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Won't Detect DVD's

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    Won't Detect DVD's

    So I've just updated from version 10 which worked perfectly and now the app won't detect any dvd's in the drive - explorer shows the drive detected but dvdfab won't detect them

    are these store bought dvds or homemade dvds ??
    do you have full disc selected ??
    please post the dvdfab internal log files.


      they are store bought dvds - i've uninstalled and gone back to version 10 which works

      i had removed both 10 and 11, reinstalled 11 and still no go, reinstalled 10 and that worked but still no go with 11, so fully removed both and installed 10 only


        what operating system does your computer have ??


          Windows 10 Pro 64bit i5-7600k, Nvidia GTX 1050Ti, 16GB ram


            click common settings - drives - see if your drives show up there
            in dvdfab 11.
            Last edited by october262; 12-09-2018, 02:16 PM.


              Although you say Windows shows the drive(s) but Fab wont detect them, try going into Device Manager and remove all DVD/BD drive(s). Then reboot and let Windows re-install them. It may be a communication problem between the drive(s) and Fab. This has solved for me when I once had a very similar issue a while back.
              Last edited by LaciBacsi; 12-09-2018, 05:54 PM.


                it's only V11 that is causing the problem and as said I've removed it and gone back to 10 which works. I shouldn't have to remove by dvd/bd drives from my system just because the latest update won't pick them up properly - v11 knew which was by DVD/BD Drive but just wouldn't pick up any disc you entered.

                While I've got a working version to do the job I need to do, then I'll stick with v10

                I've attached logs from both versions as it seems even though you tell it to uninstall and delete everything, it still leaves residue files behind

                Also the v10 app says the update is to v11003 yet downloads v11007 and keeps both versions available instead of updating v10 and leaving only one version of the app available
                Attached Files
                Last edited by walkerx; 12-09-2018, 06:27 PM.


                  Of course I didn't mean to remove physically … just in Device Manager. The only reason I suggested this because I had a very similar problem a while back when updating a version 10.xx update and it solved my problem. It only takes a few seconds and a reboot. But, whatever ….


                    Btw, did you try the offline installer for the latest version of 11? Updating within the app has been problematic for me in version 11, so will usually do offline. I do recall seeing that when one of the very few times I did try the update within the app, it showed available update as and then tried to install, or something like that, but then I had other problems and errors with that (install crashed and wouldn't even install), so I opted to use the offline installer, as I usually do. Also remember that what may work in one environment may not work in another, so someone reporting "Gee golly gosh, I had no problem updating" does not offer a solution. Each one of our environments is somewhat unique even running the same OS and same Fab version, simply due to hardware differences, other programs installed, AV program used, etc. etc. etc. So try the offline installer if you haven't tried that. And again, try the device manager method I suggested. That has solved a myriad of problems for me over the years, even where Fab is not involved. There are several IO options that can be used in Windows to access the drives, and I believe removing through device manager and letting windows re-install resets something, but it has always solved issues for me where I had drives access problems. It is not common (at least for me) but it has happened from time to time.
                    Last edited by LaciBacsi; 12-10-2018, 04:00 AM.


                      I tried the different methods of installing v11, through the update mechanism and using the offline installer and i've even removed from device manager, rebooted and updated windows and v11 just does not work, yet v10 works perfectly.


                        Originally posted by walkerx View Post
                        I tried the different methods of installing v11, through the update mechanism and using the offline installer and i've even removed from device manager, rebooted and updated windows and v11 just does not work, yet v10 works perfectly.
                        try restarting your computer in safe mode with networking then try starting dvdfab v11 and see if it'll read DVDs.
                        also try temporarily disabling your antivirus & firewall software to see if those aren't blocking anything.
                        Last edited by october262; 12-12-2018, 08:21 PM.


                          i'm not reinstalling dvdfab v11 while i have working system that i need to use

                          i only use the standard microsoft windows defender and firewall and these are not blocking the drives, if it did then would be happening with dvdfab 10


                            there's a new version of dvdfab v11 that was just released -
                            v10 is no longer being updated for copy protection decryption.

                            are you using remote desktop ?? see this thread -
                            read post #28 through #30
                            Last edited by october262; 12-13-2018, 05:46 PM.


                              Originally posted by walkerx View Post
                              i'm not reinstalling dvdfab v11 while i have working system that i need to use

                              i only use the standard microsoft windows defender and firewall and these are not blocking the drives, if it did then would be happening with dvdfab 10
                              Hi walkerx, please try to adjust the I/O mode under DVDFab Common Settings>Drives>Read in DVDFab 11 to have a try and see if it will make a difference.
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	I-O mode.png
Views:	489
Size:	24.9 KB
ID:	363043

