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Questions about MusicFab

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  • ord1117
    D300-------My Behavior ???

    It just started happening a month or so ago.

    They have been completly Silent to me.

    All My ""unapproved"" Posts have been ""Approved""

    So what is THEIR Problem ????????

    This POST Will Be "UNapproved""

    Untill they find the time to ""Approve It""

    I will just cont to post things------That's ALL I Can DO ??????

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  • D780
    If after over 100 posts, your posts still need to be approved (or approved again), it may be because of your behaviour.

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  • ord1117
    UN--Approved AGAIN

    Dont you have something better to do than sit around and approving my messages.


    BY BUG------I MEAN YOU

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  • ord1117
    Yea, You know more about this Dolby Atmos thing then I Do.

    These AUDIO Things that are on Blu-Ray & 4K----your Speakers and Sound equipment need to be able to Detect it and use it.

    The reason I brought up the CD thing, is because I don't know what Audio Coding is on Streamed music.

    If the Coding is NOT there on the Streaming Music, Dolby Atmos etc just wont Work.

    I know I am saying things that you already KNOW !!!!!

    I may be WRONG, But it seems like 5.1 Audio has a Smaller BIT RATE, Than STEREO. !!!!!!!!!

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  • supine
    Originally posted by ord1117 View Post
    I Don't like the Cube Things

    Here is another TEST For You.

    RIP A CD into

    Etc if need be !!!

    Then Download the Same Album

    in MP3 & FLAC etc

    And check out the Sound Quality..
    Most rippers don't have a check mark for Dolby Atmos. Although my Amplifier does have the capability to decode Atmos, the equipment I directly stream Amazon through into the Amp doesn't. I'm afraid that it would be like passing the music through a filter. Although the Amp has the capability of decoding Atmos, the music coming into the Amp would not be coded for Atmos to be decoded correctly by the Amp, and the extended channels would be lost. The Cube supposedly has the ability to decode and render Atmos natively directly from a streaming source. It was commissioned from Amazon for Amazon specifically to render music streamed or purchased through Amazon in the best quality. I was just wondering if there is an audible (there's a joke in there somewhere,) difference between what is streamed and rendered directly through the Cube, and what I can get downloading in FLAC format and sending it through the decoder in my amp. I have to say, my Amp does a wonderful job pulling 5.1 surround from the files I download. Until I passed the music into my Livingroom Amp and speakers recently, I didn't even know that type of coding was buried in that format. I was stuck listening in Stereo and didn't know what I was missing. If it can be even better though..... The difference between proper Atmos rendering and what I hear from a FLAC file through my own equipment is the key here. I have no way of testing this short of purchasing a Cube. I was wondering if I could talk #mlknez into doing a little independent testing for me, and formulating an opinion. If there is a night and day difference (like between stereo and Dolby 5.1 Surround) I would probably have to rethink the equipment I'm getting my streaming services through,
    Last edited by supine; 09-20-2023, 02:58 PM.

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  • ord1117
    UN--Approved AGAIN

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  • ord1117
    I Don't like the Cube Things

    Here is another TEST For You.

    RIP A CD into

    Etc if need be !!!

    Then Download the Same Album

    in MP3 & FLAC etc

    And check out the Sound Quality..

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  • supine
    Originally posted by mlknez View Post

    I cant compare any sound from Musicfab "Atmos" support vs the Fire cube as there is NO Atmos support from musicfab that i can make work. The Atmos files from Amazon Music HD are not visible to download in Musicfab.
    I see... I was probably less than clear about what I was asking.
    If you would, Please download a song in .flac format onto your computer using MusicFab, and listen to it through the Cube. Then stream the same song directly from Amazon natively through your Cube with Atmos, and see if there is a discernible difference. If you don't feel like conducting this experiment, that's fine. I don't want to be a bother; I'm just curious.

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  • mlknez
    Originally posted by supine View Post

    I also have had issues with the baked in MusicFab browser. Please turn in a ticket on this. The Member Portal link is, then click on ticket after you log in. In the mean time, you might still want to try the FLAC format. The audio output may surprise you. Especially if you have all 8 channels that the Firecube supports hooked up. BTW: I have had trouble accessing the Ticket que using Chrome. If this occurs, please try different browsers.

    If you would, please try the FLAC format for offline listening, and bounce the same song against the Atmos that you can undoubtedly get directly through your Cube. If you feel like trying this experiment, please post what you find. I'm very interested. I looked at the Firecube when it came out, but was put off by the latency, and the poor reviews. In the long run however, if YOU are satisfied, that's all that counts. The reviews that I read may be old. They said that even the 2nd Gen Firecube has trouble with Atmos, and delivers only up to 5.1.
    EDIT: I can see if I can find the references again if you're interested in the articles.
    From what I've heard from dedicated users though, it's leaps and bounds better than Roku. (although I personally have not put that to the test.) I'm also very interested in what someone else thinks.
    I cant compare any sound from Musicfab "Atmos" support vs the Fire cube as there is NO Atmos support from musicfab that i can make work. The Atmos files from Amazon Music HD are not visible to download in Musicfab.

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  • supine
    Below, is a copy of a ticket I just posted in the Member Portal.

    MusicFab crashed four times in one day. After restarting for the fifth time, MusicFab would not download from the que. The download arrow was moving, but all tracks continued to display "Waiting to download". After waiting twenty minutes, I closed and reopened the program several times and got the same result each time; even after rebooting twice. I uninstalled MusicFab, deleted the Temp and Log folders, then reinstalled. It still did the same thing. I then uninstalled MusicFab using Revo Uninstaller, completely eliminating all registry entries and all traces of MusicFab from my system except for the MusicFab folder in documents, which I manually deleted. After reinstalling again, and repopulating the Download que, I started the download process again. It didn't even get through the first track before crashing, and disappearing off the screen again. I am uploading that log, and a screen shot of the (trust me) moving download arrow, with all tracks saying "Waiting to download". I waited five minutes before taking the screen shot. After restarting again, the download process is proceeding normally. For how long, Who knows.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Download stall 9-18-23.jpg
Views:	332
Size:	20.2 KB
ID:	430747

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  • ord1117
    Sorry, Supine,,,,,

    I am NOT into those CUBE Type things

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  • supine
    MusicFab still continues to crash with alarming frequency. I've already uploaded crash logs. I'm looking forward to the next update.

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  • supine
    Originally posted by mlknez View Post

    Thanks for your reply but, alas, that does not work. You see, Musicfab uses the Amazon Music web client. The web client has no concept of spatial audio. It does not allow quality settings above HD. When i search for a song that i know (i have a firecube that DOES do Atmos on Amazon Music) is available in "spatial audio", the web client, thus the Musicfab software, does not see it.

    You are correct that there is a spatial audio setting in Musicfab, but it is unusable unless the musicfab software can see a spatial audio version to download.
    I also have had issues with the baked in MusicFab browser. Please turn in a ticket on this. The Member Portal link is, then click on ticket after you log in. In the mean time, you might still want to try the FLAC format. The audio output may surprise you. Especially if you have all 8 channels that the Firecube supports hooked up. BTW: I have had trouble accessing the Ticket que using Chrome. If this occurs, please try different browsers.

    If you would, please try the FLAC format for offline listening, and bounce the same song against the Atmos that you can undoubtedly get directly through your Cube. If you feel like trying this experiment, please post what you find. I'm very interested. I looked at the Firecube when it came out, but was put off by the latency, and the poor reviews. In the long run however, if YOU are satisfied, that's all that counts. The reviews that I read may be old. They said that even the 2nd Gen Firecube has trouble with Atmos, and delivers only up to 5.1.
    EDIT: I can see if I can find the references again if you're interested in the articles.
    From what I've heard from dedicated users though, it's leaps and bounds better than Roku. (although I personally have not put that to the test.) I'm also very interested in what someone else thinks.
    Last edited by supine; 09-16-2023, 07:05 PM.

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  • mlknez
    Originally posted by supine View Post

    Not sure... Try Settings/VIP Services/Amazon/Format/Spatial Audio. You will still have to run it through a proper decoder to hear the difference. If that doesn't work, try the FLAC format. It sounds wonderful through my Dolby 5.1 surround system.

    EDIT: The music tracks have to be encoded originally in the format that you are trying to listen to for there to be any difference. IE: If the original piece was encoded in Stereo from the 1960s, that's as good as it will get. And as far as the Decoder goes, Unless you have a 6.1, or 7.1 Atmos card with the properly attached speakers you probably will not be able to hear the music properly. (Even if it was coded in Atmos) if you try to listen to it on your computer. I stream my music across my home network to A Mini Fanless PC in my Livingroom and into my receiver amp that has 6 Surround speakers attached. I believe hooking your laptop to a receiver amp with the proper built in decoder through an optical or HDMI connection should work also.

    NOTE: They sell inexpensive HDMI to Audio adapters with optical output on Amazon.
    Thanks for your reply but, alas, that does not work. You see, Musicfab uses the Amazon Music web client. The web client has no concept of spatial audio. It does not allow quality settings above HD. When i search for a song that i know (i have a firecube that DOES do Atmos on Amazon Music) is available in "spatial audio", the web client, thus the Musicfab software, does not see it.

    You are correct that there is a spatial audio setting in Musicfab, but it is unusable unless the musicfab software can see a spatial audio version to download.

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  • ord1117
    Looks Like MY POSTS---are Still Being """"""" UN-Approved """""""""""

    WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY---WHY ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????

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