I hear ya on light keeping you up, their not to bad unless you fall asleep beside it and then it seems my wife makes it her life's mission to take pictures of me all laid back with my mouth wide open
I wanted to wish all of my friends a happy, productive, and healthy day. I hope you are all doing well and that things are well for you. GregiBoy, Signals, Tom, Jim, TD1, Bean, Diane, Rip, W&B, Bob, Troy, SJ, and if I have forgotten anyone please forgive me, its not intentional
@rip, SJ is doing well, I still try to maintain visits to both sides to make sure I don't lose touch with everyone, its undergoing some renovation and it has slowed down a bit but people are there and doing well for the most part. Will let him know you asked about him.
@everyone, it is good to see that you are all having a good day and hope it stays that way for you. Take care but if we institute the cave, can I be the bouncer? 6'3" Marine built like a tank (ok mostly flab these days but there is muscle underneath, I promise)
Take care but if we institute the cave, can I be the bouncer? 6'3" Marine built like a tank (ok mostly flab these days but there is muscle underneath, I promise)
Weakling here needs assistance, being pressured into posting pics.
Well that sure backfired on me LOL, I tell ya what she took some on her cell phone and not really very good quality not to mention I was in my "comfort zone" so yeah I look like a slob BUT I promise if she hasn't deleted them I'll attach and send them in a pm to each of you lol I really don't feel comfortable posting in the open forum
One condition and to be fair, each of you has to send me one of yourselves also, a REAL pic of yourselves!
Well that sure backfired on me LOL, I tell ya what she took some on her cell phone and not really very good quality not to mention I was in my "comfort zone" so yeah I look like a slob BUT I promise if she hasn't deleted them I'll attach and send them in a pm to each of you lol I really don't feel comfortable posting in the open forum
One condition and to be fair, each of you has to send me one of yourselves also, a REAL pic of yourselves!
Will be waiting with baited breath, and no I wasn't eating the bait