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Questions about MusicFab

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    I first updated to, and tried to access my Spotify account around 8am local. Unable to get past the protected content screen, I have rebooted my computer, and restarted MusicFab many times over the course of the day. At 7:25pm local, I was finally able to get into my account so I could do something with Spotify. Up until now, it's stayed pretty well useless all day. While MusicFab was closed, I was able to access Spotify on the same computer. I'm looking forward to the next update.


      - When I tried to save the edit in my previous post, the system told me I wasn't authorized to edit the post. I copied the edit into this new post

      Edit: Now that I gotten past the "Protected content" screen and was able to load content into MusicFab, here is where we stand. The invasive popup window, although it continued to "Pop Up" and would not stay minimized, amazingly I'm able to type this in my browser without being trounced upon by the Window. Why that is, or what I did, I don't know.

      All tracks in Multiple Disc collections/albums are still being thrown into single directory.

      Once I get past a certain point in a Discography list, I'm still being thrown back up to the top of the list if I try to load an album or track deep in the list. This might be a Spotify thing, and MusicFab might not be able to do anything to stop that. It might be just me, but it seems that navigating to the albums past the end of the initial end of the list seems to have gotten just a little easier. This statement may seem a little wonkey to you right now, but if you travel down the discography list of a prolific artist, more albums will populate as you travel past the bottom of the vertical slider bar. You will see what I mean if you play with a long discography list.

      I must have gotten into a hurry and clicked past the release notes. I did not review them, and can't find a way to get them. I would like to read them to see what was done. It seems that all of my "Major" issues still exist. The list has been getting smaller, but I don't see where any of my particular issues have been addressed. I do keep in mind, that I am not the only one clamoring for the development teams time. Perhaps there are other issues that just haven't popped up for me, or I have missed concentrating on other things.

      Note: While I have been typing this update, MusicFab has crashed and disappeared from the screen again. The TSR portion (or program running in the background) is gone also. There is nothing in my task window. No error code window(s) was/were left on my screen. I'll restart and post again tomorrow if It crashes again this evening.

      I'm looking forward to the next update.
      Last edited by supine; 07-05-2023, 01:12 AM.



        The music you have Download is probably a piece of Trash

        Give it a month or 2.

        I hate to SEE you going thru all this.

        This so Called Music Fab

        Should NOT even be OUT!!!!!!!!!

        WHY Do they PUT OUT these BARE BONE Programs-----WHY ???

        Is the All Mighty DOLLAR---That Important ????????


          Originally posted by ord1117 View Post

          The music you have Download is probably a piece of Trash

          Give it a month or 2.

          I hate to SEE you going thru all this.

          This so Called Music Fab

          Should NOT even be OUT!!!!!!!!!

          WHY Do they PUT OUT these BARE BONE Programs-----WHY ???

          Is the All Mighty DOLLAR---That Important ????????
          As it turns out, I don't have to wait to report another MusicFab crash. Less than fifteen minutes from when I walked away from the screen, the familiar "ding, ding, ding" of files completing in MusicFab stopped. MusicFab had crashed again. I restarted again, and more than thirty minutes later, it's still running.

          #Ord1117, this software WAS released way to early. As you mentioned; fixes to some of the larger issues is progressing a little slow. What I'm trying to do here, is report issues from the field to the development team. (at least I hope the issues I'm reporting are making it there.) Unfortunately, I believe that I have let the thirty day refund window slip past me while I was trying to do this. So far, I'm trying to convince myself, that the benefit that I am receiving from the software outweighs the heartburn I get from struggling with it. I still don't know whether I picked the loosing side of that argument.

          I have hope though. Most software forums only have a Moderator, monitoring what's posted for content, and have very little (if any) input from the forum to the development team. Staff sometimes and (I am told) infrequently sample the "hot threads". If you have ever been on the Microsoft Forum, you will notice that very little, if anything ever gets done concerning glaring issues with the Windows UI reported on the forum. In fact, widely used programs, productivity tools, utilities and features are frequently stripped from the platform. Non utilitarian changes are made to the UI that actually hinders work flow and causes more "clicks" (or effort) to do the same thing. Programs, features and even functions are moved, renamed, or hidden under multiple menus with no warning or logic and it's up to the "Users" to do their research to find out where things went. There is a huge outcry in the forums over this and the apathy that radiated back from Microsoft concerning both the outcry and extreme distress this causes is profound. (Woops, sorry, getting off track here. I get carried away.)
          Here though, The people from MusicFab that respond inside these threads identify themselves as "Staff" not Moderators. This helps me feel confident that my input is making a difference, even though Forums are not usually a recognized reporting path for software issues. For such a minor thread as this one (where one person does most of the posting) to rate a "Staff" reply, gives me a warm and fuzzy. Even though I DO post "Tickets", I'm certain that if the Staff in this forum thought that it would be better for me to post another ticket on an issue mentioned here, they would say so. I am putting my faith in the "Fab" staff and development teams, to work out the issues that I report, and transform this software into a cohesive usable whole.



            DID You notice that they added a NEW App

            for ASIAN Music.

            Instead of working on the problems

            they were spending their time on other things.

            You still getting that warm and Fuzzy Feeling !!!!!!!!


              Originally posted by supine View Post
              - When I tried to save the edit in my previous post, the system told me I wasn't authorized to edit the post. I copied the edit into this new post

              Edit: Now that I gotten past the "Protected content" screen and was able to load content into MusicFab, here is where we stand. The invasive popup window, although it continued to "Pop Up" and would not stay minimized, amazingly I'm able to type this in my browser without being trounced upon by the Window. Why that is, or what I did, I don't know.

              All tracks in Multiple Disc collections/albums are still being thrown into single directory.

              Once I get past a certain point in a Discography list, I'm still being thrown back up to the top of the list if I try to load an album or track deep in the list. This might be a Spotify thing, and MusicFab might not be able to do anything to stop that. It might be just me, but it seems that navigating to the albums past the end of the initial end of the list seems to have gotten just a little easier. This statement may seem a little wonkey to you right now, but if you travel down the discography list of a prolific artist, more albums will populate as you travel past the bottom of the vertical slider bar. You will see what I mean if you play with a long discography list.

              I must have gotten into a hurry and clicked past the release notes. I did not review them, and can't find a way to get them. I would like to read them to see what was done. It seems that all of my "Major" issues still exist. The list has been getting smaller, but I don't see where any of my particular issues have been addressed. I do keep in mind, that I am not the only one clamoring for the development teams time. Perhaps there are other issues that just haven't popped up for me, or I have missed concentrating on other things.

              Note: While I have been typing this update, MusicFab has crashed and disappeared from the screen again. The TSR portion (or program running in the background) is gone also. There is nothing in my task window. No error code window(s) was/were left on my screen. I'll restart and post again tomorrow if It crashes again this evening.

              I'm looking forward to the next update.

              Please check your settings to see if the corresponding sort option is selected
              Click image for larger version  Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	269.3 KB ID:	427541
              Last edited by Sylvia; 07-06-2023, 09:11 AM.


                Originally posted by supine View Post
                - When I tried to save the edit in my previous post, the system told me I wasn't authorized to edit the post. I copied the edit into this new post

                Edit: Now that I gotten past the "Protected content" screen and was able to load content into MusicFab, here is where we stand. The invasive popup window, although it continued to "Pop Up" and would not stay minimized, amazingly I'm able to type this in my browser without being trounced upon by the Window. Why that is, or what I did, I don't know.

                All tracks in Multiple Disc collections/albums are still being thrown into single directory.

                Once I get past a certain point in a Discography list, I'm still being thrown back up to the top of the list if I try to load an album or track deep in the list. This might be a Spotify thing, and MusicFab might not be able to do anything to stop that. It might be just me, but it seems that navigating to the albums past the end of the initial end of the list seems to have gotten just a little easier. This statement may seem a little wonkey to you right now, but if you travel down the discography list of a prolific artist, more albums will populate as you travel past the bottom of the vertical slider bar. You will see what I mean if you play with a long discography list.

                I must have gotten into a hurry and clicked past the release notes. I did not review them, and can't find a way to get them. I would like to read them to see what was done. It seems that all of my "Major" issues still exist. The list has been getting smaller, but I don't see where any of my particular issues have been addressed. I do keep in mind, that I am not the only one clamoring for the development teams time. Perhaps there are other issues that just haven't popped up for me, or I have missed concentrating on other things.

                Note: While I have been typing this update, MusicFab has crashed and disappeared from the screen again. The TSR portion (or program running in the background) is gone also. There is nothing in my task window. No error code window(s) was/were left on my screen. I'll restart and post again tomorrow if It crashes again this evening.

                I'm looking forward to the next update.
                Regarding the crash issue, can you upload a log for developers to troubleshoot?


                  Originally posted by Sylvia View Post

                  Please check your settings to see if the corresponding sort option is selected
                  Click image for larger version Name:	image.png Views:	0 Size:	269.3 KB ID:	427541
                  # Sylvia, Thank you for your reply and screen shot. Yes, the output is being sorted by playlist. I tried to upload a .log file but I got a popup saying it's to big. Any Ideas? If you have a workaround, I will be happy to send it. I COULD delete the .log file and see if it crashes again; then send the smaller file (If that would help.). EDIT: I did see an area for output where I checked <Artist> and <Track Number>. I think <Track Number> may be the key. I'll post again tomorrow after I retry a multi-disc album. I don't have enough downloads left in the cue to try today.

                  MusicFab has been up for quite a while with no crashes. I have rebooted the computer and closed and restarted the program innumerable times to get past Spotify's "Protected content" screen in the browser. I left it up (after not being able to get past that screen) all night, and it didn't crash (but it wasn't downloading either.). After rebooting and restarting the program, I was finally able to access the Spotify interface this morning.

                  #ord1117, I have come to the conclusion that I have downloaded enough usable content to make the investment worth while. Yes, there is still considerable aggravation and I sometimes am locked out by the "Protected Content" screen (which makes MusicFab unusable), but I have downloaded a great deal of music (including some Discographies). The music sounds good, and as I mentioned before, some of the content is multi-channel encoded, which sounds extremely good, if you have the amplifier (and speakers) to decode it. Is the program ready for "Prime Time?" Well.. no, not really. But if you are willing to put up with the existing problems and (yeah, some still major) issues you can still download some very nice content. You just have to weigh the work, aggravation factor, and the fact that if you're in a good area, you can listen to the same music through the Spotify interface without spending more money; against the potential off-line content you may get and the freedom and versatility that comes with that. It has to be worth it to YOU. The MusicFab browser says that there is a limit of 300 tracks per day, but I have found that in real numbers, it runs around 340. Forty extra tracks may not sound significant, but it is. While the "Fab Teams" are working out these severely impacting issues, I intend to continue to download some great content to listen to "off-line". THE "C" DRIVE CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE CAPTAIN! Hehehe.
                  Last edited by supine; 07-08-2023, 12:49 AM. Reason: Star Trek misquote.


                    Sorry for the late start. I was locked out by the "Protected content" screen for quite come time.

                    Sigh... I checked all of the check marks under "Output", and it didn't help. All of the multi-disc album was still dumped into one directory. I was hoping that it would put the same track number into a different directory, but it didn't work.


                      Originally posted by ord1117 View Post
                      Try the 5K Player-----I Like it better than VLC
                      That 5K player you recommended is growing on me. It gives me a nice _raw-output. In other words, it doesn't act as a intermediary or filter, and step on the Multi-Channel encoding going to the decoding amplifier. Even some of the (self proclaimed) higher end" players "get in the way", and the difference is audible. Surprisingly, the native Windows app does a fairly good job also. With the Microsoft Windows teams track record though, I'm waiting on that also to be removed from Windows, and don't want to be reliant on it, as an important tool when it goes away.
                      Last edited by supine; 07-09-2023, 08:54 PM.


                        Hi Supine,

                        I Tried Windows Media Player --- Don't like it

                        Check out the "KODI" Player !!!

                        I like it better on my Android Box,

                        But it has Different Functions, Some you might like !!!!!!


                          Hi Suppine,

                          I thought I would give you the Meta Data from my Spotify Converter.

                          Album ~ Faith ~ 04-10-1998

                          Title ~ This Kiss

                          Size ~ 42.16 (21% Compressed

                          Original Size ~ 53.28 MB

                          Length ~ 3 Min--14 Sec

                          Channels ~ 2 (Stereo)

                          Sample Rate ~ 48 kHz

                          Sample Size ~ 24 Bit

                          Bit Rate ~ 2,304 kbps (DVD)

                          Encoder ~ FLAC Lavf58.45.100

                          Audio Quality ~ Perfect (Lossless)​

                          Mine Sounds just as good as a CD.


                            For Suppine:
                            maybe my configuration will help to solve the problem that you have, because i have not the "Protected Content" screen again since 20. June 2023:
                            • i use my email adress for spotify
                            • spotify free
                            • win10
                            • browser: firefox 114.0.2 (64-bit), because i read in the audials forum last year that chrome makes some problems
                            • musicfab
                            and I changed the output form C: to a 2nd HDD in my PC, thats my settings:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	grafik.png
Views:	272
Size:	32.6 KB
ID:	427741


                              and this is the lower part of my settings:

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	grafik.png
Views:	225
Size:	30.9 KB
ID:	427754


                                Originally posted by StPeterOrding2015 View Post
                                For Suppine:
                                maybe my configuration will help to solve the problem that you have, because i have not the "Protected Content" screen again since 20. June 2023:
                                • i use my email adress for spotify
                                • spotify free
                                • win10
                                • browser: firefox 114.0.2 (64-bit), because i read in the audials forum last year that chrome makes some problems
                                • musicfab
                                and I changed the output form C: to a 2nd HDD in my PC, thats my settings:

                                Click image for larger version  Name:	grafik.png Views:	13 Size:	32.6 KB ID:	427741
                                #StPeterOrding2015​: Thank you. I'll try that. I don't have a problem with any other browser other than MusicFab. I do have a second HDD that I can direct the files to. If this works I'll bet it's an important clue. The Staff probably still have to work on the issue for those that only have one drive. Asking people to purchase an External would probably be a little extreme. Right now, MusicFab just crashed again. I'll play with it tomorrow and post back. Thank you again (Danke (I hope I spelled that right.))
                                Last edited by supine; 07-11-2023, 10:18 AM.

