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Transformers The LAst Knight: Aspect Ratio Error

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    Transformers The LAst Knight: Aspect Ratio Error

    I am trying to rip Transformers The Last Knight but the aspect ratio keeps jumping in the file when I watch it. it changes around every 3 seconds so it super irritating. The Disk plays perfectly in my BlyRay player though. [This is the Region B version] You can see what I mean in this screenshot image Click image for larger version

Name:	Transformers-The-Last-Knight-Aspect-Ratio-Error.jpg
Views:	802
Size:	3.8 KB
ID:	345122

    Is this a problem with the protection or is there some way I can fix this?

    Your image is too small to be able to see accurately. We need more information to be able to help you, such as whether the Source was a BD or DVD, your settings,etc. which will be contained in the DVDFab internal log session from this conversion. Instructions for supplying this are linked in my sig, below.

    For images, select the Advanced Editor ("A") and use the Insert Image button as outlined in this post
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      Try turning auto crop off in fab settings for this movie then turn back on when done.


        Sorry Signals. I'm new here. It's a region B Blu-ray

        I attached the text from the logfile (I hope it's the correct text)

        The Pic is also re-uploaded .. you can clearly see how one screencap is fullscreeen and the others have different sizes of black bars on top and bottom

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Transformers-The-Last-Knight-Aspect-Ratio-Error.jpg
Views:	1344
Size:	24.2 KB
ID:	345150

        Thanks Faith. I'm trying that right now.


          update: turning off auto crop made no difference



            I think you will find this movie has variable aspect ratios (a bit like the Marvel movies). I agree it is very annoying. There appear to be three sizes in this movie:
            . full screen
            . small black bars top and bottom (frequent)
            . large black bars top and bottom (less frequent)

            I guess the options are:
            . No cropping: keep it at full size and watch the screen size change frequently when played; or
            . Manually crop to remove the small black bars (set top and bottom crop to say 60 or 70 - 'Keep Aspect Ratio' set to OFF). You will miss the top and bottom of the picture when the full screen segments play and the large black bars will be almost halved (probably the better option - less screen changes and not much picture removed).
            . Manually crop about 138 off top and bottom and miss a large portion of the picture (not recommended - the screen size will remain static but a lot of the picture will be removed)


              well no. when I watch the BR on my PC the aspect ratio remains constant with no jumping


                I have this movie as well. The bluray is encoded in the same aspect ratios as the IMAX theatrical release, which had 3 aspect ratios jumping around. If you look at reviews on Youtube, you'll find this a common complain for those who saw it on IMAX. When I look at the image before and after an aspect ratio jump, the shape of objects remains constant, indicating that it is actually the intended behavior.

                The software on your PC must be self correcting the issue and use an uniform aspect ratio by cropping when needed.

