The internal previewer plays slow near frame by frame speed or plays correct speed 5 seconds then freezes also when changing to play another title after trying to play the first title the program will not play a second title it freezes or crashes and needs to close the program.Works this way by using the plus sign or using virtual drive to get the movie in Fab.It's been this way for some time now and makes it hard to see if the subtitles play proper because it just doesn't work correct.Another user also complained about this same issue awhile ago so it's just not me.Only puts up a (windows this program needs to close) sign nothing from Fab when program crashes.Using Windows 7 home, I7 QS latest drivers.Fab 9155 and older Fab version 9 with same results.No other programs besides background programs were running at the time.Plenty of memory and processor power are available.
Changing to Direct show previewer using it crashes the program right away and must close (windows message).
Tried it with different movies on hard drive same result.
Changing to Direct show previewer using it crashes the program right away and must close (windows message).
Tried it with different movies on hard drive same result.