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my test

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    my test

    Ting asked me to write about my first experience with Beta version I tested it during the easter weekend. My experience was worse than most of the others, but turned out fantastic.

    I installed the new firmware and walked away for a few hours as I new this would take a while. When I got back all the process had finished and I got my first shock, about 400 movies missing, 203 tv series out of about 240 missing and 52 video's. Very few had posters, proberly about 40.

    I was in contact with Ting for sulutions and sent my log files. While all this took a while, I tried to re build data base. After 2 hours, no re-boot so I restarted media player. NO changes what so ever. I than started a factory reset.

    Mean while Ting found a few problems from my log files, Turns out that for some reason that scrapping had stopped maybe from old data (corruption). I also found corrupt log files on media player.

    All the problems found with mine will be fixed before ver. is released. Enough bad news.

    After factory reset it took about 4 hours to finish scrapping. Now this is normally where I go into panic mode, as I end up writing 5 - 6 pages of problems.
    This time however Ting and his team have excelled them selves, I got only about 1/2 a page.
    I have always had problems with loading poster wall (all) for TV series since ver. This time it opened real quick and I was able to scroll throu poster wall without stopping. Not just that, it was smooth as a baby's behind.

    Scrolling thru (all) under movies poster wall is faster loading than previous versions. You still have a few seconds between sets of posters. This could be that it has to go thru nearly 800 movie posters. Ting says that they will try and speed it up.

    In case you wondered how many posters were missing. Just 1, and less than 10 movies had wrong posters.

    I also had 152 video's with and without the correct names. All of these belonged to TV series under W and Z. Z Nation had 68 of them and that is the total for all it's seasons. Ting did imply that this is on the agenda to fix, so I'm not worried about TV series.

    Clock now works even while watching movies, that is only if you made it default under settings.
    Viking lost down under

    Thanks for ejm report, we are continue to working for the problems which be founded in v2000.

    I will provide more information about it.



      :d:d ok
      Viking lost down under


        Thanks for the report, ejm. sounds like they are on the right track.


          Is V2 using local management or does it still require logging in to a server somewhere out on the internet?


            Originally posted by View Post
            Is V2 using local management or does it still require logging in to a server somewhere out on the internet?
            It is back.......Ting established awhile back that he was bringing local management back. It is in his Development update also:

            Development progress update in 2019/4/19 The beta version of DMS v2001 now in the internal forum Development progress update in 2019/4/19 The first beta version

            Noted below:

            Here are some facts and features about the v2000, please think of these as goals that may not all be included the initial v2000 release but will be added as development continues.
            • - local library is in the first
            • - also working in offline mode and unregistered status, (of course, will still need an internet connection for scraping (import file to library))
            • - support local info file, like NFO files and using local images in high priority
            • - support DMS scraper service and TMDB too
            • - support cloud library, if you not like it, you can disable it
            • - support import/export library, and keep all your modified data
            • - support customize the path for downloading posters, backdrops, so can download more images and switch it dynamically
            • - support add mobile hard disk to library
            • - improve UI of check movie/tv/video
            • - support the concept of Group, Movie collection and repeat files will be put in group automatically, and you aslo can add Movie/TV/Video as your wish
            • - more better support for the file be created by DVDFab
            • - support parent lock or control by different Film Rating
            • - open NFS service for more friendly to Macosx
            • - upgrade SMB to 2.0 for Windows 10
            • - Other minor features


              EJM, thanks for the update. That the first truly encouraging news I have seen on DMS in a lonnnnng time!


                Originally posted by Down2Earth View Post
                It is back.......Ting established awhile back that he was bringing local management back. It is in his Development update also:
                I know it was stated, but I have come to find that it's best not to believe any claims until they have been confirmed.


                  I looked at some of the other results others had and decided to rebuild library. It worked this time.

                  753 movies, 237 tv shows and 0 video's after library rebuild. Able to edit movies in web app & DMS (but not change posters). Unable to edit movies in "collections" and "tv shows" with web app & DMS. Still have some of the same prob;ems as before.

                  All in all, this ended up being a much better result than first time.

                  Another thing that used to irritate me was that when you added episodes to TV shows, they just seemed to vanish down a black hole never to be seen again. Now however they are actually added.

                  With the movie count, I believe they should change it. The count for "collections" should be kept separate from "movies" count. If all movies are under "movies" it makes them easier to edit and in my case movie count would be over 950 movies.

                  That's all I've got to say about the beta version. I LOOK forward to getting the alpha version with some of the problems fixed.
                  Viking lost down under


                    Originally posted by ejm View Post
                    I LOOK forward to getting the alpha version with some of the problems fixed.
                    I think you may have that backwards. You are testing a beta version. Alpha versions come out before betas so you are using a more recent and assumed more stable release. From beta it moves to release candidate status then a production release. I do not believe they have ever technically released a production version of the firmware other than the original that it was shipped with. All versions they have released since the original have always had "beta" in their names.


                      Originally posted by ejm View Post
                      I looked at some of the other results others had and decided to rebuild library. It worked this time.

                      All in all, this ended up being a much better result than first time.

                      I LOOK forward to getting the alpha version with some of the problems fixed.
                      I do believe that the entire community is looking forward to an Alpha version that fixes all the problems that have been plaguing this promise of a all in one video server, I know I am.


                        Alpha or not, call it what ever. When it is released as the finished product. No need to be picky as I believe you understood the meaning.
                        Viking lost down under


                          ejm, thanks for the clear and honest appraisal of v2.0.0.0
                          I appreciate your positivity, especially when there is so much to get steamed up about with DMS.
                          I had a really frustrating experience with it so went back to v1.0.1.0 and am waiting until I see a stream of good reports of v2 before I move up but I wish it would happen soon as I'm running into drawbacks with that early version (but at least it works).


                            Waiting4MS and all:
                            The newest DMS version,, is available for the public, you can get it here: Be sure to read the complete post first.

                            In the future, you should supply the log file when you report problems with DVDFab or the DMS. Since this thread is now several versions behind the current release, it will be closed. Anyone may try the new release and post their results in a new thread in this forum. Please use the "DMS v2.0.0.2" prefix for your thread so the staff can find it easily.
                            Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
                            Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....

