Does DVDFab work with single precision GPUs such as 9800gtx?
Why isn't CUDA selected by default? On a system with 9800gtx (single precision gpu) I see "software" selected for H.264, CV1 and MPEG2 and "software+CUDA" for decode even though the following CUDA options are available:

The same problem on a GTX570 system - clicking on "Default" sets up software only.

I went and selected CUDA for all 3 decode options: H.264, CV1 and MPEG2. I assume that is necessary in order to use CUDA's advanced capability. Is that correct?
Currently, when DVDFab.exe starts up, BOINC automatically stops all CUDA projects. I did this on purpose as I did not know if DVDFab required exclusive use of the GPU's processor. Can DVDFab co-exist with other applications that use CUDA including itself?
I have "Allow Running Multiple Images" checked. Can CUDA be used if two titles are being processed at the the same time and both need CUDA encoding/decoding?
I processed the same BluRay title on two different systems. One had a pair: GTX570 & GTX280 and the other just one 9800GTX. The one with the double precision boards decoded using CUDA for %70 compression. The system with the singles precision 9800gtx used turbo cpu for decoding also for %70. Both systems has "software + CUDA" for enabled for decoding. Should not they have both used CUDA?
Is there a FAQ or WIKI for identifying and setting up the CUDA requirements on DVDFab.
best regards
Why isn't CUDA selected by default? On a system with 9800gtx (single precision gpu) I see "software" selected for H.264, CV1 and MPEG2 and "software+CUDA" for decode even though the following CUDA options are available:

The same problem on a GTX570 system - clicking on "Default" sets up software only.

I went and selected CUDA for all 3 decode options: H.264, CV1 and MPEG2. I assume that is necessary in order to use CUDA's advanced capability. Is that correct?
Currently, when DVDFab.exe starts up, BOINC automatically stops all CUDA projects. I did this on purpose as I did not know if DVDFab required exclusive use of the GPU's processor. Can DVDFab co-exist with other applications that use CUDA including itself?
I have "Allow Running Multiple Images" checked. Can CUDA be used if two titles are being processed at the the same time and both need CUDA encoding/decoding?
I processed the same BluRay title on two different systems. One had a pair: GTX570 & GTX280 and the other just one 9800GTX. The one with the double precision boards decoded using CUDA for %70 compression. The system with the singles precision 9800gtx used turbo cpu for decoding also for %70. Both systems has "software + CUDA" for enabled for decoding. Should not they have both used CUDA?
Is there a FAQ or WIKI for identifying and setting up the CUDA requirements on DVDFab.
best regards