So right now says my box is offline, it's not, it's turned on, verified network connectivity with the youtube app, etc. I've got new iso's and mkv's in the correct folders where other existing content is, now how do I watch them, cause hitting the scan or rebuild buttons on the menus of the box yields a big fat nothing.
Is this thing a paper weight without your dms site correctly working? Yes it will play existing stuff loaded but obviously that is not what I want to watch tonight, its the new disc I bought then added to my library.
Cloud is all well and good but if it turns your product into a paper weight because a service is down or not working as expected then shame on you, cloud should enhance, not destroy your product.
I am becoming very unhappy with the direction you are moving, I think its time to revert to a nuc with your media player and a different front end if you can't get this under control.
I had really high hopes for the product, I thought it was quite possibly a perfect solution with just a few tweaks, but it is going downhill fast when I just don't want to use it due to frustration.
So please tell me the product isn't so cloud integrated I can't add an iso or mkv file without it being up, will performance for UHD discs get better, right now movies that hit high peak rates stutter then it crashes playing.
Things that have gotten better just to show I noticed:
1) opening logo (first one was like did you record it as a 50x50 and blow it up)
2) Audio pass thru I believe hasn't failed since latest update, but I need to do more testing
3) NAS handling integrated into movies/tv series, one of my big 3 or so items from initial launch)
As for the stutter/crash thing an example would be Lucy, like 15-25 minutes into using either iso,or a pass through mkv file it goes haywire, many other movies run just fine. Using the Media Player it plays just fine on my desktop, though on my laptop it stutters a bit just less, that laptop is an i7-6600u with basically no GPU to speak of so it eats a fair amount of cpu compared to desktop.
Is this thing a paper weight without your dms site correctly working? Yes it will play existing stuff loaded but obviously that is not what I want to watch tonight, its the new disc I bought then added to my library.
Cloud is all well and good but if it turns your product into a paper weight because a service is down or not working as expected then shame on you, cloud should enhance, not destroy your product.
I am becoming very unhappy with the direction you are moving, I think its time to revert to a nuc with your media player and a different front end if you can't get this under control.
I had really high hopes for the product, I thought it was quite possibly a perfect solution with just a few tweaks, but it is going downhill fast when I just don't want to use it due to frustration.
So please tell me the product isn't so cloud integrated I can't add an iso or mkv file without it being up, will performance for UHD discs get better, right now movies that hit high peak rates stutter then it crashes playing.
Things that have gotten better just to show I noticed:
1) opening logo (first one was like did you record it as a 50x50 and blow it up)
2) Audio pass thru I believe hasn't failed since latest update, but I need to do more testing
3) NAS handling integrated into movies/tv series, one of my big 3 or so items from initial launch)
As for the stutter/crash thing an example would be Lucy, like 15-25 minutes into using either iso,or a pass through mkv file it goes haywire, many other movies run just fine. Using the Media Player it plays just fine on my desktop, though on my laptop it stutters a bit just less, that laptop is an i7-6600u with basically no GPU to speak of so it eats a fair amount of cpu compared to desktop.