Most rippers don't have a check mark for Dolby Atmos. Although my Amplifier does have the capability to decode Atmos, the equipment I directly stream Amazon through into the Amp doesn't. I'm afraid that it would be like passing the music through a filter. Although the Amp has the capability of decoding Atmos, the music coming into the Amp would not be coded for Atmos to be decoded correctly by the Amp, and the extended channels would be lost. The Cube supposedly has the ability to decode and render Atmos natively directly from a streaming source. It was commissioned from Amazon for Amazon specifically to render music streamed or purchased through Amazon in the best quality. I was just wondering if there is an audible (there's a joke in there somewhere,) difference between what is streamed and rendered directly through the Cube, and what I can get downloading in FLAC format and sending it through the decoder in my amp. I have to say, my Amp does a wonderful job pulling 5.1 surround from the files I download. Until I passed the music into my Livingroom Amp and speakers recently, I didn't even know that type of coding was buried in that format. I was stuck listening in Stereo and didn't know what I was missing. If it can be even better though..... The difference between proper Atmos rendering and what I hear from a FLAC file through my own equipment is the key here. I have no way of testing this short of purchasing a Cube. I was wondering if I could talk #mlknez into doing a little independent testing for me, and formulating an opinion. If there is a night and day difference (like between stereo and Dolby 5.1 Surround) I would probably have to rethink the equipment I'm getting my streaming services through,
I see... I was probably less than clear about what I was asking.
If you would, Please download a song in .flac format onto your computer using MusicFab, and listen to it through the Cube. Then stream the same song directly from Amazon natively through your Cube with Atmos, and see if there is a discernible difference. If you don't feel like conducting this experiment, that's fine. I don't want to be a bother; I'm just curious.
This is not about quality. Atmos tracks are mixed and engineered for more than 2 channels.
This is not about quality. Atmos tracks are mixed and engineered for more than 2 channels.
Thanks for your reply. The format that I'm downloading seems like it does quite well with 5.1 Surround as long as what I'm playing it through understands the imbedded coding (Which it does.). I believe I'll just stick with what I have. My small family room would probably be overserved anyway by adding two more speakers. I was just curious. Thanks again.
In other news, I just updated MusicFab to Although the "Protected Content" screen reared it's ugly head again, once I rebooted and restarted MusicFab it went away, and has not been back for several restarts. (Just closing and reopening the Spotify tab, or closing and restarting MusicFab didn't work to get rid of the "Protected Content" screen.) MusicFab continues to crash intermittently, and it seems that the issue concerning Multidisc albums has not been addressed. It's still dumping tracks for all of the discs into a single directory. After downloading a short list, the Track Selection window failed to come up again. This is also an ongoing issue. Restarting the program however, restored the selection window, and did not require a reboot. The Album Artwork, despite being in the tag, still does not display in Windows. I believe that this could be an ID2/3 issue, as when I replace the artwork in the tags, it is displayed in Windows.
Either I wasn't offered an update log, or I clicked right through it. I can't say what has been changed in this new update, but for now, it seems that my major concerns still exist. I am looking forward to the next update. If the moderators have any input to the Programming and development side, I would appreciate a gentle "Nudge" asking them to (perhaps) put a little more time and thought into these specific issues. I DO realize that the Spotify specific issues only concern one platform, but to me, major issues on any platform affects the program as a whole.
When I found out that I could also get 5.1 Surround from a properly coded .mp3 file, I switched to that format to save space. It seems, that the issue of the artwork not showing in Windows is primarily MP3 format. I downloaded a few albums in another format, and all of the artwork showed up fine in Windows. Just sayin'... No sense in casting dispersion where there is no blame. It's still an issue; it's just more complicated than I thought.
I complained about being Unapproved when I Post (But ALL Of MY Posts have been APPROVED) !!!!
And Chameleon CONT to attack ME, with his Unnecessary Comments and Accusations !!!!!!
Chameleon SAID,
""He was trolling the stream Fab subforum also, he is very rude. He should be banned.""-------
I was Trolling------I was Rude !!!!!!!!!!!!
Chameleon I know YOU have a CHIP on your Shoulder about ME, Please STOP !!!!!!!
OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please! Petty bickering in an open forum is beneath us all. ord1117, The Moderator (D300) was not trying to be rude. His/Her comment sounded more like a suggestion. What this means is, there have probably been complaints PM'd or Msg'd back to the Mod's from more than one registered user concerning a comment or comments you have made. (Usually the threshold is several different registered users) They are obligated to look into these complaints, and this forces someone to actually read everything that you submit before allowing it to post on the Forum. Trust me. They don't like doing this. The fact that everything you submit is approved and posted means that although often snarky and negative, your comments do not actually violate the T.O.S.. (The Mod's are usually pretty fair about things like that.) Although this is a pain for everyone, It just means your posts are delayed for a while (Unless they actually do violate the T.O.S.). Neither you or the Mod's have much choice in this. What I recommend is, just ignore it until it eventually blows over, and your posts eventually resume normalcy. ...just a suggestion. If we could not bicker on an open Forum I would appreciate it.
Well... It looks like ord1117 crossed a line. The T.O.S. (Forum rules) are generally known, and fairly liberal. Although some leeway is sometimes given, they are also fairly strict.
If negative comments were a reason to be kicked off, Microsoft would have banned me years ago. I know that my commenting on issues and deficits in an app, program or platform are sometimes construed as negative. There is no malice in my comments however. I don't loose any sleep over these issues, nor do I harbor ill feelings toward people who disagree with me in these Forums. The negative effect on my life and wellbeing isn't worth it. ord1117; If you haven't ditched reading this Forum thread; raise a glass and party on. Trust me; the heartburn isn't worth carrying a grudge. (Peace be with you.)