I am trying and am having similar sync issue.
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My investigations into audio sync issue
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Have you read any of the recent posts I or other have made? The information we've been given is that it was going to be about a month. That was about two weeks ago. Based on my math that would indicate about 2 additional weeks. Any way you slice it that's far too long for the nature of this problem.
I think I’m going along with GregiBoy on this one. I only use DVD-Mobile for my iPod Touch these days so I don’t do anything fancy with audio, I down mix to stereo. I use only software for encoding, didn’t notice much of a bump with CUDA if any. I don’t get carried away with bit rate, 1100 to 1300 is fine for most all movies. I don’t rely on the “same as original frame rate†I won’t go so far as to say it’s broken, but it is unreliable. I always check the frame rate as ripped to the hard drive then adjust it in the edit screen. I did Alice in Wonderland 2010, the DVD is in 29.70. I encoded for the Touch using default frame rate and it came out 29.976. I went back and adjusted to 29.97 and the sync is perfect. I could have lived with it at 29.976 so it wasn’t off a lot but maybe enough for some to notice. Attachments:How to post the internal log
Things should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.
Albert Einstein
I have been working with Stargate 10 season collection for several months. As several other people have, I am having a problem with Season 6 and 7, but it is a very unusual problem. The time sync difference is consistant, about 2 seconds throughout the episodes, regardless of the profile, bitrate or frame rate. HOWEVER, at the begenning of the episode where the Lion roars, THE MOVIE IS IN SYNC. Something is happening between the MGM Lion scene and the start of the episode which appears to be delaying the video about 2 seconds.
I have no tools that would allow me to troubleshoot this problem, but I hope this information willhelp resolve it. If I was able to insert a couple of seconds of dead sound, I would do that, but I don't have anything that will do this. I believe I had the smae problem with other free software as well.
XP x86 vs Win 7 x64
I have been doing some tracing on the same issue and I have noticed that the sync issue back before Cuda was enabled while running in XP, but after moving to windows 7 x64 I have been having the issue on pretty much every movie I converted. Some are not bad and others are horable such as Daybreakers was extreemely bad was almost 20 sec off by the end of the movie...Seriously this has to be getting worked on!!!
Audio out of Synch by a consistant Value
Originally posted by Floyd View PostI have been working with Stargate 10 season collection for several months. As several other people have, I am having a problem with Season 6 and 7, but it is a very unusual problem. The time sync difference is consistant, about 2 seconds throughout the episodes, regardless of the profile, bitrate or frame rate. HOWEVER, at the begenning of the episode where the Lion roars, THE MOVIE IS IN SYNC. Something is happening between the MGM Lion scene and the start of the episode which appears to be delaying the video about 2 seconds.
I have no tools that would allow me to troubleshoot this problem, but I hope this information willhelp resolve it. If I was able to insert a couple of seconds of dead sound, I would do that, but I don't have anything that will do this. I believe I had the smae problem with other free software as well.
In the mean time, I was advised to use mkvmerge to adjust the audio delay. This worked for me. Mine were off by 250ms.
mkvmerge is part of mkvtoolnix found here:
I've been away for a while... Sad to see that this one still isn't fixed... 284 days and counting...
With the number of users reporting this problem and the number of threads that have been opened about (in addition to the one above) you would think this would be fixed by now... I understand it's a re-write - but how about a slight pause on the BD stuff and fix a big issue?
I'm sure I'm missing some but:
Guess I won't be purchasing an renewal when my license expires...
What's the latest news on this problem, has anyone heard anything from Fengtao because this is a major problem and you shouldn't even be able to purchase a license for this program as it is basically unusable and the comapny shouldn't be making profit on faulty software, I know that there are many other commercial dvd converters out there which don't have features that dvdfab does such as forced subtitles and 2-pass encoding etc. but virtually all of them have listed on their website the following point 'Perfect and guaranteed video/audio synchronization' don't you just wish that was the case with DVDFab? This problem has been around for far too long and I want to know when this is going to be fixed.
Originally posted by DavidHart View PostI had the same problem. The audio was consistantly out of synch by the same amount, not the progressive problem that some of the others are having. As I understand it, this is a known bug where DVDFab isn't reading an audio dealy setting in the stream. I've been told that this is being worked on.
In the mean time, I was advised to use mkvmerge to adjust the audio delay. This worked for me. Mine were off by 250ms.
mkvmerge is part of mkvtoolnix found here:
I have found, after a lot of trial and error, that Avidemux corrects the problem for me, currently 1555 ms and still tweaking. Every other program I have tried that converts VOBs has the same problem, so it does not appear to be just DVDFab.
Other than this small problem with only 2 seasons of Stargate, I am very happy. Nothing is perfect, but DVDFab does a great job.
Hey guys, I sent a PM to fengtao and this was his reply:
'We are testing new engine now, it contains not only new sync engine, it's brand new for whole DVD to Mobile and File to Mobile, please be patient, thanks for your understanding.'
I am still getting frustrated though considering how long I have been waiting for this problem to get fixed because I can never get an exact date from fengtao or ting for when it will be released and also the software is still getting the usual amount of updates for blu-ray and not dvds. Do any of you lot have any idea how long it will take from reading the PM above?