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consistent Problem buring DVD to DVD -> Write Data

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    consistent Problem buring DVD to DVD -> Write Data


    I have a DVD video Folder with VIDEO_TS folder which I am trying to burn to a DVD. I am selecting DVD to DVD --> Write Data and then picking the VIDEO_TS folder as the source and DVD as the target.

    When I am selecting the source a pop up comes up for a few seconds which is either importing/reading the files from the source folder, it seems to either cancel or not complete the full scanning of the folder because when i hit Start burning I immediately get "Process Failed!". Nothing is ever written to the DVD.

    This use to work fine for me but lately I had the same thing happen for two separate Videos.

    Can anyone please explain what can be causing this?

    Here is some additional info:

    - I am using the same Blank DVD's that have worked before
    - Windows 7 64bit system.
    - Latest version of DVDFab 7
    - Tried burning with pathPlayer enabled and disabled with same results.

    - Ken

    Use the higher folder, not the VIDEO_TS folder as the source.
    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790


      I tried that as well with same results


        Post the log files (DVDFab Internal and VSO). There was a VSO burning engine update in v7093 that may not have installed correctly. Try a re-install.
        Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
        Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


          Ok will post the logs but I have unistalled and installed multiple times. Also tried installing with the VSO engine checked as well as unchecked. Also installed ImgBurn and tried using that as the burning engine without any luck!


            Have you tried playing the movie from the folder on your hard drive to see if it plays ? This would help determine where the problem is.


              Yeah It plays fine in windows media player but what i realized is that it is a PAL format. I also tried to use converXtodvd to convert it to NTSC format but that seems to be failing too.

              BTW will DVDFab have issues if its trying to burn a PAL format? I dont believe it should but want to confirm.

              The problems is that its not just this movie, I am having problems with other DVD movies on folder too. I had another DVD5 movie which was in NTSC format which would fail in the same manner. So I am not sure whats going on.

              - Ken


                The PAL format is not the problem.

                Fab and any of the burn engines should not have a problem with that format.


                  Instead of using the write Data just use the Full Disc option and use the folder as source and burner as target. This how I burn all mine to DVD


                    Good idea I use to do that too but then I've run into trouble with DVDFab having issues fitting it on the disk. I'll give that a try though.

                    BTW this movie burns fine with ImgBurn so not sure what DVDFab's problem is.


                      Trying to connect the dots here...

                      So to summarize:

                      >You can decrypt the movies (both NTSC and PAL) ok with Fab, ie., these play fine when played back from the hdd.

                      >When attempting to burn wiithin Fab, both VSO and Img fail, regardless of which mode you use.

                      >If you navigate to the decrypted files and use Img as a standalone app, the flicks will burn ok.

                      Is this correct?
                      Please post the logs as requested by signals.

                      The default location is:
                      C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\My Documents\DVDFab\Log

                      What are the file sizes of the decrypted files that will not fit?
                      Please post your settings...
                      Are you certain you have DVD5 selected?
                      What is the Writable Media (DVD-5) Size in Common Settings

                      The devil's in the details...
                      If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

                      You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).


                        Lou Diaz

                        I have the same problem. I discovered I can burn it faster by using whatever burn software you have and just import the file. Hope that helps, but they need to fix the glitch.



                          >You can decrypt the movies (both NTSC and PAL) ok with Fab, ie., these play fine when played back from the hdd.


                          >When attempting to burn wiithin Fab, both VSO and Img fail, regardless of which mode you use.


                          >If you navigate to the decrypted files and use Img as a standalone app, the flicks will burn ok.

                          YES IT WORKED!! although it failed when imgbun was verifying the disk works completely fine on my PC. I believe the verify process just hit a snag when reading the disk at faster speeds.

                          I have tried to burn DVD5 and DVD9 folders to a DVD, both have failed on occasions and this particular time it failed every time i tried to burn the same movie, two different instances of it one was DVD5 and DVD9.

                          unfortunately I don't have the logs cause i uninstalled and reinstalled DVDFAB after my last try, but I've already tried uninstalled and reinstalled a few times without any luck.


                            Even if you uninstalled, the logs should still be there. C:\Users\Your Username\My Documents\DVDFab\Log\ and if you're using XP, they're in Documents & Settings.
                            DESKTOP: Asus M4A79XTD EVO/AMD Phenom II x4 945/4GB GSKILL DDR3-1600/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 SC/BFG Tech 600Watt/NZXT M59/LG BD-RE GGW-H20L/Lite-On iHAS124 Y/WD Velociraptor 150GB/Seagate 1.5TB/WD Caviar Green 2TB/Acer H213H 1080p
                            SERVER: MSI K9ND Speedster WA-6/2x AMD Opteron 2218s/8GB Kingston DDR2-667/NVIDIA Quadro FX 1700/Zalman 600Watt/Alienware Workstation/Lite-On iHAS120/Seagate 500GB/WD Caviar Black 750GB/Swiftech H20-220 w/ 2x CPU blocks & VGA block



                              I had some issues too. When trying to backup 2 different movies, DVDFab would just hang up. I reinstalled and everythng is working fine now. Maybe I will wait to update when is released.


