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Questions about MusicFab
Small correction to my last post. You don't have to have a receiver in your amp. A regular amp with the proper decoder will work fine. I'm just old school and automatically put the word receiver before Amp without thought.
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Originally posted by mlknez View PostWould someone please explain to me how to download Amazon HD Atmos songs? There are no directions for doing so and I could not find any way to achieve this.
EDIT: The music tracks have to be encoded originally in the format that you are trying to listen to for there to be any difference. IE: If the original piece was encoded in Stereo from the 1960s, that's as good as it will get. And as far as the Decoder goes, Unless you have a 6.1, or 7.1 Atmos card with the properly attached speakers you probably will not be able to hear the music properly. (Even if it was coded in Atmos) if you try to listen to it on your computer. I stream my music across my home network to A Mini Fanless PC in my Livingroom and into my receiver amp that has 6 Surround speakers attached. I believe hooking your laptop to a receiver amp with the proper built in decoder through an optical or HDMI connection should work also.
NOTE: They sell inexpensive HDMI to Audio adapters with optical output on Amazon.Last edited by supine; 09-14-2023, 10:35 PM.
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Would someone please explain to me how to download Amazon HD Atmos songs? There are no directions for doing so and I could not find any way to achieve this.
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Admin Mode didn't help with the "Protected Content" screen (still) nor did signing in from Germany.
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Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View PostHi Supine,
question again, did you use MusicFab as Administrator?
For me it's equal to use MF in the morning or in the afternoon, at both times I have no trouble with 1.0,1.0, but the was 3 or 4 times faster then the
On the Multiple Disc Albums going into a single directory front; they haven't fixed that either. In the initial version there was no trouble with this, but there was a redundant directory in each album folder labeled D1 or Disc 1 (I can't remember which.) It wasn't until the developers got rid of that redundant directory that the problem started. Since the Discs are separated in Spotify, I would not think that problem would that hard to fix. Since I don't code anymore, I'll just have to take the Staff and development teams word, that they are still working on the problem. I would rather deal with the extra directory in single album folders than have to go through that much work on the back end to fix multiple disc albums and separate all of the files into the correct Disc folders.
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Hi Supine,
question again, did you use MusicFab as Administrator?
For me it's equal to use MF in the morning or in the afternoon, at both times I have no trouble with 1.0,1.0, but the was 3 or 4 times faster then the
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#StPeterOrding2015, Since you said that you only get a "Protected Content" screen about once per week, I thought that the issue might be somehow related to where someone logs into Spotify from. I logged in from Frankfurt several times, and it didn't seem to make a difference. I still got the error. (Just a note.)
The new iteration of MusicFab still crashes. The team from the ticket que seems to think that it's something on my end. I DO have privacy and cleaning software on my computer that shuts down browsers, but it's only scheduled to run at 2am. Since MusicFab crashes (sometimes multiple times) during the day, I doubted that the privacy and cleaning software I use is the issue. MusicFab can and does stay up for long stretches. As an experiment, I started a long download que, and left MusicFab running all night. When I got up the next morning, the que was finished, and MusicFab was still up. The Google browser that I had left open as a control had been closed during the night by the cleaning and privacy software. Based on this, and the fact that the only type of software that would cause MusicFab to shut down, only runs at specific times, I don't think this is the cause. While this does not rule out Software incompatibility, It would have to be something generic on my computer that is causing the issue. Since (other than my Malwarebytes antivirus) I don't run a bunch of TSR's (Terminate and stay resident programs), I don't know what can be causing the crashes on my end. I sometimes run StreamFab at the same time as MusicFab, but have seen no correlation to the crashes, as MusicFab crashes weather this program is running or not, and even after the StreamFab background processes have been terminated. I also open browser windows while MusicFab is running, but they don't seem to be causing the program to crash either. I'm wondering if MusicFab crashes off the screen from time to time for others. Since this is a pretty isolated thread, I invite comments. Perhaps someone has seen something about this issue in another thread or Forum.
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I Just updated to The protected content screen is still an issue. I deleted both the Log and the Temp folders, and rebooted the computer before starting the updated program. Something I've not mentioned before that may be relevant is, when I delete the log files, I'm signed out of my Spotify account. The Spotify interface comes up normally with the Spotify Log On Screen in the MusicFab browser. It is not until I log onto my Spotify account through the MusicFab browser that the "Protected Content" screen comes up. If I log onto my account outside of MusicFab using another browser, I don't have that issue. Even running MusicFab (with nothing in the download que) in the background. I turned in a ticket on this saying pretty much exactly the same thing. Something I didn't mention in the ticket is, after finally getting in and selecting a short download list, the track selection window failed to come up (again) after selecting an album. I could see all of the tracks listed, but could not select any of them. When I closed the program and restarted it, the "Protected Content' screen was back. I hope this information helps.Last edited by supine; 09-07-2023, 08:42 PM.
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Album/Artist isn't working out for me. I'm going back to one artist at a time. Although I would like to keep it, folders for collaboration and featured artist tracks are getting pulled out of the albums and are becoming to much work to reunite with their respective albums. Collaboration tracks should stay with the album. I do see the difficulty though.
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Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View Post...
This is the answer from the musicfab team:
Please provide us some examples.
Screenshot the related process to tell us what those are missing from the list.
The related MusicFab log file is also needed too.
Thanks in advance.
I give up
Please follow up. If more people put in tickets on this issue, perhaps the wheel that squeaks the loudest will get the grease first.
Edit: I'm not sure that a great many people who paid for MusicFab even know about the Member Portal or how to access it. I imagine, that this would cut down greatly on the number of tickets that the Staff and Team sees. Still... I'm sure that the Staff and team realize that even with fewer tickets, that these problems do exist and take them seriously.
I hope also they realize, that Issues like the "Protected Content" screen lock people out of Spotify (in MusicFab), and render MusicFab pretty much useless until it can somehow be dismissed. Users that are not technically savvy, or less determined to put up with the extreme frustration of rebooting their machine (sometimes several times) and restarting MusicFab (more than several times), will find themselves unable to use the program at all. Even If these users realize that these steps will work, I myself have been locked out for hours. Three free downloads, really isn't enough to properly evaluate the program. Especially if the "Protected Content" or Edge Compatibility screens doesn't rear their ugly head, and the three free songs download without a hitch. If they could only work on one problem at a time, that's the one that I would like to see at the head of the list. I still wonder why; while I am locked out of Spotify in MusicFab, I can open Edge or Chrome outside of MusicFab, and have no issues logging in or listening to music. Curious.
BTW: This version of MusicFab is crashing on me often. I have already provided logs, and put in a ticket. The frequency of this issue is disturbing. Is this happening to anyone else?Last edited by supine; 09-02-2023, 03:23 PM.
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While playing in Amazon Music, I got this (attached) error again. I went back to the Spotify side of the program, and this time, I followed the instructions for Edge for a fix instead of Chrome. In the MusicFab program, nothing happened when I tried to update their browser. I got an error on my machine when I tried to install the Multimedia pack as instructed, saying that that package did not pertain to my machine. Of course, downloading the separate Amazon Music app to my machine would do me no good in MusicFab. Although I posted this error that showed up in the Amazon section earlier in this thread, I did not pursue a resolution in Spotify at that time. I also created a ticket on this when I encountered it, but would imagine Amazon users are probably equally frustrated with MusicFab, as the issue still exists. I just wanted to ask the staff and teams if they think these errors might be a singular issue with the Fab Browser? If so, would that make finding a resolution to problems happening across different streaming platforms, due to a common cause, easier?
Last edited by supine; 09-01-2023, 04:55 PM.
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This is the answer from the musicfab team:
Please provide us some examples.
Screenshot the related process to tell us what those are missing from the list.
The related MusicFab log file is also needed too.
Thanks in advance.
I give up
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Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View PostHi Supine,
I remember that you use Chrome for WEB-Browsing on your pc, yes?
Maybe it would help to change in Chrome, on your pc, the settings as descripted chrome://settings/content ... etcetc.
Im not sure - but - It could be that Musicfab uses the main web browser on a PC and uses that browser in the musicfab application .
Yes, the greyed out tracks are not a problem with malewarebytes. Malewarebytes makes sometimes trouble by some downloads.
About the "... discs are ignored and a single download list is created..", I create just a ticket in the ticket tool.
I'm afraid that I believe that the MusicFab browser is a stand alone browser (although it does seem to be Chromium based.). What leads me to that belief, is that I have no problem with the "Protected Content" screen going in to Spotify through Chrome, Edge, or Opera. For some reason I could not log in at all using the Duckduckgo browser. I've only tried that browser twice though, and it may be something Isolated.
Although the Duckduckgo browser claims to kill all trackers, Microsoft trackers seem to get through just fine. I also can't drop shortcuts to my desktop from the Duckduckgo address bar. I like the search on that browser though, and I does kill an awful lot of trackers that would ordinarily get through, even if it doesn't catch all of them.
Opera is a wonderful niche browser, and seems to lead the pack in innovation. It also comes with a free VPN.
Like Firefox, Google is a "main stream" browser, and seems to be more compatible with some of the more esoteric websites.
Although my problems with Edge have been mostly resolved, I continue to avoid it because it feels like it's being shoved down my throat by Microsoft. I DO use Edge on rare occasions though. Woops! There I go again getting sidetracked. Perhaps you can let me know if Firefox encounters the "Protected Content" issue.
I'm looking forward to the next MusicFab update. Perhaps the MusicFab programming and development team will find a way to solve one of the larger issues. If not next time, perhaps the next (or the next). I still have hope and faith that the MusicFab team will solve the issues holding this endeavor back from being a user friendly, streamlined product.
Thank you for your input and suggestions.
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Hi Supine,
I remember that you use Chrome for WEB-Browsing on your pc, yes?
Maybe it would help to change in Chrome, on your pc, the settings as descripted chrome://settings/content ... etcetc.
Im not sure - but - It could be that Musicfab uses the main web browser on a PC and uses that browser in the musicfab application .
Yes, the greyed out tracks are not a problem with malewarebytes. Malewarebytes makes sometimes trouble by some downloads.
About the "... discs are ignored and a single download list is created..", I create just a ticket in the ticket tool.
GreetingsLast edited by StPeterOrding2015; 08-31-2023, 10:25 AM.
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