
No announcement yet. - Cannot open a second DVD

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    Originally posted by iwords View Post
    The only older version I still have the installer for is That works fine.

    I've just tried my laptop which happened to have left on it. That worked fine, too.

    However, as soon as I put on it, it stopped recognising new discs. I'm sure if I still had the installer for and put that back on, it would work fine. It's 6.2.x.x that's the problem, I believe.
    What test(s) are you doing when using these older versions ? Are you just inserting a DVD, then removing and then inserting another as you previously described ? Or are you starting the extraction process ?

    The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


      Originally posted by AlienX69 View Post
      What test(s) are you doing when using these older versions ? Are you just inserting a DVD, then removing and then inserting another as you previously described ?
      That's usually all that's needed to cause Fab 6 to not open the second disc in my case, but I have also checked that Fab 5 will rip several discs to completion on the same machine and no problems so far.

      As another test, I've completely rebuilt a spare PC here with a nice, fresh copy of XP, DVDFab, absolutely no other software and completely out-of-the-box settings. It consistently fails to open the second disc. The older version works fine.

      Edit: BTW, although 6220 Beta's changelog says "Fix: ASPI I/O layer was broken in recent versions" it doesn't fix the problem for me. Fails to open the third disc.
      Last edited by iwords; 01-19-2010, 01:23 AM.


        I tried, you are correct, it does work properly !!!! PM me your email and I'll send you so you can test. I did the simple test insert/eject several times (@ least 5) and it updated the Source each time. I'm now in the process of extracting a few to see if it works properly.

        But as you are well aware we need to use the latest versions to handle any new encryption. Hopefully feng/ting are monitoring this thread as it looks as though something changed in DVDFab's code.

        The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


          Well I ran 5 discs through via my normal BAD habit as mentioned previously in

          In my case it all started from a habit that was created because of something I mentioned a good while back about the "Auto shut down the PC when done" field being too long. Every time I start a rip, I collapse DVDFab so I don't inadvertently click this field, I have done it too many times.

          Because of the above it created a 2nd BAD habit. When the DVD has completed its rip and the process is finished, i.e. the "Process Completed Successfully" pops up, the DVD pops out. At that point I swap DVD's to start the second run and close the drive's tray. At this point DVDfab;s form is collapsed but still siting at the "Finish" button form, I then click the "Finish" button.
          Well I ran 5 discs via the bad habit above by swapping the discs before clicking the Finish button which then returns you to the Main "DVD to DVD - Full Disc" form. Each time the "Volume Label" updated properly, the "Source" stays the same per the first disc initialized. But the main thing is I never get the "Please insert ....." which causes DVDFab to hang which requires a restart !!

          I went back and installed a few versions of all the ones I have, it starts failing at The next earliest version (I have) that does work properly is Beta.

          FYI: All the multi-disc testing above was done via hitting the "Cancel" button, returns to the "Finish" button, swap discs, click "Finish", next disc scans (via pop-up dialog), "Volume Label" updates, click "Start".


          The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


            Originally posted by AlienX69 View Post
            I tried, you are correct, it does work properly !!!! PM me your email and I'll send you so you can test.
            Cool, will do, thanks.

            Originally posted by AlienX69 View Post
            But as you are well aware we need to use the latest versions to handle any new encryption. Hopefully feng/ting are monitoring this thread as it looks as though something changed in DVDFab's code.
            Indeed. I don't want to bother fengtao by sending a PM, but is there a way of filing an official bug report or similar?


              I'm currently DLing Beta to see what it does.

              Installing right now and will report back in a few !!

              The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


                Not sure if the email I sent will pass through Gmail and hotmail, I did change the extensions.
                EDIT: Just got a reply from my email provider, it failed:

                //Edited by mm//

                Action: failed
                Status: 5.2.2
                Diagnostic-Code: smtp;552 5.2.2 This message is larger than the current system limit or the recipient's mailbox is full. Create a shorter message body or remove attachments and try sending it again.
                Last edited by maineman; 01-19-2010, 04:28 PM.

                The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


                  Hi AX,

                  Just to let you know and I'm sure you've figured it out, while gmail will not allow .exe attachments through their servers, changing the file extension works just fine.
                  I've done this a bunch of times. I just change it to .exx and the person on the other end just has to change it back so windoz will recognize and run it.

                  And I know you're just helping out the OP and please don't take this personally.
                  Fengtao does not archive older versions for downloading.
                  It's an anti-piracy thing with him.
                  Translation...this is his forum and the only authorized sites for downloads are here or
                  I would ask that you don't post links for other downloads.

                  Helping out another user via pm or email (ie., off the forum) is not an issue.

                  Thanks for your understanding.
                  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                  You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                    Hey maineman,

                    I did rename as you mentioned, his mailbox was full see the quote above, I usually just do .e and .z for zipfiles

                    If you like you can remove the links in post #37 and or the text.

                    Understand !!

                    PS: Just out of curiosity do you happen to experience this above mentioned, 1st disc scans, remove it w/o extracting, add a second disc, it scans but still get the "Please insert ....." ?
                    Last edited by AlienX69; 01-19-2010, 04:36 PM.

                    The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


                      Yup, I saw that...he needs to free up some space...

                      I just tried what you asked. I haven't read through the whole thread and I've gotta get my butt to work, but anyway...

                      Using retail app, v. Beta on a Win7 64-bit rig.
                      I ripped a couple of chapters off of 4 consecutive discs...I let Fab run through it's entire cycle and clicked Finish and then put in the next disc.

                      Fab correctly ID'd all 4 discs. No problems at all
                      If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                      You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                        Well hell if I can figure out what the deal is ......

                        I just installed Beta, still get the "Please insert ....." and DVDfab is hung, have to restart.

                        Just to clarify as iwords first mentioned does NOT do this, it scans the 2nd disc and updates the Source field properly.

                        @maineman (or anyone else who cares to test this)
                        When you get home I would like you just insert 1st disc, let it scan, Source field updates, remove the 1st disc w/o extracting, add a second disc, let it scan, does the Source field update or does it stay at "Please insert ....." and hang ?
                        Last edited by AlienX69; 01-19-2010, 05:22 PM.

                        The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


                          Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

                          Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

                          Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum


                            Yep, remove the 1st disc w/o extracting, add a 2nd disc (different disc/LABEL ID), let it scan, does the Source field update or does it stay at "Please insert ....." and hang ?

                            The default Log File location: C:\Documents and Settings\"User Acct"\My Documents\DVDFab\Log


                              Originally posted by maineman View Post
                              Yup, I saw that...he needs to free up some space...
                              That's not the problem, that's just a generic error message. My mailbox is completely empty. Anyway, never mind, we're way off topic here. I'll just stick with v5 until this gets resolved. Thanks for trying though, AlienX69.

                              Will be interesting to see what the others report, too.


                                AlienX69,First 3 opened up correctly updating source 4th crashed DVD Fab says it encountered an error.
                                Even if it's a little thing, do something for those who have need of help, something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.

                                Setting Up ImgBurn and DVDFab to work together

                                Tips for Posting DVDFab Logs in the Forum

