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Transformers 2 Thread Closed.

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    Originally posted by signals View Post
    This will be fixed as soon as Fengtao gets the disc. Shouldn't be much longer.
    So will this "main movie" work for my ipod??


      It may, but I would rip it to a HDD folder first, then run the conversion from that. I did see another post from someone that reported A/V sync problems.
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        Originally posted by jusmekat View Post
        Is someone looking for a region 1 / 4 copy, I have one in my hands right now.
        Can I help is some way? If you tell me how to get it to you, I'll start the process immediately.
        Thanks, I'm pretty sure there is one enroute to Beijing already.
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          It's like my DVD Drive isn't working.

          It loads but then it shows, title 1 0:02 seconds.


            Still need help

            I have read everyone's message and I have tried EVERYTHING and I still cannot get the transformers 2. I dont understand. Anyone having any luck?


              Originally posted by CarolinaGirl View Post
              I have read everyone's message and I have tried EVERYTHING and I still cannot get the transformers 2. I dont understand. Anyone having any luck?
              Read this thread from the beginning as you can do movie only with DVDFab at the moment.


                Originally posted by allenv30 View Post
                its works guys, do as above, version will burn with pathfinder off, ignore errors, use imgburn and use title number 47. I did it and watched it. Hope it works for everyone else.

                Thanks bean55 and fengtao
                works for me to


                  I have the US release and i try it on both Dvd FAb 5 and 6 verison with the same results.

                  Read the dvd then ends reading in about 20 seconds, Then ask for blank media.
                  Must be a new Copy protection!


                    hey guys
                    transformers 2, works with 6.1 beta .turn off pathfider,ignore erros


                      Look for correct time first

                      So far on the 2 disc edition in the US I have found that title 47 and 7 are random. Title 76 which is the one that windows media player goes to from the menu will sync video and audio in windows media player but not in Fab 6. But the movie length is important you must select a title which is 2:29:47, all the others are fakes to mess with the computer.


                        how do you do it


                          Hi people, I copied.. using 47.. region 4.. imgine.. killed the end.. of the movie.. and something more HORROR.. now have a movie: The Proposal with Sandra Bullock.. same silver DVD with the name of the movie on, no pics or something.. anyway. same copy protection.. Same transformers 2 [edit] .. I think the guys who is using 47 are just lucky or didn't saw the entire copy later. It's random.. it kills the end of the movie.. at least to me.. so.. probably other movies too.. unfortunely. check it out "The Proposal" when you can guys..

                          terribly ...

                          this guy: have the same problem as me.. 20 or more posts on the past:

                          Main Movie, Title 13 worked for me. Title 47 only showed about 1:10 minutes, but Title 13 was the whole movie
                          Last edited by maineman; 10-23-2009, 04:17 AM. Reason: profanity edited/ please abide by the rules
                          I swear for THEIR own amusement, their own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Buy but don't borrow. Borrow, but don't copy. Copy, don't sell. Ahaha.


                            Originally posted by DjRebeL
                            I was able to copy the full DVD with with no error. I figured it out. If you wanna know how.. Let me know.

                            I'm watching the my copy right now as we speak.
                            So Please tell us....


                              Originally posted by rq77 View Post
                              Hi people, I copied.. using 47.. region 4.. imgine.. killed the end.. of the movie.. and something more HORROR.. now have a movie: The Proposal with Sandra Bullock.. same silver DVD with the name of the movie on, no pics or something.. anyway. same copy protection.. Same transformers 2 [edit] .. I think the guys who is using 47 are just lucky or didn't saw the entire copy later. It's random.. it kills the end of the movie.. at least to me.. so.. probably other movies too.. unfortunely. check it out "The Proposal" when you can guys..

                              terribly ...

                              this guy: have the same problem as me.. 20 or more posts on the past:

                              Ok what exactly happened, having a hard time following you on this...
                              the copy ended with "the proposal" movie.... or the original now is permanently damaged with that ending...or I'm a totally off...okay u are talking about a differant movie all together...geez I thaugh some crazy bs where the disc knows it's being copied and self destructs to screw you
                              Last edited by maineman; 10-23-2009, 04:25 AM. Reason: profanity edited/ please abide by the rules


                                Transformers 2

                                When i try to do transformers 2 using dvdfab the only chapter i get is chapter 3 which is like 2 secs long. I see people have talked about turning off pathfider. I can not locate this, can someone walk me through it?


