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From Direct Downloader To Screen Recorder

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    Originally posted by Sebastian001 View Post

    What about you? Can you crack DRM? :-)
    No, not even close.
    Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


      There are 2 reasons most other stream 'downloaders' do screen recording.

      1. They state they strictly observe the legal regulations and never access protected video files, so that no effective copy protection measure is circumvented.
      Some also go as far as say records media packets that come through network card and recorded file has quality as in 'D-L Mode'.

      2. They also can't find people that can bypass the newer DRM's. Or don't want to be bothered doing so.

      Sadly, even then not many are very well maintained and one still can't fix Netflix, another to fix Netflix and Peacock told users to downgrade to a release from March versus the update they released in April.
      Usual locations for temp, and cache files. Windows Streamfab.
      Usual locations for log files.


        Technically they are not downloading directly thereby "not circumventing" copy protection but that's just a technicality. In realty if they can "record" content that uses encryption like Widevine they are still in fact recording copyright material, they're just letting the browser decrypt the stream, not them. They simply play the content in the background and record the frames.

        Those that claim they they record packets coming in via the NIC are just blowing smoke up people's asses. Unless you're wireless EVERYTHING, all network traffic goes through the NIC. My email client "records packets" coming through the NIC. If they really WERE capturing packets as they pass through the NIC I would be VERY afraid. That would include login credentials, financial information as well as confidential correspondence to name a few.
        Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.


          Originally posted by Stan001 View Post
          There are 2 reasons most other stream 'downloaders' do screen recording.

          1. They state they strictly observe the legal regulations and never access protected video files, so that no effective copy protection measure is circumvented.
          Some also go as far as say records media packets that come through network card and recorded file has quality as in 'D-L Mode'.

          2. They also can't find people that can bypass the newer DRM's. Or don't want to be bothered doing so.

          Sadly, even then not many are very well maintained and one still can't fix Netflix, another to fix Netflix and Peacock told users to downgrade to a release from March versus the update they released in April.
          Hi Stan
          I think you are overthinking this. Netflix can be downloaded, it's just the resolution that has to be upgraded and yes that is a form of DRM, and it's nasty too. But dont think for a minute that it cant be broken. Where there is a will there is a way.
          Programmer in Python, Java, JavaScript, Swift, PHP, SQL, C#, C++, Go, R


            I've said it before, and I'll say it again. StreamFab, originally DVDFab DRM Downloader started as stream recording... just read this old thread (I finally found) for more history ->

            Video quality wasn't bad, audio was limited, but it was better than nothing.

            I know going back to that old state looks like where we are headed, which stinks. Its like driving a Ferrari for a few years, only to have it taken away and be given a 1975 Ford Pinto wagon. If its the only way FAB can "download" (or otherwise acquire) the content without DRM, I fear that is what they are going to do.


              I'm really surprised that you've fallen into the "better than nothing" camp with twhiting9275 on this, Mark. Maybe you bought the program as DRM Downloader, but I tend to think that most of us bought it as StreamFab when everything was a direct DRM download. And we paid the price for that luxury.

              Well, it appears that they were into false advertising even then with Amazon being, initially, the only module within the DRM Downloader to actually download via DRM cracking.

              There are far too many excellent screen recorders out and about for free or at a minimal price now to waste your money on a lying, thieving DVDFab product.


                Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                I've said it before, and I'll say it again. StreamFab, originally DVDFab DRM Downloader started as stream recording... just read this old thread (I finally found) for more history ->

                Video quality wasn't bad, audio was limited, but it was better than nothing.

                I know going back to that old state looks like where we are headed, which stinks. Its like driving a Ferrari for a few years, only to have it taken away and be given a 1975 Ford Pinto wagon. If its the only way FAB can "download" (or otherwise acquire) the content without DRM, I fear that is what they are going to do.
                I really fail to see the significance of that. What it started out as is irrelevant, since I didn't buy that product.

                You kind of left out the part where the majority of us bought the Ferrari as a Ferrari, and at high performance prices, too, because that's exactly the performance we wanted. Having that Ferrari turn into a Pinto overnight because it turns out the entire service department suddenly doesn't know how to maintain it and get it running again, when the Maserati dealership down the block has no problem hiring mechanics with the skill-set required to maintain and fix a sports car, is something else entirely. "It's better than nothing" is not only meaningless here, but also untrue, since at this point there are actually better, and less expensive, screen recorders/re-encoders than the CleverGet ripoff they're substituting for the direct downloader I bought.

                I believe your fears are accurate - it's what they're going to do. But one has to ask why the Ferrari dealership is delusional enough that they think substituting a Pinto is in any way commercially viable.
                Last edited by artsunlimited; 05-20-2024, 03:05 PM.


                  It’s funny to read that everyone thinks that hacking DRM is something unrealistically difficult, like flying to Jupiter. the whole program is a set of scripts: one analyzes the link, the second downloads the file, the third gets the widevine l3 key, the fourth decrypts the stream, and so on. AC does this; two guys from the discord channel are doing this, there are even a couple of downloaders and decryptors on github. If there was a desire, they would steal it or there is also a method of reverse engineering, for China it should be a piece of cake. but no, there are individuals who consider frame capture a better solution than the program that people bought as a downloader. At this rate, you can put the phone on a tripod and record on it what is happening on the monitor.


                    Originally posted by artsunlimited View Post
                    I really fail to see the significance of that. What it started out as is irrelevant, since I didn't buy that product.
                    And based on the rest of your reply to, you also seemed to fail to see the intent of my post.

                    The title of the thread is "From direct downloader to screen recorder", a truer description should be "Screen Recorder to Downloader and Back."

                    I also say that this situation sucks and I fear what its looking like the future of StreamFab will be.

                    Even though I purchased SF a long time ago, and "got my monies worth", I am NOT condoning or excusing the current state of StreamFab, nor what the current direction appears to be. I never have. I never will. And I've not hidden the fact that I purchased "a Maserati" a couple of years ago, due to Fab not fixing HBOMax DRM in a timely manor back then. (sure I still feel some courtesy in trying not mentioning them by FULL name in Fab's forums, just like I don't mention FAB in the other people's forum)

                    I experienced the downfall of DVDFab DRM Remover for Apple (I had purchased and used that, before DVDFab DRM Downloader/StreamFab came to be). Radio silence when the product stopped working. The occasional "we're working on it", then without warning they stopped selling it, no announcement in the forum that it was done, and that was it. While SF is still getting updates, the "we're working on it" with no resolution is feeling eerily similar.


                      SF to me is nothing but a bad joke any more. A laughing stock. Someone please flush that toilet, the stench is overwhelming. NONE of the SF modules I paid for function as they did (if at all) when I paid for a lifetime license for those modules. It completely baffles me how something can go from Top Shelf to Septic Tank so quickly.

                      Just yesterday AS cracked the Amazon Prime US audio issue and had a test version up to test. Within hours there was a full release with that fix among others. Since I've had it there have been two major releases and one test version. The difference is they ARE fixes, not just cheesy script-kiddie band aids like what you get with SF.

                      Furthermore at least their team is more than happy to interact with the members and offer regular progress updates. Sure there are the usual holier than thous but I encountered one here my first thread. I got news for you, they're everywhere and the only way to avoid them is to simply not participate. Also keep in mind, if you show up and show your ass right off the bat it is NOT going to go well from there on out.

                      ​For a long time I would not mention "the other guy" but that was then and this is now. I have no compunction to show any courtesy to a company I feel has pissed on me without the courtesy of calling it rain.

                      And to rub salt in the would I see them advertising all manner of snake oil promises in the hopes of scamming new customers. I have no tolerance for deceit.
                      Win11 Pro 23H2, no bloatware, no spyware, no crapware, no TPM, no Secure Boot, no MS account. And yes, you can dual boot 7 and 11.


                        Originally posted by KidJoe View Post
                        And based on the rest of your reply to, you also seemed to fail to see the intent of my post.

                        The title of the thread is "From direct downloader to screen recorder", a truer description should be "Screen Recorder to Downloader and Back."

                        I also say that this situation sucks and I fear what its looking like the future of StreamFab will be.

                        Even though I purchased SF a long time ago, and "got my monies worth", I am NOT condoning or excusing the current state of StreamFab, nor what the current direction appears to be. I never have. I never will. And I've not hidden the fact that I purchased "a Maserati" a couple of years ago, due to Fab not fixing HBOMax DRM in a timely manor back then. (sure I still feel some courtesy in trying not mentioning them by FULL name in Fab's forums, just like I don't mention FAB in the other people's forum)

                        I experienced the downfall of DVDFab DRM Remover for Apple (I had purchased and used that, before DVDFab DRM Downloader/StreamFab came to be). Radio silence when the product stopped working. The occasional "we're working on it", then without warning they stopped selling it, no announcement in the forum that it was done, and that was it. While SF is still getting updates, the "we're working on it" with no resolution is feeling eerily similar.
                        HA - my situation is the reverse of yours, since I purchased SF because it had HBO up and running before my "Maserati" did - probably the only instance of that occurring, too - so I only ever expected SF to direct download.

                        I didn't think that your comment was in any way applauding or condoning SF's current state, or its current direction, but to me it really did read as "well, it was a screen recorder before this, now it's back to its origins and it's better than nothing." So if you meant otherwise, you're absolutely right: I didn't see what the your intent of your post was. Perhaps it was the initial insistence that it started out as a screen recorder that did it, so it kind of colored everything that came after that. I was also kind of surprised as it came off as being more an apology or justification for SF which really didn't sound like you, but I couldn't read it any other way - so thanks for clarifying what you really meant, and let me apologize for the misread on my part.

                        You've actually seen a product just vanish from the lineup and leave its purchasers in the lurch - after first treating them like mushrooms - but since this involves more than one platform, I don't think that option is open to them. As they're still shamelessly claiming it's a direct downloader, I think they're going to try to bluff it out. Not smart, but then nothing they've done so far has been particularly intelligent.


                          Originally posted by KidJoe View Post

                          The title of the thread is "From direct downloader to screen recorder", a truer description should be "Screen Recorder to Downloader and Back."
                          I understood the intent of your post, and I even thought of a similar title to this thread, but the reason I stuck with the original thread title was because I started using StreamFab when it was a direct downloader, despite its origin.

                          When it came to downloading old anime from several websites and discovering, afterwards, there were playback problems like audio, video, subtitles not synchronizing. I compared the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) numbers which turned out to be different from the "official" CRC that were sometimes listed by the fansubbing groups. This might not have been the result of screen recording, but it showed me that I was not getting the original files, that they were somehow re-encoded. I did not want that then. I do not want it now.

                          The most aggravating thing about StreamFab these days is inconsistency with the version updates, the inability (or lack of due diligence) to fix old nagging issues, the lack of transparency from the company, and the intent to deceive.


                            Originally posted by giQz View Post

                            I understood the intent of your post, and I even thought of a similar title to this thread, but the reason I stuck with the original thread title was because I started using StreamFab when it was a direct downloader, despite its origin.

                            When it came to downloading old anime from several websites and discovering, afterwards, there were playback problems like audio, video, subtitles not synchronizing. I compared the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) numbers which turned out to be different from the "official" CRC that were sometimes listed by the fansubbing groups. This might not have been the result of screen recording, but it showed me that I was not getting the original files, that they were somehow re-encoded. I did not want that then. I do not want it now.

                            The most aggravating thing about StreamFab these days is inconsistency with the version updates, the inability (or lack of due diligence) to fix old nagging issues, the lack of transparency from the company, and the intent to deceive.
                            The official stated in the software update history of that:
                            New: Added support to download 1080p Premium Enhanced Bitrate video quality from YouTube
                            And the official also sent me an email, saying that I could download 1080p Premium videos without subscribing to YouTube membership. After downloading and testing, I found that this was fake. I chose 1080p Premium quality and it showed a video size of 600mb, but the downloaded video only had 1080p quality and a video size of 140mb. Later, I subscribed to YouTube membership, but the result was still the same as not subscribing to YouTube membership, so the official said that downloading 1080p Premium videos was just a lie!​


                              Originally posted by giQz View Post
                              The most aggravating thing about StreamFab these days is inconsistency with the version updates, the inability (or lack of due diligence) to fix old nagging issues, the lack of transparency from the company, and the intent to deceive.
                              Actually for a long time, FAB hasn't been good at "quality control" or "app testing" before releasing StreamFab updates. I remember many times Fab was dropping a new version on Fridays, and appeared to not really have tested/checked the app first as the new update broke something major meaning there were weekends+ that we had to revert to an older version (if we had the older offline installer) or live with it (if we didn't have the older offline installer or extended download service).

                              The SMALL bugs that remain boggle my mind. I mean fixing the naming template for example has to be easier than adding a new porn site.

                              But yes, the lack of transparency has been much more noticeable. Past several months it seems we get the new version drop, and nothing else. its extremely rare to see Fab staff (I'm talking "paid staff", not volunteers) in this section of their forums, and when they do, they provide no real information.

                              "intent to deceive" I hadn't really thought about. But you're right. the bogus review mentioned a few weeks ago (or month?), the emails, the verbiage on their web pages. It does seem at least like lack of communication between marketing and the developers, if not a straight up intent to deceive.


                                Wilson.Wang Congratulations on the first official appointment of Streamfab Amazon Screen Recorder.

                                6 Tools zum Rippen von Amazon Prime Video mit Anpassungen am Computer (

                                Klicken Sie auf das Bild für eine größere Version  Name: Screenshot 2024-05-25 212827.jpg Aufrufe: 0 Größe: 66.3 KB Kennung: 442985
                                NEVER use the update function within Streamfab. Always download the offline file!

