Can't get registration to work! I have DVDFAB-dvdcopy, and thats all, when I open Fab and check the Blue (?) mark, then the "About", I get All Options, Licensee, Enabled, Update Expire time! All options are all "TRAIL USER", and All Licensee are "TRAIL USER", and Enabled all say "YES", and under Update Expire Time, all say "NEVER BEEN USED", but I have DVDCOPY good till 4/20/2012, but dosen't show up on the "about page", I went to the members page and D/L my key again and it still won't register! If I go back to 8085, all is good, "UPDATE EXPIRE TIME", shows 4/20/2012!, DVDCOPY!, But 8091Qt, 8092Qt, both show "NEVER BEEN USED", and everything is "TRAIL USER", I useually click on my key from desktop and it says in the window that the product is now registered and to restart dvdfab!, but it doesn't work now!, and only with the "QT" versions! How can I get the registration to register? Or do I need to get in contact with support team and figure this out! Getting this resolved would greatlly be appreciated!
Program working fine, but it still defaults to "engnore all read errors", which I never use!
