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Questions about MusicFab

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    Hi supine,
    sorry for the puzzle....

    I use the Firefox for web brosing, but you are right, MusicFab use his own browser.

    However, before you buy a second hard drive, first try to set up a local top-level directory under C:, for example C:\MusicFab\, to save the MusicFab downloads there.


      Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View Post
      Hi supine,
      sorry for the puzzle....

      I use the Firefox for web brosing, but you are right, MusicFab use his own browser.

      However, before you buy a second hard drive, first try to set up a local top-level directory under C:, for example C:\MusicFab\, to save the MusicFab downloads there.
      #StPeterOrding2015​:​ I don't need to buy another drive. I already had a D:\ drive. I appreciate the advice, but I mirrored your settings and still spent thirty minutes getting into MusicFab past the "Protected Content" screen. I even turned off the "Open Window After Download." It was the only way to stop that window from being troublesome anyway. I would rather have it open when finished, but there needs to be a way to stop it from appearing "on top". There must be another reason you're not getting that "Protected Content" screen. I'll keep trying though. Thanks for the advice anyway. I really appreciate it.


        I've never gotten the protective content screen either and I've gotten like 50+ albums/playlist. I've not touch the settings at all. I also use a VPN, not sure if using a VPN helps or not. My default directory is just Documents/Musicfab.


          Originally posted by Morpheus23 View Post
          I've never gotten the protective content screen either and I've gotten like 50+ albums/playlist. I've not touch the settings at all. I also use a VPN, not sure if using a VPN helps or not. My default directory is just Documents/Musicfab.
          #Morpheus23, Thank you for the input. At this point I'll give anything a try. I just figured a VPN would be about worthless to hide behind when I'm using my own paid streaming accounts. I have to log in, so it's not like I'm annonymouse. (Mis-spelled on purpose)

          [Reality is all in your mind]


            Well ----------- I have a Spotify Downloader

            That works GREAT

            When they get more APP's

            maybe I will try it.

            I'm Sorry it's Such a Pain in the BUTT


              I have two people saying that they have no issues. Perhaps it's me. I am going to uninstall MusicFab and do a clean install. I will post back.


                remember: i use musicfab


                  delete the folder (the complete folder !) below before reinstalling



                    The disadvantage is that you have to set up all the settings in MusicFab again. I did it like this before I installed the


                      Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View Post
                      delete the folder (the complete folder !) below before reinstalling

                      Yup, Did that! Thanks for the reminder. I use Revo Uninstaller to remove the program and the "left in's" from a "dirty uninstall", but it still misses that folder every time.

                      Well... So far so good after the re-install ( I will post back and let you know what happens. I have to make a run down south, and will probably be offline for at least two days. Rats! I forgot to uncheck the Open when finished box after the re-install. MusicFab continues to throw that window on top of what I'm doing and interrupting my work. I like it opening, but if I minimize it it needs to stay minimized. There is no reason for it to open "on top". I'll play with the U.I. before I post back again to see if I get locked out. (hopefully not) I look forward to reading everyone's posts after I get back.

                      Edit: Short Update. was released before I left. After installing it, I still don't see the "Protected Content" screen and I am not locked out. Unfortunately, I have capped out on downloads and cannot evaluate further. I hope they fixed the problem where all of the tracks from a multiple disc album are going into a single directory. Perhaps someone can give me a heads up before I get back.
                      Last edited by supine; 07-12-2023, 10:23 AM.


                        the folder i mean is in Dokuments: C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\MusicFab

                        vou can find the folder also when you in MusicFab in the upper frame click on the selection with the 3 lines lying one above the other and then click on "Open Log Folder" - maybe in english: open Log-Folder

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	grafik.png
Views:	274
Size:	18.5 KB
ID:	427834


                          Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View Post
                          the folder i mean is in Dokuments: C:\Users\xxxxx\Documents\MusicFab

                          vou can find the folder also when you in MusicFab in the upper frame click on the selection with the 3 lines lying one above the other and then click on "Open Log Folder" - maybe in english: open Log-Folder

                          Click image for larger version  Name:	grafik.png Views:	50 Size:	18.5 KB ID:	427834
                          Yup, Deleted the whole folder. Thanks again for the reminder.
                          Well, before I left, It looked like the team had the "protected content" screen licked. Upon my return however, It was the first thing I faced when I opened the interface. I uninstalled and reinstalled, and I still get it. I don't know why some don't.
                          Edit: Okay! After three reboots and many, many restarts I'm finally in. The first thing I noticed, is when I add a song or album to the Que, I'm bounced all the way back to the top of the list from anywhere in the list. This is new. When working with very long lists, this is more than annoying. I don't know what happened, but I would appreciate it if the team looked into that.

                          I did not put a double album on the list (silly me) to see if the issue of all the tracks on multiple disc albums going into a single directory has been fixed. I got a late start on this "Project", but I will make a dedicated effort to test this tomorrow and report back.
                          [beaming out for now] G'nite.
                          Last edited by supine; 07-17-2023, 12:17 AM.


                            Hello Supine,

                            I downloaded it from the MusicFab Website

                            Logged In (Trial Version)

                            and Downloaded 1 Song (from Spotify)---with NO Problems !!!!!


                              Originally posted by supine View Post

                              Yup, Deleted the whole folder. Thanks again for the reminder.
                              Well, before I left, It looked like the team had the "protected content" screen licked. Upon my return however, It was the first thing I faced when I opened the interface. I uninstalled and reinstalled, and I still get it. I don't know why some don't.
                              Edit: Okay! After three reboots and many, many restarts I'm finally in. The first thing I noticed, is when I add a song or album to the Que, I'm bounced all the way back to the top of the list from anywhere in the list. This is new. When working with very long lists, this is more than annoying. I don't know what happened, but I would appreciate it if the team looked into that.

                              I did not put a double album on the list (silly me) to see if the issue of all the tracks on multiple disc albums going into a single directory has been fixed. I got a late start on this "Project", but I will make a dedicated effort to test this tomorrow and report back.
                              [beaming out for now] G'nite.
                              Regarding the page going back to the top of the list.
                              Because it needs to refresh the page to get the download information of each song, you can select "Add to Queue" and then Start All in the downloading page.


                                Originally posted by Sylvia View Post

                                Regarding the page going back to the top of the list.
                                Because it needs to refresh the page to get the download information of each song, you can select "Add to Queue" and then Start All in the downloading page.
                                #Sylvia, Thank you very much for your kind reply. Although what you said makes sense, the U.I. did not behave like that before. It was much easier when I could back out of an album I was adding to the que, to the exact spot where I went into the album. True, after I was deep into the list it would refresh after every addition, but before I hit that point, the back arrow would take me back to exactly where I was, before I went into the album. I also like adding multiple albums to the que before I start the download. After I start downloading, the main Spotify interface page refreshes after every track making it impossible to add more. If I have somehow misunderstood your instructions, please let me know.

                                On another note,
                                I loaded multiple albums into the que last night before I went to bed. When I checked this morning, MusicFab was not up. It had crashed shortly after I left the computer, with over ninety percent of the que unfinished. Strangely enough; this was a fresh new install, and I had not only deleted the .log file, I manually deleted the whole MusicFab folder under documents before re-installing. The .log file should have been still small enough to attach to this post, but I got an error saying

                                File exceeds PHP's file-size limit of 2.00 MB.​

                                Something else that I've noticed: I got through with a short list in the que. When I went back to add more content to the que, an add list did not pop up when I selected an artist. Nor did an add list window pop up when I selected an album. After rebooting and restarting MusicFab (twice) I was finally able to add content.

                                Addendum: MusicFab crashed off the screen again this afternoon while downloading.

