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Problems with DVDFab 11 and Movie Server

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    Problems with DVDFab 11 and Movie Server

    I just received the movie server yesterday. I'm sad to say it needs a lot more work and a better UX experience. There is soooo much promise in this product. I did see a post from today that means there may be a light at the end of the tunnel (Version 2.0) but all I can do is wait and see...

    Right now, here are my issues:
    The forum itself is broken or underpowered. Way too many times I get "The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later."

    When first turning on the device, I went through setup and activated fine using the automated way. When done, it said there was an update so I chose that. Then it went through another whole setup process at the end and every time I tried to do the automated setup, it would crash, reboot and start all over again. Manual worked though. (I have done this about 6 times so far in 1 day, trying to start over)

    After doing the setup, I decided to change the IP address to .156 instead of .155 and then I did a manual activation, I noticed that DVDFab 11 would display BOTH items in the drop down list. Neither one could be selected. Looking at the logs, I see this:
    2018.12.27-18:01:07: Detected Movie Server 0: name=DVDFab Movie Server - Living Room, ip=, uuid=5a-5e-59-97-2d-f5, path=
    2018.12.27-18:01:07: Detected Movie Server 1: name=DVDFab Movie Server - Living Room(1), ip=, uuid=f0-62-0d-10-26-db, path=smb://

    Notice that the .156 has the path TWICE - So I still can't access it.

    Yes, I do have SMB 1 turned on in Windows 10 and I can access the server from my computer.

    QUESTION: How do I remove any "remembered" entries in DVDFab 11 or at least fix the wrong path?

    My second issue is with how to edit mismatched titles...
    A lot of documentation says to go to the IP address of the server and access the web front end like this:
    However, looking at articles, it says this was removed so that you should now go to

    At first, when I went to the IP address URL, I got a debug login and asking for a password... but later, I got the normal UI so that was confusing. Also, if I make updates there, it reflects on the device fine, however it's got a lot of limitations.

    So then I went to the URL and was presented with a more up to date UI, but ANY changes I make there do not get reflected back to the device.

    QUESTION: What am I doing wrong?

    I have even updated to the Beta hoping it would resolve some issues ( but still no luck.

    When it mis-identifies something, some parts of the UI let me change the media type, other editing screens don't. For example, I had a home movie called and it tried to match it to a TV show. When I tried to "fix" the mismatch, it wouldn't let me say it was a "video" and was hard coded as a TV show but it allowed me to search for the right show (which there are none because it wasn't a TV show)

    Another issue was how it keeps mis-identifying episodes of Biography. I have the name as Biography-S1995E57-Marco Polo Journey to the East.mp4... It keeps trying to make it "The Condor Heroes 95 Season 0 Episode 0". The naming of the show is accurate and so is the season. The UI does not allow any numbers for season above 999.

    Another issue is just playback. I tried to watch the pilot episode of Warehouse 13 (Blu-ray rip) but the sound is off where the lips are not in sync with the audio. Playing it back in other players works fine. (VLC, Plex, etc)

    As I said, this product has great potential but right now it's all over the place with a lot of confusing UI, confusing ways of editing and I'm not exactly fond of going to to get to my local machine and would rather have it back full time on my local network.

    The manager at is no longer used, please edit using the editor on the DMS itself or connect from your PC using [your dms ip]:32080. Check the date of postings that recommend otherwise.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
    Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


      Hi Night Guard...

      Thanks... I thought I'd get an e-mail when someone replied, but I guess I have to subscribe even if I'm the OP... I must have read the messages wrong and thanks for clarifying however dms seemed to behave better than the IP version. For example, I was able to tell it that a DVD contained 4 episodes of Andromeda and it created 4 entries but I could never get it to do that when I hit the web interface via the IP address. Since DVDFab owns the domain, maybe they should put a notice on there that it's no longer being used and steer the people in the right direction.

      Any idea on how to correct DVDFab 11 where it's not letting me select the movie server? I asked the question directly to support and they referred me here to ask the question.


        Hi Ken, it is 'Nightwatchman' in colloquial English . For the the problem with the paths, you can edit/remove/update them using the Manage Library tool, which you can access from the Poster Wall by pressing the 'Up' key on the remote (see captures below). For the 'DMS not found by DVDFab' issue, please follow the suggestions in this post:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	1-011 LIBMGR.png
Views:	237
Size:	349.2 KB
ID:	363752

        Click image for larger version

Name:	1-011 LIBMGR2.png
Views:	233
Size:	144.0 KB
ID:	363753

        Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
        Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


          Nightwatchman ... Sorry about that... Knight Watchman is a super hero, I guess that's better

          Oddly enough, when I launched DVDFab 11 this morning it properly found the server for the very first time. It still has two listings and the "Living Room" is the wrong one, but the Bedroom one connects. However... Clicking Manage does take you to the DMS web site instead of the local IP.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	2018-12-31_122702.png
Views:	264
Size:	31.9 KB
ID:	363761
          I've downloaded the alpha ( and will give that a shot.

          Also, thanks for the images and guidance, that worked great. It doesn't let me remove my /sata1 share as it says the internal hard disk drive cannot be removed from the media library, However it doesn't let me organize internal folders properly and just wants it to be "Mix"... for example, I have /sata1/DVDFab/Movies and /sata1/DVDFab/TV Shows so the granularity is not there and it would be nice to be able to remove the internal hard drive and add just the sub-folders. But I'm guessing it's just not there right now.

          I'll install the alpha and if there's a way to get on the DMS insider list, please let me know. I have about 2K movies and about 1K TV shows.

          Thanks again,
          -= Ken =-

