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No Convert from 4K Movies

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    No Convert from 4K Movies

    Since version 11.xx I am no longer able to convert 4K movies. I use a 4K MKV file as a source and want to reduce it by removing other soundtracks. DVDFab starts with the Conventieren but you can see clearly that nothing happens. The time runs but no frames are processed. After a while, the message "Successful" appears but in the output folder is not a file.
    It does not matter if I use a new movie like Godzilla 2 or an old movie like Hostiles from the year 2017.
    In version 10.xx of DVDFab I did not have this problem.
    It is not synonymous s.eine possible copy protection, as they are without copy protection.
    Enclosed I have the LOG File used by Godzilla 2 and a screenshot.

    Please excuse my english but it is not good and therefore I have used Google Translate.


    here is the missing Screenshot

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2019-10-19.png
Views:	195
Size:	13.0 KB
ID:	373770
    Last edited by Sonnenaloe; 10-19-2019, 10:07 PM.


      Update : I try it with Version and it works. Why not with Version 11.xx


        Unsure, but your screenshot is not viewable, please follow this procedure in the future:

        In this case, the image was not needed since the log shows this error
        2019.10.19-23:18:44: Error decoding video
        2019.10.19-23:18:44: Error decoding video
        along with some others. The developers will need to see it, I will send them a link to your thread. As a workaround, you may try changing the AV Codec option in DVDFab Common Settings from 'CUDA' to 'Software' for decoding or using the original disc as the Source with UHD RIpper.
        Supplying DVDFab Logs in the Forum ...........................User Manual PDF for DVDFab v11................................ Guide: Using Images in Posts
        Supplying DMS Logs to Developers................................Enlarger AI FAQ.....


          Click image for larger version

Name:	Unbenannt.png
Views:	216
Size:	96.5 KB
ID:	373874

          You will see on the Screenshot the Time is running. But no Frames running.

          I do not use a disk as a source. My source is a MKV file. I want to reduce this source because 50GB is too much for me personally. Therefore, I remove all unnecessary audio tracks.
          I took the same source in version and it works. But in version nothing happens except that the time is running.
          I have this problem ONLY with 4K. With HD movies, the version works without problems.


            Sorry for the trouble, we will release a new version soon to address this issue, please kindly wait. Thank you.

