Moderators should always keep a portable device with them, so that they can be on the forum all time.
No vacations allowed.
Thanks very much, MonkeyGirl
Honey, I'm back !!!!
PS: I wish Transformers 2 had never been released and I bet Fengtao does also. I just cannot understand the impatience, mentality & stupidity of all the posters in the various threads, especially the last one.
Now I feel bad about giving GregiBoy such a hard time in a recent thread. Then again, I'm sure there is little I could say that compares to the mind numbing torrent of people asking the same old questions. Maybe he just needed a break.
PS: I wish Transformers 2 had never been released and I bet Fengtao does also. I just cannot understand the impatience, mentality & stupidity of all the posters in the various threads, especially the last one.
My guess is that many of these are people that want to quickly return the rental disc. I see no other reason to be in such a hurry (your kids can wait until the backup is ready or you can gingerly put the DVD in the drive until you have a backup).
The good news is that the DVDFab decryption has become so reliable for so many that people are just beside themselves when it doesn't work.