I am evaluating DVDFab, but it fails on the first disk I tried: Bourne Legacy. I am trying the Copy-function, with Output set to BD5/720.
The computer is a Sony Vaio with 8GB RAM, i5-Sandy bridge and an AMD Radeon HD 6630M graphics card.
I have tried it five times now, with various settings in the check boxes for Remove HD audio and convert to AC3.
The copy runs for about 1.5 hours with mixed results. Twice it ran to completion (Success!), but produced an ISO file of 71 GB in size! (the original Bluray is 25GB I think, it should be around 4.3 to fit on a DVD)
Three times it crashed at 98% with the following in the log:
828m 08.40s: opening drive D
828m 08.41s: opened i/o
828m 08.41s: got media type 15
828m 09.77s: got max lba 22049599
828m 10.56s: got disc type 20
828m 10.57s: type Blu-ray BDMV
828m 10.58s: volume label BOURNE_LEGACY_G51
828m 10.59s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX D.
828m 10.60s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
828m 10.60s: Source manager: add source id 3.
828m 10.63s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 215811
828m 10.64s: internal path D:/BDMV/
828m 10.72s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
828m 10.82s: got bdmv
828m 11.08s: movie name: the bourne legacy||bourne_legacy_g51
828m 11.08s: got agid 0
828m 11.11s: sent host cert chal
828m 11.11s: got drive cert chal
828m 11.11s: BEC 0
828m 11.12s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0002
828m 11.15s: got drive key
828m 11.16s: got host key signature
828m 11.16s: verified drive signature
828m 11.17s: verified host signature
828m 11.21s: sent host signature and key point
828m 11.22s: got bus key
828m 11.22s: got volume id
828m 11.23s: got volume id mac
828m 11.24s: volume id is correct
828m 11.24s: got vid
828m 11.38s: blu-ray 9E905486D4E42D6D79C8F2CD37221677E5402D14
828m 12.05s: cert BEE=0x00 same
828m 17.45s: D BA21183A
828m 17.49s: got vuk
828m 18.05s: got unit key 7
829m 10.57s: got bdmv
829m 26.29s: got extended bdinfo
829m 26.29s: opened blu-ray
829m 26.99s: Source manager: open successful.
829m 27.02s: Work manager: create BD mainmoive work 3 with source 3 and uiinfo 3.
829m 44.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
829m 44.98s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
829m 44.99s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
829m 45.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
829m 45.00s: UILog:Run current Work.
829m 45.23s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
829m 45.24s: UILog:start running at thread.
829m 45.26s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
829m 45.37s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 1
829m 45.37s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
837m 03.44s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
837m 03.44s: Source: D:/BDMV/
837m 03.45s: Playlist: 800
837m 03.45s: Chapters: 1 -> 21
837m 03.45s: TotalSize: 35795 MB
837m 03.46s: SourceSize: 31388 MB
837m 03.46s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
837m 03.46s: CompressToAC3: 1
837m 03.47s: OutputSize: 4300 MB
837m 03.47s: OutputDisc: BDMV
837m 03.47s: SoftwareFriendlyAVCHD: 1
837m 03.48s: OutputTarget: BD5
837m 03.48s: OutputVideo: 720p
837m 03.48s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
837m 03.49s: info: video encode mode(9), bitrate(0), lr-encode(no)
837m 03.50s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.2,4353.2,4354.2,4355.2,4356.2, 4357.2,4358.1,4608.1,4609.1,4610.1,4611.1,4612.1,4 613.1,4614.1,4615.1,4616.1,4617.1,4618.1,4619.1,46 20.1,4621.1,4622.1,4623.1,4624.1,4625.1,4626.1,462 7.1,4628.1,4629.1,4630.1,4631.1,4632.1,4633.1,4634 .1)
837m 03.50s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00023.m2ts]]])
837m 03.50s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 4
837m 04.59s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(-1) crf(0)
837m 08.68s: info: processing source(00023.m2ts)
897m 38.33s: error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(25), get std_exception(bad allocation)
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 42.44s: blu-ray main movie control graph control_filter_error error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(25), get std_exception(bad allocation)
[ADMIN NOTE: Please start a new thread for GUI issues in the General Questions forum]
Regards /Lars Lagmanson
I am evaluating DVDFab, but it fails on the first disk I tried: Bourne Legacy. I am trying the Copy-function, with Output set to BD5/720.
The computer is a Sony Vaio with 8GB RAM, i5-Sandy bridge and an AMD Radeon HD 6630M graphics card.
I have tried it five times now, with various settings in the check boxes for Remove HD audio and convert to AC3.
The copy runs for about 1.5 hours with mixed results. Twice it ran to completion (Success!), but produced an ISO file of 71 GB in size! (the original Bluray is 25GB I think, it should be around 4.3 to fit on a DVD)
Three times it crashed at 98% with the following in the log:
828m 08.40s: opening drive D
828m 08.41s: opened i/o
828m 08.41s: got media type 15
828m 09.77s: got max lba 22049599
828m 10.56s: got disc type 20
828m 10.57s: type Blu-ray BDMV
828m 10.58s: volume label BOURNE_LEGACY_G51
828m 10.59s: DriveX msg: add media in driveX D.
828m 10.60s: DriveX msg: send open media msg to thread for driveX D.
828m 10.60s: Source manager: add source id 3.
828m 10.63s: Open blu-ray disc expired time: 215811
828m 10.64s: internal path D:/BDMV/
828m 10.72s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
828m 10.82s: got bdmv
828m 11.08s: movie name: the bourne legacy||bourne_legacy_g51
828m 11.08s: got agid 0
828m 11.11s: sent host cert chal
828m 11.11s: got drive cert chal
828m 11.11s: BEC 0
828m 11.12s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0002
828m 11.15s: got drive key
828m 11.16s: got host key signature
828m 11.16s: verified drive signature
828m 11.17s: verified host signature
828m 11.21s: sent host signature and key point
828m 11.22s: got bus key
828m 11.22s: got volume id
828m 11.23s: got volume id mac
828m 11.24s: volume id is correct
828m 11.24s: got vid
828m 11.38s: blu-ray 9E905486D4E42D6D79C8F2CD37221677E5402D14
828m 12.05s: cert BEE=0x00 same
828m 17.45s: D BA21183A
828m 17.49s: got vuk
828m 18.05s: got unit key 7
829m 10.57s: got bdmv
829m 26.29s: got extended bdinfo
829m 26.29s: opened blu-ray
829m 26.99s: Source manager: open successful.
829m 27.02s: Work manager: create BD mainmoive work 3 with source 3 and uiinfo 3.
829m 44.96s: UILog:OnMsgToolbar_Start
829m 44.98s: UILog:Msg Start : ready start
829m 44.99s: UILog:Msg Start : start test run work
829m 45.00s: UILog:Msg Start : run work
829m 45.00s: UILog:Run current Work.
829m 45.23s: UILog:Begin work copy or converter.
829m 45.24s: UILog:start running at thread.
829m 45.26s: UILog:return flag at start running at thread ok.
829m 45.37s: BD MainMovie watermark flag: 1
829m 45.37s: UILog:MsgWork:WorkStatus_Start
837m 03.44s: Blu-ray Copy: Main Movie
837m 03.44s: Source: D:/BDMV/
837m 03.45s: Playlist: 800
837m 03.45s: Chapters: 1 -> 21
837m 03.45s: TotalSize: 35795 MB
837m 03.46s: SourceSize: 31388 MB
837m 03.46s: RemoveHDAudio: 1
837m 03.46s: CompressToAC3: 1
837m 03.47s: OutputSize: 4300 MB
837m 03.47s: OutputDisc: BDMV
837m 03.47s: SoftwareFriendlyAVCHD: 1
837m 03.48s: OutputTarget: BD5
837m 03.48s: OutputVideo: 720p
837m 03.48s: info: enable bd copy(mode=1)
837m 03.49s: info: video encode mode(9), bitrate(0), lr-encode(no)
837m 03.50s: info: streams(4113.2,4352.2,4353.2,4354.2,4355.2,4356.2, 4357.2,4358.1,4608.1,4609.1,4610.1,4611.1,4612.1,4 613.1,4614.1,4615.1,4616.1,4617.1,4618.1,4619.1,46 20.1,4621.1,4622.1,4623.1,4624.1,4625.1,4626.1,462 7.1,4628.1,4629.1,4630.1,4631.1,4632.1,4633.1,4634 .1)
837m 03.50s: info: blu-ray copy begin (unit[elem[atomic[00023.m2ts]]])
837m 03.50s: info: enable multi-thread software decoder, thread count = 4
837m 04.59s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(2) level(41) bitrate(-1) crf(0)
837m 08.68s: info: processing source(00023.m2ts)
897m 38.33s: error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(25), get std_exception(bad allocation)
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 41.29s: info: audio_decode finish job
897m 42.44s: blu-ray main movie control graph control_filter_error error: filter name(bd_copy_demux), type(1), id(25), get std_exception(bad allocation)
[ADMIN NOTE: Please start a new thread for GUI issues in the General Questions forum]
Regards /Lars Lagmanson