Whenever I use the Converter feature it only allows me to select a single subtitle track to save with the output file. The source files have multiple subtitle tracks that I would like to save but it will not allow me to select more than one. Can we only select a single subtitle track using the Converter function? If so, please consider allowing us to select as many as we want in a future patch. Thank you.
Edit: It's working now. The last several movies I used with the Converter function if I checked a second subtitle track it would uncheck the first subtitle track, only allowing me to select one. I don't know why it's working now and didn't before, even with this same movie that now is working. And sorry, this should be in the regular Converter forum not UHD.
Edit: It's working now. The last several movies I used with the Converter function if I checked a second subtitle track it would uncheck the first subtitle track, only allowing me to select one. I don't know why it's working now and didn't before, even with this same movie that now is working. And sorry, this should be in the regular Converter forum not UHD.