I've been using version for a long time, no problems.
Today I've been trying to copy a dvd I burned from my dvd recorder hooked up to the TV. It recognizes it, opens it, & starts the copy process, but after just a few seconds says it's done & insert blank media.
Obviously, it hasn't completed copying it.
I had another version,, & installed it, & this one doesn't even recognize that there's a dvd in the drive.
I've tried several of my recorded dvds, which I tested to make sure they were actually playing dvds, which they are, & all get the same result.
Today I've been trying to copy a dvd I burned from my dvd recorder hooked up to the TV. It recognizes it, opens it, & starts the copy process, but after just a few seconds says it's done & insert blank media.
Obviously, it hasn't completed copying it.
I had another version,, & installed it, & this one doesn't even recognize that there's a dvd in the drive.
I've tried several of my recorded dvds, which I tested to make sure they were actually playing dvds, which they are, & all get the same result.