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DVD FAB FOR MAC M1 Silicon Chips

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    DVD FAB FOR MAC M1 Silicon Chips

    So far, none of the latest DVDFAB MAC updates appear to be compatible with my new M1 Mac Mini. Does anybody know when the software is due to become compatible?
    Many thanks

    Originally posted by dsscolumbia View Post
    So far, none of the latest DVDFAB MAC updates appear to be compatible with my new M1 Mac Mini. Does anybody know when the software is due to become compatible?
    Many thanks
    Does the program start? Not running under rosetta 2?


      The program starts and then crashes once a disk is inserted. I’ve tried three


        Three separate disc drives and all crash the software.
        The software will convert files but as soon as a disc is inserted the software crashes.


          I'm wondering the same as I've had nothing but crashes with the new M1 model. I was really bummed, thought for sure that at least rosetta 2 would allow me to use it. No luck though.


            Hi there, sorry for the trouble. The developer needs some time to check out the issue, please kindly wait, thanks.


              Thanks for the update MONA. It would be great to have a fix for this soon!


                Yes, thank you, Mona. And thank you, dsscolumbia for starting the thread. I'm having the exact same issue. I just got a new Macbook Air and had read about how much faster it is supposed to be processing video, but didn't realize that the M1 chip was not yet supported. I look forward to when that happens!


                  I was asking for the same thing a while ago, I have an M1 MBP, hopefully it will happen...


                    Yeah it's time for M1 support! My Mac Mini M1 is waiting!


                      Any update to this issue? - have a M1 Mac mini that does not work with latest Mac OS software. Will not get past the repair screen without failing?


                        Originally posted by JeffH5 View Post
                        Any update to this issue? - have a M1 Mac mini that does not work with latest Mac OS software. Will not get past the repair screen without failing?
                        Like this?Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2021-01-19 at 18.44.18.png
Views:	5600
Size:	180.8 KB
ID:	389177


                          Hi guys, the developer needs more time to address the issue.


                            Looks to me like it's both a m1 vs. Intel issue and a Big Sur (macOS 11) issue. Big Sur seems to block the installation of third party drivers by default - which is how DVDFab is able to circumvent copy protection. So potentially they need to resolve that side of things before re-writing the application to be Apple silicon native. As once the driver side is resolved, it should be possible to run the Intel version on m1 via Rosetta 2.

                            Is there anyone out there with an Intel-based mac running Big Sur that can either confirm or deny this theory?


                              I need a working Apple Silicon M1 version now please!!

