I'm using v12.0.5.4 on a fully updated Win10 PC. I'm converting a .mkv file with forced subtitles to a smaller .mp4 file (for Samsung Galaxy Tab S3) using the Fast Speed option. Under the settings for this file I have subtitles mode set to Remux into file, and I have tried various settings for the language option (EN forced+default+no-label, EN Display only forced subtitle>Forced only/Normal and forced only with and without EN forced+default+no-label). All settings I have listed show the subtitles in the Preview across the centre of the video, but the final .mp4 file does not display the forced subtitles. They are there, but I need to use a player that either automatically detects subtitles or allows me to turn on subtitle displays. As this restricts what I can play the final file with, I would like to have the forced subtitles permanently embedded in the video file. Is there something I can change to do this? I would appreciate any help you can give me.
Paul Lloyd.
Paul Lloyd.