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DVDFab is buggy and do not rip correctly!

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    DVDFab is buggy and do not rip correctly!

    I bought the John Wick trilogy (1, 2 and 3) in the 4K bundle (comes with the BR disck). I rip the full BR disk (as I do usually) (not the 4K) and get this warnig message "The disk you've inserted cannot be played du to copyright restrictions. (...)" and for all 3 disks. Plus, the DB are not ripped correctly, some parts are missing and played separately at the end of the disk!

    This is the first time I've got this issue. I'm using DVDFab 11 v. I did not check the other 2 BR I've also ripped, but I suspect the same issue. Is it a bug in this version? I tried to use old versions (9 and 10) but I cannot open the DR! "DVDFab Media Player Pro 3" is not even able to read the iso file created by DVDFab x64 correctly!

    Hi Yves,
    Some versions of this title still are not supported correctly. It will help if you can provide a purchase link to show the origin of your disc(s). The developers may ask you to upload some of the disc internal files to aid in providing support.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
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      Tell me what information you need, no problem. These bundles has been bought on Do you nee the barcode or other info?

      Here are the links :


      and the others I have not checked yet :

      I hope this will help. Let us know. Tks.
      Last edited by ymartin; 09-28-2019, 05:25 PM.


        Dear ymartin,

        Please check the PM information I've send to you.
        UniFab forum has been migrated and the new forum is located at:


          FYI... I have the same issue.



            Another issue with the new "Superman back home" ... ripped correctely but without the international sounds tracks (only english!). It seems, I can not trust anymore DVDFab?

            PS: I always use the "Full Movie" Copy option...



              Another one with issue (English language only, other audio track are empty using the full disck copy option).


              PS: I'm still waitting for the credential of the FTP link your team send to me.

              Last edited by ymartin; 10-04-2019, 05:35 PM.


                Please open the original problematic movie disc in Windows File Explorer, make a folder containing everything in the disc volume EXCEPT those .m2ts files under \...BDMV\Stream, zip it and upload it to our FTP site. FTP info has been forwarded to you via PM. Thanks.


                  I too am having TONS of problems with Blu-Ray Copy and UHD Copy. On Blu-Ray Copy, it rips the disc to my hard drive and then asks me to insert a disc and it writes to it. When it's done I get a "READ ERROR" AFTER wasting a disc! So, I bought a different brand new drive, which DVD Fab highly recommends and it too does the same thing! About 80% of my discs produce a READ ERROR at the very end. Yet I watch the movies and they seem fine.

                  Next problem, I am using an LG BU40N UHD ripper/burner. I'm using UHD Copy. It is supposed to do a three step process. It should PROCESS, then RIP to hard drive, then burn it to a blank disc. On mine, with any 4K UHD disc, it processes and then starts to copy to my hard drive before burning to my disc. But it only gets to 2% of ripping to my hard drive! I've confirmed this process works fine on MKV..

                  Now tonight I ran into a Cineavia disc and they said I'd need to pay ANOTHER $109 for removal of those!
                  Can someone help me on why UHD Copy processes the UHD disc but only burns 2% and then gets stuck even though MKV will do it with no problem? I really do NOT want to buy another $109 product! This buggy software is getting ridiculous!


                  admin note: your post has been edited to remove pointless rants. If you want help, describe the problem and supply the DVDFab internal log session that relates to the problem. In the future, start your own thread instead of hijacking the one of another user. All DVDFab modules are sold separately so that you do not need to pay for anything you don't use. Cinavia support is labor intensive and expensive to produce. If your burned discs have read errors, try different blanks or burn them at a lower speed.


                    UPDATE: The John Wick trilogy (1, 2 and 3) issue is fixed in the coming version, please kindly wait for update, thank you.


                      Originally posted by ymartin View Post
                      I bought the John Wick trilogy (1, 2 and 3) in the 4K bundle (comes with the BR disck). I rip the full BR disk (as I do usually) (not the 4K) and get this warnig message "The disk you've inserted cannot be played du to copyright restrictions. (...)" and for all 3 disks. Plus, the DB are not ripped correctly, some parts are missing and played separately at the end of the disk!
                      Please use this version to copy John Wick trilogy (1, 2 and 3) and feedback, thank you.


                        I did... but still not working! If I use the "DVDFab Player 5 Ultra version" with the original BluRay, all is fine.



                          Yves, did you receive the info for the ftp upload OK?
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