Originally posted by Sylvia
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I have a ticket open in the Member Portal. Although I can access the Member Portal, when I click on the Ticket link, nothing happens. I was able to access it once and read the reply, but now I'm unable get back in to post back a reply.
I updated to Ver. After battling with the "Playback of protected content not enabled" screen for a while, I finally was able to log in and load a few albums into the que. I was able to get my first album "in the can" and a quick sampling revealed no truncated tracks. It was a double album, and MusicFab put both into a single folder. (Two track 1's, Two track 2's..... all in a single folder.). Although this nuisance problem still exists, the high error rate seems to be gone, and tracks download "normally" and swiftly. The "Window on top" issue is still there, and when I paused the download momentarily to stop a window from appearing on top of what I was doing, MusicFab crashed off the screen (a report was generated.). Currently, the window is NOT popping up over my current work. It looks like an intermittent problem, but I have no Idea what sets the problem off or stops it. While sampling tracks, I noticed a very slight "hiccup" or pause in the music while playing. It's rare, but there. The "hiccup" appears in the exact same spot when I replay the segment, so I doubt it's a glitch in the player. I've only noticed it two or three times. When these "hiccups" appear, they are noticeable but do not totally ruin the enjoyment of the music. I'll report back on this as more of these appear. Although these "hiccups" ARE an issue, If you're listening through a streaming service.... well... I at least, do not expect 100% integrity, and do not consider this a major issue. I would like to see this minor issue go away though, if it's possible. (Downloading now in FLAC)
I was able to restart MusicFab, and downloads appear to be proceeding normally. The main function for which the software is designed for; IE: download music from a (for me, paid) subscription service, to be able to listen to it "offline" without interruption, or having to trudge through the streamers sometimes complicated (and in my opinion, just plain troublesome) interface, has been restored at this time. Although the software still has some major issues, I believe the team is on the right track.
I will try to access my ticket through the Member Portal again tomorrow. If you could relay the contents of this post to the development team in the mean time (and in case I still can't access my ticket.), I would appreciate it.
Thank you,

Note: All albums completed "normally" while I was composing this report. I have not found any truncated files in my several samples. I have previously uploaded a screen shot of the "Protected Content" error screen, but I figured I would upload a copy of the latest one. This screen gave me fits and stopped me from doing anything until I could get rid of it. I had to shut down the software and restart it several times before it disappeared. Rebooting didn't help.
I was reading through the update logs, and saw that they put an option into the control panel to not download the .lrc files. I can't seem to find it. If someone can tell me how to access that option I would appreciate it.