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Regarding an improved Amazon quality

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    Regarding an improved Amazon quality

    I realize that you are working to return Amazon downloads to a 720 or 1080 quality, however can you give the members some idea as to when that might happen?
    I have no idea how difficult a problem it is to achieve the improvement, but is a solution close?
    Are we talking days, weeks, months or ..........?
    I am one of the original subscribers so I have other sources that I can download from, however a new subscriber to Amazon must be wondering if they have “bought a pig in a poke”.
    Some kind of hope would be much appreciated, beyond “we are working on it”.
    Kindly requested on behalf of fellow subscribers.

    Amazon and Netflix are both preparing for a DRM change at the end of the month (May 31st) which is what is causing problems and limiting downloads to SD. In addition to Amazon, you can already see this on Netflix titles like The Mitchells Vs The Machines that also won't download in 1080p. The problem is going to get worse before it gets better unfortunately.


      So for those of us paying as we go, do we get credited for the software being next to useless? One of the advantages of paying is to be able to download 1080, and we cannot.
      I'll stop copying movies when I can watch the movies I own without FBI warnings, forced trailers, commentary notices, etc. etc.


        Hello drcos,

        I am paying per month and I was asking myself the same question. I think I will suspend my monhtly rent and come back later when things gets better.


          If Disney+ is any indication it will take months. Disney+ and possibly never

          Disney+ changed their site March 15th, The downloader still has not been fixed 2 1/2 months later and no updates have been given on the status. other than occasional "It's being worked on" which I frankly no longer believe.


            amazon prime for windows downloads apparently in high resolution, at least the file size speaks for it, if you somehow add an add-on to the drm downloader that reads out the movies loaded by prime for windows and removes the drm, it might be a temporary option



              the amazon prime downloader from another company has already fixed the problem a week ago and is downloading all films in HD. It seems to be not very difficult to fix....


                "the amazon prime downloader from another company has already fixed the problem a week ago and is downloading all films in HD. It seems to be not very difficult to fix...."

                Yes but is the audio in AC3 (5.1) like it should be or is it only AAC (2.0)?


                  Originally posted by captnvideo View Post
                  "the amazon prime downloader from another company has already fixed the problem a week ago and is downloading all films in HD. It seems to be not very difficult to fix...."

                  Yes but is the audio in AC3 (5.1) like it should be or is it only AAC (2.0)?
                  Audio is not the problem with DVDFab anyway its the video. I can confirm that another company's downloader is working which is why i find it hard to believe DVDFab has not released a fix yet.
                  These guys are usually quick with there updates when the DRM Downloader came out it Amazon changes where fixed in less then a Day.

                  Disney+ i never see downloading in 1080p again as Disney no long Streams 1080p on Browsers.


                    Originally posted by Haifischi View Post
                    the amazon prime downloader from another company has already fixed the problem a week ago and is downloading all films in HD. It seems to be not very difficult to fix....
                    I have a downloader from yet another company that was also only downloading in SD and someone discovered that a previous version from a month ago was downloading in 1080p again. (I am assuming it's a different one since this company didn't fix anything themselves.) The fact that the change happened with Amazon and not the software indicates its something Amazon did and so saying "it seems to be not very difficult to fix" probably isn't true. I'd much rather wait on a permanent solution through a software fix than just getting lucky because Amazon changed some setting back.


                      Originally posted by PedroT92 View Post

                      Audio is not the problem with DVDFab anyway its the video. I can confirm that another company's downloader is working which is why i find it hard to believe DVDFab has not released a fix yet.
                      These guys are usually quick with there updates when the DRM Downloader came out it Amazon changes where fixed in less then a Day.

                      Disney+ i never see downloading in 1080p again as Disney no long Streams 1080p on Browsers.
                      I tried an Amazon Downloader from another company. I am getting 1080p but the audio for every download is only AAC (2.0). There is no setting in this software to choose between AAC and AC3. I need to have both 1080p and AC3 (5.1). If your other companies software is doing both for you. please let me know which one. You can PM me. Thank you.
                      Last edited by captnvideo; 05-29-2021, 12:01 PM.


                        We don’t discuss other companies and what they may or may not be doing here. The goal is to make every DVDFab product the best it can be, regardless of anything else. If you have something that can contribute to that, great. If not, keep it to yourself. I think everyone has more than had their views expressed in this thread so it will be closed.
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