Sounds like a plan to me LOL guess I may as well have some fun with it and put the wifey up to "moving" the riding mower then blame it on her
Yeah, as long as you're blaming the wife, tell her you got her something special'll help her lose that weight she's always complaining to you about (pic below).
Then you can retire to the doghouse...for whatever little time you have
Attached Files
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
Now that is a good one Maineman LOL!! yeah I got the wifey, I acted busy and asked her to move the mower and she hopped on all smiles and started it up, moved maybe 3 feet and it started making a bad sound. She said she didn't do nothing and I just couldn't keep a straight face...needless to say she was NOT pleased. its just a bearing going out on one of the jacks on the deck, no biggie lol anyway I survived and hope everyone is doing great.
Yeah, as long as you're blaming the wife, tell her you got her something special'll help her lose that weight she's always complaining to you about (pic below).
Then you can retire to the doghouse...for whatever little time you have
Doing pretty well up here.
I believe this is my last "wintah" in Maine.
Wife and I just put in a starting bid on a house in SC...same neighborhood where we own property and had anticipated a new build.
Getting a great deal though, which means I can turn around and offer a great deal on my house up here.
I really didn't want 2 houses, but...
Debt's a great thing, eh?... "The American Dream"....
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
I believe this is my last "wintah" in Maine.
Wife and I just put in a starting bid on a house in SC...same neighborhood where we own property and had anticipated a new build.
Sweet, congrats. My ex always says SC is very pretty and peaceful. Not sure if you are heading to the same parts that she remembers as a child but still, sounds nice.
Getting a great deal though, which means I can turn around and offer a great deal on my house up here.
I really didn't want 2 houses, but...
Sweet, if you can manage it, then why not.
Debt's a great thing, eh?... "The American Dream"....
No kidding. If the dream came with the debt, it wouldn't be so bad. Its when one comes without the other that it sucks.
Sweet, congrats. My ex always says SC is very pretty and peaceful. Not sure if you are heading to the same parts that she remembers as a child but still, sounds nice.
It's very pretty where we'll be.
Tucked up in the extreme northwest corner...about 6 miles from the crow flies...and about 9 miles from North Carolina.
Sits up on a high ridge with a panoramic view of the Blue Ridge Mountains and a couple big lakes down below. We're about 1 1/2 miles from Lake Jocassee which feeds Lake Keowee via a big hydroelectric plant (Duke Energy).
No kidding. If the dream came with the debt, it wouldn't be so bad. Its when one comes without the other that it sucks.
Ain't it the Truth!
We're banking on selling our home...hopefully in the near future, but we're ok for about 5 years with our current economic plan.
After 5 years, if nothing changes, we change our plans and we're still ok.
The home I'm in is just about paid off...I just don't want a big mortgage this late in my "earning curve".
The wife does well however, and is 9 years younger...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
It's very pretty where we'll be.
Tucked up in the extreme northwest corner...about 6 miles from the crow flies...and about 9 miles from North Carolina.
That sounds very nice, I am very happy for you.
Sits up on a high ridge with a panoramic view of the Blue Ridge Mountains and a couple big lakes down below. We're about 1 1/2 miles from Lake Jocassee which feeds Lake Keowee via a big hydroelectric plant (Duke Energy).
Beautiful. Would that be Blue Ridge Georgia or just a coincidence in the name? I lived in Indiana for 5 years and we would go down there once a year for family vacation/reunion. I forget the exact place's name but there was a place where you could get cabins and it was very nice. I have pictures actually, just need to dig them up.
The wife does well however, and is 9 years younger...
It's very pretty where we'll be.
Tucked up in the extreme northwest corner...about 6 miles from the crow flies...and about 9 miles from North Carolina
I used to live in the Rock Hill area to the east of your general area but was only there for 3 weeks then me and a ex gf split up. hope things work out in your favor. It is a beautiful state from what I remember of it. I don't blame you for heading south because personally I couldn't handle the cold up North.
Yeah, it's a very beautiful area.
I believe I'm actually looking out over the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC.
Given more altitude, I'd be looking past them at the Smokies in Tennessee.
Once I'm down there, I'm gonna have to apply my Eagle Scout skills......and spend some serious time orienting to the area and get a real feel for where I am and what's around.
The cold didn't bother me most of my life...spent a lot of time ice skating, sledding and x-country skiing in my younger years and still enjoy alpine skiing now although I don't do it as much. Looks like this winter might be it for skiing.
My 23 yr old son moved back in with us (he's just about knocked off his portion of his student loans) so we should get some decent father-son time on the slopes this winter.
I'll miss the picturesque New England snows, especially around Christmas, but I sure won't miss the crappy roads and the now, all-to-frequent ice storms.
Yup, looking forward to the move.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
Yeah, it's a very beautiful area.
I believe I'm actually looking out over the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC.
Given more altitude, I'd be looking past them at the Smokies in Tennessee.
Ok, figured that it might have been a coincidence but since we were in the general area and its been a while since I have been there, I figured, who knows maybe the same. Thanks for the clarification.
Once I'm down there, I'm gonna have to apply my Eagle Scout skills......and spend some serious time orienting to the area and get a real feel for where I am and what's around.
Eagle scout huh, most Marines have that too, sweet, we're almost brothers
The cold didn't bother me most of my life...spent a lot of time ice skating, sledding and x-country skiing in my younger years and still enjoy alpine skiing now although I don't do it as much. Looks like this winter might be it for skiing.
My 23 yr old son moved back in with us (he's just about knocked off his portion of his student loans) so we should get some decent father-son time on the slopes this winter.
I live in sunny California so when I say this I get dirty looks but I don't mind the cold, I like it actually. I figure when its cold you can always put more clothing on, but when its hot you can only take so much off before you are arrested. Plus, I am not a big fan of HIGH heat, did enough time in the desert, I can do without the reminder