Owner.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: Meta: editable flag is META_INFO_EDITABLE_FLAG_NOT_FOND
2020.09.27-09:32:53: UiLog: nfo: scraper name UNDEFINED year .
2020.09.27-09:32:53: NFO: scraper Movie Data. av false.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: NFO: update Data. av false.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: UiLog: nfo: scraper Data success.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: StartSyncMetaInfoThread End, 1
2020.09.27-09:32:54: Work manager: create Converter work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1( title 0 ).
2020.09.27-09:32:54: Update meta info successfully from server.
2020.09.27-09:32:54: drivex
, playlist: 1, source.type:1, device_type:0X43c
2020.09.27-09:32:56: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video Size Original: 720 x 480
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video Size Display: 640 x 480
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video FPS: 30000 / 1001
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video Bitrate: 4786
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Bitrate: 192000
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Channels: 2
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Volume: 100
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Bitdepth: 0
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio SampleRate: 48000
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Work Profile: MKV.Passthrough
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Auto config sifps : 30000/1001
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Auto config set fps : 29.97
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
2020.09.27-09:33:20: ========OnMsgToolbar_Start========
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UI manager: switch to task queue mode.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 4 right btn 9
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: start test run work
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: run work
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: Run current Work.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: Begin Work Ripper
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: nfo: check nfo data. meta enable .
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: nfo: Fill nfo data.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: nfo: nfo type .
2020.09.27-09:33:20: Start check DVD to Mobile register status.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: End check DVD to Mobile register status: Enable
2020.09.27-09:33:20: Workcontrol: target space(103677MB), need space(4323MB)
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: start running at thread.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: opened i/o type 2
2020.09.27-09:33:20: opening drive D
2020.09.27-09:33:20: opened i/o
2020.09.27-09:33:20: currentProfile: 16
2020.09.27-09:33:20: got media type 4
2020.09.27-09:33:20: got max lba 2212671
2020.09.27-09:33:21: got disc type 10
2020.09.27-09:33:21: type DVD-VIDEO
2020.09.27-09:33:21: volume label UNDEFINED
2020.09.27-09:33:21: Is Encryption 1
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: 0x9449e40 work ctrl status 3->0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: return flag at start running at thread ok.
2020.09.27-09:33:21: OPList at DVD Converter: (480.1),(128.1)
2020.09.27-09:33:21: DVD Converter check watermark flag: 0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: ProfileScene=Theater
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: 0x9449e40 work ctrl status 0->0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: WorkControl: start user copy dvd, D.
2020.09.27-09:33:21: batch_work run(1)
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: create config(dvdpassthrough)
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: use profile(MKV.Passthrough)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: dvd playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->6)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: UILog: work status: Notify 1 1 -1 not
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream input@ Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*480) fps(30000/1001) interlace(1) duration(7280)sec opcode(copy) fmt(yuv420p) profile(-99) level(-99)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream output Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*480) fps(30000/1001) interlace(1) bitrate(4786) duration(7280)sec fmt(yuv420p) profile(-99) level(-99)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream input@ Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(16) opcode(copy)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream output Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(16) opcode(copy)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: SubMode(Render) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(true)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: meta file path: C:/Users/mdubi/AppData/Local/Temp/641631/fa352a8f-3d7b-4712-8fc6-70f0972902ad
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: work config prepare finish
2020.09.27-09:33:22: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 4 right btn 9
2020.09.27-09:33:22: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: begin render pin
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: begin create all filters
2020.09.27-09:33:24: MoviePoster Log: Volume(UNDEFINED), DiscID(17248518830124157356)
2020.09.27-09:39:40: info: demux eof= 1, m_sequences= 46425, read_count= 0
2020.09.27-09:39:40: info: audio_decode finish job
2020.09.27-09:39:40: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
2020.09.27-09:39:40: Workcontrol: return value is 0, user do not clicked cancel.
2020.09.27-09:39:40: WorkControl: end user copy.
2020.09.27-09:39:40: MovieServer: start copy file to server.
2020.09.27-09:39:42: info, try to open file J:/Laurel and Hardy/Video/UNDEFINED/UNDEFINED.Title1.mkv
2020.09.27-09:39:43: warning: audio info: index 1, codec_id 86019, channels 2, bitrate 384000, sample_rate 48000, format 8, bit_per_sample 0, frame_size 0
2020.09.27-09:39:43: info: open successed, iformat = Matroska / WebM
2020.09.27-09:39:43: UILog: 0x9449e40 work ctrl status 0->3
2020.09.27-09:39:43: ========current work finish: WorkStatus_Success========
2020.09.27-09:39:46: UILog: Run Work to end.
2020.09.27-09:39:46: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:39:46: UI manager: switch to task queue mode.
2020.09.27-09:39:46: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
2020.09.27-09:39:54: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: processBeforeClose.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: clear temp folder.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: stop quality task.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: stop thumbnail thread.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: save config file.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Upload backup data success.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Exit process: create jump list.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Exit process: save meta info to local file.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Exit process: stop running.
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: finish MainUI.
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: finish FreePref.
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.
I successfully ripped another DVD in this series several days ago.
What could have gone wrong here?
Thank you.
Here is the text from the log:
2020.09.27-09:32:24: Guide: SetGuideMode E_GuideType_Ripper
2020.09.27-09:32:24: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
2020.09.27-09:32:26: Guide: SetGuideMode E_GuideType_Copy
2020.09.27-09:32:26: UI manager: switch to Copy mode.
2020.09.27-09:32:29: Guide: SetGuideMode E_GuideType_Ripper
2020.09.27-09:32:29: UI manager: switch to Converter mode.
2020.09.27-09:32:46: opened i/o type 2
2020.09.27-09:32:46: opening drive D
2020.09.27-09:32:46: opened i/o
2020.09.27-09:32:46: currentProfile: 16
2020.09.27-09:32:46: got media type 4
2020.09.27-09:32:47: got max lba 2212671
2020.09.27-09:32:47: got disc type 10
2020.09.27-09:32:47: type DVD-VIDEO
2020.09.27-09:32:47: volume label UNDEFINED
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Is Encryption 1
2020.09.27-09:32:47: DriveX msg: media open(false) success in driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: DriveX msg: add media success in driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source manager: add source id 1.
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status
![Big Grin](https://forum.dvdfab.cn/core/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status:BD Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status:UHD Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status: BD Recorder Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Source open status: 4K Recorder Yes, 2158-1-1, No
2020.09.27-09:32:47: source_info: IsDVDDisc: D:/VIDEO_TS/
2020.09.27-09:32:47: Begin to open drivex: D
2020.09.27-09:32:47: opened i/o type 2
2020.09.27-09:32:47: opening drive D
2020.09.27-09:32:47: opened i/o
2020.09.27-09:32:47: currentProfile: 16
2020.09.27-09:32:47: got max lba 2212671
2020.09.27-09:32:48: got disc type 10
2020.09.27-09:32:48: Is Encryption 0
2020.09.27-09:32:48: internal path D:/VIDEO_TS/
2020.09.27-09:32:48: got copyright 1 c0
2020.09.27-09:32:48: key method 0
2020.09.27-09:32:49: got udf/iso
2020.09.27-09:32:49: dvd discid 2D31313938323235323433353835333934323630
2020.09.27-09:32:49: dvd disable cloud decryption
2020.09.27-09:32:49: init disc file system: 281 - 352
2020.09.27-09:32:49: server id 0
2020.09.27-09:32:50: got discinfo
2020.09.27-09:32:50: pathplayer enabled
2020.09.27-09:32:51: pathplayer tlist 0 .
2020.09.27-09:32:51: no main title, turn off pathplayer
2020.09.27-09:32:51: full disc copy/play is supported
2020.09.27-09:32:51: server id 0
2020.09.27-09:32:52: du {"R":"5","S":"0"} 5
2020.09.27-09:32:52: server id 0
2020.09.27-09:32:53: du {"R":"5","S":"0"} 5
2020.09.27-09:32:53: got dvdinfo
2020.09.27-09:32:53: opened dvd
2020.09.27-09:32:53: End open drivex: D
2020.09.27-09:32:53: Source manager: open 1 successful.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: StartSyncMetaInfoThread begin, 1
2020.09.27-09:32:53: Meta: the ownership is E_Meta_No_Owner.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: Meta: editable flag is META_INFO_EDITABLE_FLAG_NOT_FOND
2020.09.27-09:32:53: UiLog: nfo: scraper name UNDEFINED year .
2020.09.27-09:32:53: NFO: scraper Movie Data. av false.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: NFO: update Data. av false.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: UiLog: nfo: scraper Data success.
2020.09.27-09:32:53: StartSyncMetaInfoThread End, 1
2020.09.27-09:32:54: Work manager: create Converter work 1 with source 1 and uiinfo 1( title 0 ).
2020.09.27-09:32:54: Update meta info successfully from server.
2020.09.27-09:32:54: drivex
![Big Grin](https://forum.dvdfab.cn/core/images/smilies/biggrin.png)
2020.09.27-09:32:56: ========WorkAttr::SetSource=======
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video Size Original: 720 x 480
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video Size Display: 640 x 480
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video FPS: 30000 / 1001
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Video Bitrate: 4786
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Bitrate: 192000
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Channels: 2
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Volume: 100
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio Bitdepth: 0
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source Audio SampleRate: 48000
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Work Profile: MKV.Passthrough
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Auto config sifps : 30000/1001
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Auto config set fps : 29.97
2020.09.27-09:32:56: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
2020.09.27-09:33:20: ========OnMsgToolbar_Start========
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UI manager: switch to task queue mode.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 4 right btn 9
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: start test run work
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: run work
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: Run current Work.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: Begin Work Ripper
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: nfo: check nfo data. meta enable .
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: nfo: Fill nfo data.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: nfo: nfo type .
2020.09.27-09:33:20: Start check DVD to Mobile register status.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: End check DVD to Mobile register status: Enable
2020.09.27-09:33:20: Workcontrol: target space(103677MB), need space(4323MB)
2020.09.27-09:33:20: UILog: start running at thread.
2020.09.27-09:33:20: opened i/o type 2
2020.09.27-09:33:20: opening drive D
2020.09.27-09:33:20: opened i/o
2020.09.27-09:33:20: currentProfile: 16
2020.09.27-09:33:20: got media type 4
2020.09.27-09:33:20: got max lba 2212671
2020.09.27-09:33:21: got disc type 10
2020.09.27-09:33:21: type DVD-VIDEO
2020.09.27-09:33:21: volume label UNDEFINED
2020.09.27-09:33:21: Is Encryption 1
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: 0x9449e40 work ctrl status 3->0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: return flag at start running at thread ok.
2020.09.27-09:33:21: OPList at DVD Converter: (480.1),(128.1)
2020.09.27-09:33:21: DVD Converter check watermark flag: 0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: ProfileScene=Theater
2020.09.27-09:33:21: UILog: 0x9449e40 work ctrl status 0->0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: WorkControl: start user copy dvd, D.
2020.09.27-09:33:21: batch_work run(1)
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: create config(dvdpassthrough)
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: crop value after clone: left = 0 right= 0 top=0 bottom=0 enable=0 mode=0
2020.09.27-09:33:21: info: use profile(MKV.Passthrough)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: dvd playlist(1),angle(0),chapter(1->6)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: UILog: work status: Notify 1 1 -1 not
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream input@ Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*480) fps(30000/1001) interlace(1) duration(7280)sec opcode(copy) fmt(yuv420p) profile(-99) level(-99)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream output Video(480)[codec(mpeg2video) size(720*480) fps(30000/1001) interlace(1) bitrate(4786) duration(7280)sec fmt(yuv420p) profile(-99) level(-99)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream input@ Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(16) opcode(copy)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: stream output Audio(128)[codec(ac3) channels(2) sample(48000) bitrate(192000) bitdepth(16) opcode(copy)]
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: SubMode(Render) -- Display Only forced Subtitle(true)
2020.09.27-09:33:22: meta file path: C:/Users/mdubi/AppData/Local/Temp/641631/fa352a8f-3d7b-4712-8fc6-70f0972902ad
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: work config prepare finish
2020.09.27-09:33:22: UILog: btn Visible: left btn 4 right btn 9
2020.09.27-09:33:22: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: begin render pin
2020.09.27-09:33:22: info: begin create all filters
2020.09.27-09:33:24: MoviePoster Log: Volume(UNDEFINED), DiscID(17248518830124157356)
2020.09.27-09:39:40: info: demux eof= 1, m_sequences= 46425, read_count= 0
2020.09.27-09:39:40: info: audio_decode finish job
2020.09.27-09:39:40: ------------------ convert work finished ------------------
2020.09.27-09:39:40: Workcontrol: return value is 0, user do not clicked cancel.
2020.09.27-09:39:40: WorkControl: end user copy.
2020.09.27-09:39:40: MovieServer: start copy file to server.
2020.09.27-09:39:42: info, try to open file J:/Laurel and Hardy/Video/UNDEFINED/UNDEFINED.Title1.mkv
2020.09.27-09:39:43: warning: audio info: index 1, codec_id 86019, channels 2, bitrate 384000, sample_rate 48000, format 8, bit_per_sample 0, frame_size 0
2020.09.27-09:39:43: info: open successed, iformat = Matroska / WebM
2020.09.27-09:39:43: UILog: 0x9449e40 work ctrl status 0->3
2020.09.27-09:39:43: ========current work finish: WorkStatus_Success========
2020.09.27-09:39:46: UILog: Run Work to end.
2020.09.27-09:39:46: DriveX msg: remove media in driveX D.
2020.09.27-09:39:46: UI manager: switch to task queue mode.
2020.09.27-09:39:46: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
2020.09.27-09:39:54: Source manager: open source flag:1,0,1,1,1
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: processBeforeClose.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: clear temp folder.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: stop quality task.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: stop thumbnail thread.
2020.09.27-09:40:03: Exit process: save config file.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Upload backup data success.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Exit process: create jump list.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Exit process: save meta info to local file.
2020.09.27-09:40:04: Exit process: stop running.
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: preview pfn_deinit end
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: preview FreeLibrary end
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: finish MainUI.
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: finish FreePref.
2020.09.27-09:40:05: Exit process: finish AVEditWrap Release.
I successfully ripped another DVD in this series several days ago.
What could have gone wrong here?
Thank you.