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New - Confused by All-In-One purchase

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    New - Confused by All-In-One purchase


    I purchased StreamFab All-In-One 10 days ago, on June 29th. I did the deal to pay $229, and in fact I paid another $40 for things like Extended Download Service And DVDFab Multi-Auth, and I am not even quite sure what those services are. I went into this already having a lifetime license for another service like this one, that is running Netflix and Amazon at 1080p almost 100% of the time. Since I bought a lifetime license from them, when extra services of Hulu and Disney+ at 720p were made available later, I did not have to pay anything new for them as they were part of the lifetime license that I paid for.

    My main motivation here was HBOMax, which seems to be the best downloader this product has to offer at 1080P, as far as consistency goes, as so far I have discovered none of the other services have worked at that level for me (a1080p resolution). But I like redundancy, and I have no problem paying for what I want. So instead of just purchasing HBOMax by itself, I purchased the All In One Lifetime License.

    I got notified today of the Rakuten service being added. I installed and of course Rakuten came "free to try". I was offered a link to upgrade to StreamFab All In One for $379....though I already had paid for StreamFab All In One.

    And now, I check my email, it has a link for StreamFab All In One. which includes Rakuten, and a $25 Netflix gift card and a possible Fire TV Stick (for 100 random orders) for also $229, which I just paid for 10 days ago.

    I guess I am confused that I have to pay again for a service I just paid for 10 days ago. Is this how it is suppose to work?

    Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

    It is simply a sales promotion, they run them all the time for varying products. You will still get lifetime service for all the streaming services that were in effect when you made the purchase. New ones that are added after the fact you will need to buy, but you get a 50% discount from the posted price for whatever module it is that was added. If you have other questions about this, send an email to and they will be glad to help you.
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      I bought this one before March 10th 2021 - Click image for larger version

Name:	DVDFAB-Download-unlimited.jpg
Views:	782
Size:	48.5 KB
ID:	397522​so I should have all new supported streaming services for free, but it's also not the case

      Attached Files


        Read post #2 and send the email to the service team. They have all the records of what you bought when and can fix any problem.
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