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DVDFab Crashes when trying to load Disc

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    DVDFab Crashes when trying to load Disc

    DVDFab Crashes when trying to load Beowulf - Return to the Shieldlands Disc 1 or Disc 2. Log attached.
    Attached Files

    In your log file, the last version you used was DVDFab (2019/09/09 18:09:06) (X64), please remove the current version and then download and install v11.0.5.0 to try again.


      It still isn't working. I've tried v11.0.5.1 and it is still hanging up upon reading.
      Attached Files


        Originally posted by Violence View Post
        It still isn't working. I've tried v11.0.5.1 and it is still hanging up upon reading.
        Please try again, when the crash happens again, save and zip the crash report and send it to us. Thanks.



          It doesn't really crash. I guess I used a poor choice of words. After Reading the Disc, It just hangs and doesn't do anything. It never populates anything into the work area. See attached. ​ .

          When I click on anything, I just get a spinning wheel over DVDfab where the mouse cursor is and a black border around the whole program

          And after a while I get this when I click on it... Click image for larger version

Name:	not working now for sure.PNG
Views:	367
Size:	35.3 KB
ID:	372866


            Any thoughts?


              Still locking up, you can see in the dvdfab log it is searching for a server over and over and not finding it, I believe that is what is killing it... dvdfab_internal.log


                The servers are there and working, this is almost certainly a problem with either your internet connection (busy or intermittent) or Windows Defender or Firewall or something like Malwarebytes blocking access. Check the logs or activity monitors for any such software you may have and see if DVDFab is listed. If it is, put the listed component or web connection on the "ignore" list. If you have effective security software like Malwarebytes, consider turning off Windows Firewall (for private networks only) and Windows Defender to see if they are the problem.
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                  I have ripped over 40 Blurays this week. It is only this title (Multiple Discs) that has this issue. All the discs in this collection (4) have the same problem.

                  If I put one of these discs in the second drive and known good disc the other, the other will read and then this one will lock up DVDfab.
                  It is not a problem with either the PC or Internet connection.

                  The discs read initially, If I do not have the drive selected to be performed, but as soon as I try to toggle the drive to active it locks up.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	1.PNG
Views:	418
Size:	4.3 KB
ID:	373130

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	2.PNG
Views:	316
Size:	9.1 KB
ID:	373131


                    Please supply a purchase link for these discs or tell us where you bought them, thanks.
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                      Sorry for the delay. I bought them locally at a Best Buy. Here is the link on their website.


                        Thanks, we have obtained the discs and will try to duplicate the problem you report. Sorry for the difficulty.
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                          Any update on this?


                            Yes but it may not be what you wanted to hear. If you wait long enough (~20-30 minutes) DVDFab will actually open it, but it selects incorrect titles for the episodes in Ripper and Copy modes. If you select the 'wait to see if it responds' option it will not crash, likewise if you don't click on any buttons, it will eventually complete. The staff is working on it. Very sorry for the inconvenience.
                            Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                            Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


                              Same issue here, complete lockup with every dvdfab version! Freeze after analyzing the disc. When I wait, somites it gets out of freezing but then I can't select the second disc as a task. Something is seriously broken here!
                              Last edited by Walpurgis; 11-19-2019, 10:02 AM.

