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v9.0.4.7 - Ripping to H264 format has stopped after 25%

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    BD Ripper (3D Plus) v9.0.4.7 - Ripping to H264 format has stopped after 25%

    I tried multiple times ripping Blu-ray and it stops about 25% completion. I had to cancel the job after no progression shown on the interface.

    I am running version under Windows 7 64 bit SP1 with 4 gig of ram and more than 300 gig of free hard disk space.

    I have attached the profile and the log file of one of the attempts.

    2013-06-26 22:26:43 ---- ******************** Log session stop 26-juin 22:26:43.977 PID 7736********************
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info Current Drive selected : 1:0:0 - Optiarc DVD+-RW AD-7640S HD16 [D] (Ide)
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info Using Advanced SPTI interface
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info System default language : Français (Canada)
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info User default language : Français (Canada)
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info DLL Version :
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info DLL : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8 Qt\vso_hwe.dll
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info Version : 8, 2, 2, 8
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info ExeName : C:\Program Files (x86)\DVDFab 8 Qt\DVDFab.exe
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 Info OS : Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)
    2013-06-26 21:56:34 ---- ******************** Log session start 26-juin 21:56:34.328 PID 7736*******************

    DVDFab (2013/06/26 22:45:39)

    0m 00.18s: Start preload dll...
    0m 00.24s: Load dll successful.
    0m 00.24s: Start load fabplay dll...
    0m 00.32s: Load fabplay dll successful.
    0m 00.35s: Windows os type is: 13.
    0m 00.46s: GPUAccelerate: 3
    0m 00.46s: CUDA cap: 0
    0m 00.48s: Support coreavc decode: 0
    0m 00.48s: Graphics info: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series : :
    0m 00.49s: Load config successful.
    0m 00.49s: Transfer settings successful.
    0m 00.49s: Qt Translator file load success
    0m 00.62s: Start get sys number.
    0m 00.63s: Serial number is: 00-25-56-d4-2f-b3:00-22-19-f7-1c-e5:00-21-6a-52-de-7c
    0m 00.63s: Reg URL link is:
    0m 00.63s: Version is: 9047
    0m 00.65s: Product is: 2
    0m 00.65s: Connect type is: 0
    0m 01.48s: Times of connecting error is: 0
    0m 01.48s: Parse string is: 11:8260762964
    0m 01.57s: Parse string is: 22:8260762964
    0m 01.57s: Parse string is: 21:8260762964
    0m 01.57s: Parse string is: OV:9047
    0m 01.59s: Parse string is: BV:9046
    0m 01.59s: Parse string is: S:e237286a6503fe995305c4d01ac344cb
    0m 01.71s: option dvd2dvd 1 dvd2mobile 1 bluray2bluray 1 bd2mobile 1 bd23d 1 bd2dvd 1 file2dvd 1 file2bluray 1 file2mobile 1
    0m 01.71s: End check info.
    0m 01.71s: Init GPU settings sucessful.
    0m 02.52s: Profile Manager :: End Load Profile
    0m 09.21s: Begin init preview play engine.
    0m 09.23s: Init DirectShow engine successful.
    0m 09.79s: Init burn engine successful.
    0m 18.91s: opening drive E
    0m 18.92s: opened i/o
    0m 18.92s: got media type 15
    0m 23.12s: got max lba 20358975
    0m 29.27s: got disc type 20
    0m 29.27s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 29.28s: volume label 2012
    0m 29.29s: opening drive D
    0m 29.32s: opened i/o
    0m 29.35s: opening drive E
    0m 29.36s: opened i/o
    0m 29.36s: got media type 15
    0m 29.93s: got max lba 20358975
    0m 34.18s: got disc type 20
    0m 34.19s: type Blu-ray BDMV
    0m 34.19s: volume label 2012
    0m 34.23s: opening drive E
    0m 34.24s: opened i/o
    0m 34.82s: got max lba 20358975
    0m 39.13s: got disc type 20
    0m 39.14s: internal path E:/BDMV/
    0m 43.38s: aacs 1 bd+ 0
    0m 43.86s: got bdmv
    0m 43.90s: movie name: 2012
    0m 43.92s: Vendor: TSSTcorp
    0m 43.92s: Product: BDDVDW SE-506BB
    0m 43.93s: Revision: TS00
    0m 43.93s: Vendor specific: 1113
    0m 43.94s: AACS version: 1
    0m 43.94s: Number of concurrent AGIDs: 2
    0m 43.95s: Supports bus encryption: YES
    0m 43.95s: Supports binding nonce generation: YES
    0m 43.96s: Supports Hybrid discs: NO
    0m 43.96s: got agid 0
    0m 44.03s: sent host cert chal
    0m 44.04s: got drive cert chal
    0m 44.05s: BEC 1
    0m 44.05s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0182
    0m 44.14s: got drive key
    0m 44.15s: got host key signature
    0m 44.17s: verified drive signature
    0m 44.18s: verified host signature
    0m 44.28s: sent host signature and key point
    0m 44.29s: got bus key
    0m 44.31s: got agid 0
    0m 44.38s: sent host cert chal
    0m 44.39s: got drive cert chal
    0m 44.40s: BEC 1
    0m 44.41s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0182
    0m 44.51s: got drive key
    0m 44.52s: got host key signature
    0m 44.53s: verified drive signature
    0m 44.55s: verified host signature
    0m 44.64s: sent host signature and key point
    0m 44.65s: got bus key
    0m 44.86s: got volume id
    0m 44.87s: got volume id mac
    0m 44.88s: volume id is correct
    0m 44.89s: got vid
    0m 45.15s: blu-ray 989659D8EBD3C764758D9392C7D45815338A71F8
    0m 45.85s: cert BEE=0x00 same
    0m 47.07s: D F72D1844
    0m 47.12s: got vuk
    0m 47.13s: got agid 0
    0m 47.19s: sent host cert chal
    0m 47.21s: got drive cert chal
    0m 47.22s: BEC 1
    0m 47.22s: DRIVE_VENDOR 0x0182
    0m 47.31s: got drive key
    0m 47.32s: got host key signature
    0m 47.34s: verified drive signature
    0m 47.34s: verified host signature
    0m 47.43s: sent host signature and key point
    0m 47.45s: got bus key
    0m 47.46s: got data key
    0m 47.93s: got unit key 4
    2m 34.33s: got bdmv
    2m 49.73s: got extended bdinfo
    2m 49.74s: opened blu-ray
    2m 56.60s: Work Profile : iPad4
    2m 56.92s: CommmandLine in fabopensource is
    3m 28.09s: Work Profile : iPad4
    4m 24.32s: Work Profile : iPad.h264.multichannel
    4m 24.42s: Work Profile : iPad.h264.multichannel
    4m 24.46s: Work Profile : iPad.h264.multichannel
    4m 29.19s: Work Profile : iPad.h264.multichannel
    4m 46.02s: Start check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status.
    4m 46.02s: End check Blu-ray Ripper (3D Plus) register status: Enable
    4m 46.04s: OPList at BD Ripper : (4113.2),(4352.2)
    4m 46.05s: Blu-ray ripper (3D Plus) check watermark flag: 0
    4m 49.37s: ------------------ convert work begin(1/1) ------------------
    4m 49.38s: info: create config(bluray2video)
    4m 49.39s: info: use profile(iPad.h264.multichannel)
    4m 49.40s: info: bluray playlist(632),angle(0),chapter(1->39),BDAV(no)
    4m 49.40s: info: 3D working_mode(disable), 3D format(sbs_lef_right)
    4m 49.41s: info: video stream[4113][codec(h264) opcode(compress)]
    4m 49.42s: info: set output video frame_rate(24000/1001)
    4m 49.42s: info: audio stream[4352][codec(dca) channels(6) sample(48000) bitrate(0) opcode(compress)]
    4m 49.43s: info: Subtitle Mode(Render) -- Display only forced Subtitle(true)
    4m 49.43s: try to use gpu acceleration(2) for video decoding
    4m 49.44s: DXVA GPU acceleration for video decoding enabled
    4m 50.49s: info: h264_encode: encode param profile(1) level(31) bitrate(1569)
    4m 54.62s: info: processing source(00740.m2ts)
    31m 34.61s: info: audio_decode finish job
    31m 36.45s: ------------------ all convert work cancelled -------------------

    Your first post and we did not have to ask for the internal log file! Good for you!

    Try turning off GPU decoding, it's my guess that is the problem.
    Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
    Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


      Still does not work

      I have deactivated the GPU decoding. It did not work. I tried other format such as WMV and it did work. Unfortunately, I need a format for the iPad. What should I do?


        You could try version 8.


          Stll freezing

          I tried deactivated GPU and it does not work with either version 8 or 9. The only formats that work are wmv and passthrough. If i used the H264, it freeze. I have no issues with DVDs. What are my options?


            Do all h264 conversions stop at this same approximate point? Please post another internal log session from a different disc.////EDIT//// Never mind, something seems to be broken in the software, I get the same error with BD and DVD conversions. v8229 does work, and 9045 might also, I have not tried it. I will pass it along to the staff in Beijing.
            Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
            Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


              Found the issue

              The issue was my new antivirus. I had recently installed Bitdefender. Once uninstalled, the problem was fixed. I did not have this issue with Norton.

