I do not think that locking the POST is the way to keep ppl happy. This DVD has been out for over 5 days now some people had it even before that and yet the software that some people have pay money for is not up to date and can not do the job that some softeware out there can do the job and that is free and you tell me that you will bann ppl for giving a work around. if those different kind of software can do the job and most of them are free. We the ppl that pay for DVD FAB have the right to complain and want answers when we have payed for the software and it is not working after 5 days and free ware is working.
I only pay for the software b/c it has never given me any problem but after wating 5 days for a fix i will be looking into finding a different person to give my money too someone that wants to keep there software working and working right. i beleave that there should have been a fix out there for something you pay for in 24 hours are less. It maybe time to make DVD FAB FREE WARE AS WELL SO THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUPPORT IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!
Lets get some post from the DEV'S on this and what the ETA will be for this FIX!!!!!! Witch there should have been messages from the DEV's on DAY 1
FROM THE PPL THAT DO PAY YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I only pay for the software b/c it has never given me any problem but after wating 5 days for a fix i will be looking into finding a different person to give my money too someone that wants to keep there software working and working right. i beleave that there should have been a fix out there for something you pay for in 24 hours are less. It maybe time to make DVD FAB FREE WARE AS WELL SO THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUPPORT IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!
Lets get some post from the DEV'S on this and what the ETA will be for this FIX!!!!!! Witch there should have been messages from the DEV's on DAY 1
FROM THE PPL THAT DO PAY YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!