@tom, this will be the first thanksgiving at the new location, IIRC, Well I hope you make it memorable and many more to come.
Nope not this one...we were pretty much spread out.
My son and I both worked through the holiday and weekend.
My daughter's finishing up school in Nova Scotia. Wife is the only one that had a "traditional" holiday... had a nice Thanksgiving with "extended" family and friends at the new digs in SC.
She's travelling again now and it looks like we'll all be together by Dec 15 for the Christmas holidays...for a few weeks anyway.
Hoping to be permanently moved down to SC by April-May...can't wait.
How 'bout you? Did you have much travelling? Big or little crowd for you and your family?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
Nope not this one...we were pretty much spread out.
Sorry to hear that, but at least everyone was happy and healthy, that's something to be thankful for.
My son and I both worked through the holiday and weekend.
My daughter's finishing up school in Nova Scotia. Wife is the only one that had a "traditional" holiday... had a nice Thanksgiving with "extended" family and friends at the new digs in SC.
Well at least that's something, busy but safe.
She's travelling again now and it looks like we'll all be together by Dec 15 for the Christmas holidays...for a few weeks anyway.
Well then there you go, make the best of it and have fun in spades to make up for the rest.
Hoping to be permanently moved down to SC by April-May...can't wait.
How 'bout you? Did you have much travelling? Big or little crowd for you and your family?
Well in that case, I am sure the next one will be a great one for you all.
I did ok, no traveling, life and health have a bit of a leash on me. I did however, do as I have done for the last 8 years, made the bird. It was always tradition that my mom cooked the turkey but one year she got sick and I stepped in and banged out a nice turkey and dinner. So tradition got somehow rewritten that now its on me to make the turkey each year, not to toot my own horn, but I make a mean turkey. So I did this time and even managed to feel well enough to eat a bit of it but mostly it was taken along with my famous cranberry yams to where everyone got together and I kinda stayed out of sight getting over this bit of what seems like a cold.
I did ok, no traveling, life and health have a bit of a leash on me. I did however, do as I have done for the last 8 years, made the bird. It was always tradition that my mom cooked the turkey but one year she got sick and I stepped in and banged out a nice turkey and dinner. So tradition got somehow rewritten that now its on me to make the turkey each year, not to toot my own horn, but I make a mean turkey. So I did this time and even managed to feel well enough to eat a bit of it but mostly it was taken along with my famous cranberry yams to where everyone got together and I kinda stayed out of sight getting over this bit of what seems like a cold.
Overall, thankful and doing ok, won't complain.
Sounds like your health has a tight leash, at least some of the time.
I may be getting old and forgetful, but I do recall some of what you told me back on cdf.
May God Bless you for what you've done for us all.
Yes, it sounds like you make a mean bird, but I think it would be the cranberry yams that would win me over too.
I'll bet my daughter would drive from Canada for a taste of those yams...lol
I'm happy to hear that you and your family enjoyed the holidays together.
There really is no substitute for time like this.
Yup, I'm really looking forward to next year's holidays. There's a very good chance that both kids will be close by.
My daughter has made the 2nd cut at Duke University School of Medicine.
She's still debating doing a dual MD/PhD...and yes she is totally out of her mind...not to mention the current cost is 71K a year.
My wife and I are hoping she'll attend University of SC Med School.
It also has an MD/PhD program and is 25K a year for SC residents as opposed to 61K for non-residents.
Fingers X'd...lol
In truth, it's tough to find a "bad" med school of the 131 schools in the U.S. and the worth of a physician, is a function of your own motivation and what you do with your residency and beyond.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
In a different life, when I started out as a med student, I did 3 years (2 medical, 1 phd) in an MD/PhD program. If she can handle the couple extra years, it will be a good choice to do both. It will allow her the freedom to practice and be around people, or just as easily go into a lab and do research, or both in many cases. Just my humble opinion.
Just want to say GuarDian, I hope you feel better soon ol' pal...and Merry Christmas!!! (jumped the gun on that but I know my luck I'll forget..oh and Happy New Years to everyone lol)
In a different life, when I started out as a med student, I did 3 years (2 medical, 1 phd) in an MD/PhD program. If she can handle the couple extra years, it will be a good choice to do both. It will allow her the freedom to practice and be around people, or just as easily go into a lab and do research, or both in many cases. Just my humble opinion.
Agreed, she is a bit of a lab rat.
Her senior year in high school right after graduation, she was invited to attend a Neuroscience lab "internship" at Bowdoin College here in Maine.
She absolutely loved it and still does. She currently has a double major in Neuroscience and English. She also had the good fortune to spend part of a summer shadowing a pathologist where I work. She loved that as well.
I have no doubt that your advice is sound...sometimes it's hard for me to get my head around the debt involved, but there's always a way.
You're right of course.
She should always keep her dream alive and it's my job to support that dream.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow. | Lauren Bacall | "To Have and Have Not" (1944).
Just want to say GuarDian, I hope you feel better soon ol' pal...and Merry Christmas!!! (jumped the gun on that but I know my luck I'll forget..oh and Happy New Years to everyone lol)
Thank you my friend, I am most definitely going to try. Well I was planning on rolling out the happy easter notices by the end of this week, so you are running behind Just messing with you, the holiday will be filled with a few procedures (my gifts I guess) but should not hold us (mostly me) back too much for the new year though.
Agreed, she is a bit of a lab rat.
Her senior year in high school right after graduation, she was invited to attend a Neuroscience lab "internship" at Bowdoin College here in Maine.
She absolutely loved it and still does. She currently has a double major in Neuroscience and English. She also had the good fortune to spend part of a summer shadowing a pathologist where I work. She loved that as well.
Nothing wrong with that, been there myself. I started in the labs as a pre-med and even got published and in one instance my work was referenced, but the professor said, you are a people person, lab will get old for you. So that's when we decided that I would apply out of the PhD program into a joint MD/PhD program. This is how I ended up in the midwest for nearly 5 years before coming back to my roots in California.
I have no doubt that your advice is sound...sometimes it's hard for me to get my head around the debt involved, but there's always a way.
You're right of course.
She should always keep her dream alive and it's my job to support that dream.
Yes, I have to say that as a parent myself who has been there as a student, I know its a tough act to juggle. I was able to do it without my parent's help but that meant 2-4 jobs at any given time with little to no sleep, which I was a natural at given the Corp but it had its challenges. I totally understand that aspect and its nothing to take lightly, I assure you my advice comes with that in mind, more clearly now that I am paying some of them back. However, its a once in a lifetime chance to either do or regret that you didn't. At the very least, even she never exercises that option, she will have the satisfaction of accomplishment and knowing its there for her as a quality that cannot be taken away on its own merits alone. Dang it that sounded like a preach, sorry about that, </end soapbox>
Just to add real quick, to finish my thought above. Even though I ended up now in law with another huge and expensive degree hanging over, I do not regret that I did it when I had the chance, in hindsight of the effort, because my reasons to quit medicine was personal and principled, not driven by regret of choice. Even if I went back in time and knew I would end up in law, I would have still done the program because it enriched my life by providing a perspective that is rare and precious. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge if you will, if I had to rationalize it.
Last edited by GµårÐïåñ; 12-01-2009, 12:44 AM.
Reason: final thougths
Nah, not even close my friend.
Your sage advice is always welcome
Thank you, its very kind of you to say. I normally don't give advice or comment on something without personal experience, so I made the assumption that my experience might provide a hopefully helpful perspective by someone who dealt and is dealing with both sides of that decision, and then some.
I am sure whatever you and her decide will be the right thing for all of you and I am sure it will be wise. You raised her, so tip your hat at having done a great job and take in the sense of pride and accomplishment. You must have done something right, so there is no doubt you will continue.