When you play back an iso file containing multiple episodes of a TV show from the poster menu, the unit plays back one episode in the file only. It does not start at the menu for the iso. The top menu/pop up menu buttons are not functional. Thus the other episodes on the file are not accessible.
This is a major problem for TV shows. Please correct this as soon as possible.
Note that this has happened before. See my posting from 7/13/18. Firmware version 1031 also broke this functionality. It was then restored in the next version and worked up through 2003. Version 2005 broke it again.
This is a major problem for TV shows. Please correct this as soon as possible.
Note that this has happened before. See my posting from 7/13/18. Firmware version 1031 also broke this functionality. It was then restored in the next version and worked up through 2003. Version 2005 broke it again.