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How to properly name your media files for DMS

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    How to properly name your media files for DMS

    Media files and folders need to be named and organized in a proper way helpful to DVDFab Movie Server. This lets the Server fetch information about each show.

    Naming Movie files

    The scrapers used by DMS will work best when your major types of content are separated from each other. We strongly recommend separating movie and television content into separate main directories. For instance, you might use something like this:



    movie content

    /TV Shows

    television content

    Warning: DMS will do its best to appropriately find and match content. However, a failure to separate content such as movies and TV shows may result in unexpected or incorrect behavior.

    Stand-Alone Video Files

    Movie media files can be contained in one or more folders. To correctly name a movie file, name it as follows:

    * MovieName (release year).ext

    Where, ext is the file extension. (Some operating systems such as Windows may hide your file extensionsby default.)


    Batman Begins (2005).mkv

    Folder Nesting

    Movie files can be placed into individual folders if you want, but it's not mandatory in most cases. If you have external media for a movie (e.g. external subtitles etc.) you should usually place the movie in a nested folder along with the custom media files. Name the folder the same as the movie file:

    * /Movies/MovieName (release year)/MovieName (release year).ext


    /Avatar (2009)

    Avatar (2009).mkv

    /Batman Begins (2005)

    Batman Begins (2005).mp4

    Batman Begins (2005)

    Naming and Organizing TV Shows

    TV Shows need to be organized into a folder structure for each show. Once organized this way, DMS will recognize the shows and grab show posters, descriptions and other rich metadata.

    Naming 'Series' & 'Season' Based TV Shows

    The scrapers used by DMS will work best when your major types of content are separated from each other. We strongly recommend separating movie and television content into separate main directories. For instance, you might use something like this:



    movie content

    /TV Shows

    television content

    Warning: DMS will do its best to appropriately find and match content. However, a failure to separate content such as movies and TV shows may result in unexpected or incorrect behavior.

    Standard Television Series

    TV Shows can be one-off, episode/series, or date-based shows. It is important that both the folder structure and each episode filename be correct for shows to be correctly matched. If you're not sure whether a show is episode/series or date based, check and name it as it appears there.

    By default, DMS matches against , so you should name and organize your content based on the information on that site.

    Tip: For identically-named remakes, include the year series folder name, e.g. "Battlestar Galactica (2003)" or "Dr. Who (2005)".

    Series/Episode type TV Shows

    To name series/episode based shows:

    * TV Shows/ShowName/Season XX/ShowName - sXXeYY - Optional_Info.ext


    * XX is the season number

    * YY is the episode number

    ...Optional_Info is additional optional text (e.g. episode title) that is ignored by DMS, and ext is the file extension. (Some operating systems such as Windows may hide your file extensionsby default.)

    Tip: Be sure to use the English word "Season" as noted above, even if your content is in another language.

    /TV Shows

    /Grey's Anatomy

    /Season 01

    Grey's Anatomy - s01e01.avi

    Grey's Anatomy - s01e02 - The First Cut is the Deepest.avi

    Grey's Anatomy - s01e03.mp4

    /Season 02

    Grey's Anatomy - s02e01.avi

    Grey's Anatomy - s02e02.mkv

    Grey's Anatomy - s02e03.m4v

    Multi-Episode Files

    If a single file covers more than one episode, name it as follows:

    * TV Shows/ShowName/Season XX/ShowName - sXXeYY-eZZ.ext

    where ZZ is the last episode number contained in the file (e.g. "Heroes s04e01-e03.mkv" starts with episode 1 and ends with episode 3).

    /TV Shows


    /Season 02

    Heroes - s02e05-e08.mkv

    /Season 04

    Heroes - s04e01-e02.mkv

    Heroes - s04e03.mkv

    Note: Multi-episode files will show up individually in DMS when viewing your library, but playing any of the represented episodes will play the full file. If you want episodes to behave truly independently, you're best off using a tool to split the file into individual episodes.

    For TV Shows that are are TS files, what is the best way to name the show?


      Originally posted by defiantxab View Post
      For TV Shows that are are TS files, what is the best way to name the show?
      same with mkv files.


        This is very helpful to me. In addition to using the recommended FileBot program, I came across another free program that is helpful for nesting folders. It is called File2Folder. I am running win10 64bit and it works fine. Install requires the "Run as Administrator" to attach it the right click context menu. Select files, right click and select create folder. It will automatically create a nested folder of the same name as the movie, and then move the iso file into the folder. Very fast and has been helpful for me to move over 300 files to their own folder.


          How do I deal with TV series disks in ISO format? For example: CSI Season 7 Disk 1 (where the disk number runs from 1 to 6).


            What about personal home videos? I don't want DMS to try to match them and I want to build the meta data myself. I used to be able to do that directly on the Movie server, but now that UI is not supported and I have to go through and I don't see how this is possible.


              Originally posted by MattT1961 View Post
              How do I deal with TV series disks in ISO format? For example: CSI Season 7 Disk 1 (where the disk number runs from 1 to 6).
              Have you tried s01e01-s01e02-s01e03.iso s01e01-s04e05-s01e06.iso etc so on and so forth for each disc


                I am having trouble with ISO files as well. My naming format is S#D#. In many cases I do not know how many episodes are on the disc and it will be painful to load up each disc.


                  This was super helpful, Especially the info on TV Show naming.

                  What I've found is that by renaming a handful of movies and tv shows, as well as adhering to the folder structure, DMS is able to find the right metadata automatically.

                  This recently became really useful as I just moved my library, and it rescanned everything.

                  Thanks Juice for this!


                    What is the correct way to name special/extra shows for TV series? For example I have a Father Ted Christmas Special and FileBot suggests S00E01 as the series and episode. So, I made a folder called Series 0 and put the special features in there. Unfortunately really doesn't like that - is this a problem or is there a more correct way to name these?


                      See what it does with the new v1.0.2.0 firmware. I think I would just name it as if it were the next higher episode number. Season zero, not so sure.
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                        Well there needs to be a way to add special episodes. The way KODI as well as Themoviedb handle it is they are listed and named as Season 0. But no versions of the firmware allow for this so we need a way of handling them.

                        Here is an example:

                        Attached Files


                          with Firmware, how can I name TV Shows where two different versions exist? In my example it is Doctor Who. I named one Folder "Doctor Who (1963)" and another folder "Doctor Who (2005)" for the new TV Show. Also my filenames are "DOCTOR WHO (1963) - s01e01" and "DOCTOR WHO (2005) - s01e01" e.g. but the DMS is sorting everything to the newer TV-Show.
                          When I correct each episode to the old TV Show it appears corrcetly in the overview, but after a refresh everything is sorted back to the newer TV Show.
                          Also the 1963-files are nor automatically recognized as the correct show and can be found under Videos first where I have to touch every single file.
                          Do I have to use another filename or what am I doing wrong?


                            hi, clioschrotter

                            Please pm you account and email to me, so I can check this problem . thanks.


                              I am using the naming convention for the TV series Preacher and it seems to be recognizing it just fine.
                              2 questions.
                              1. how do we handle movies made for TV? Specifically Stephen Kings IT(1990). This is the way I named it but it created the entry like its a season.
                              2. How do we name a 10 episode set that aren't a season. Like Band of Brothers. 10 episodes. Do we just call it season 01?

